My Hero Academia (9)

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This is gonna be kinda similar to the actual version of the sports festival but kinda not. I'm not gonna follow the actual timeline of MHA after this as much so yeah.. I'm basically going off of Wikipedia right now because I StIlL am on season 1. (I can't sit through a show without getting bored or distracted iM soRrY)

Now onto the chapter


"Hey Cranky Cat Man?" Danny turned towards Aizawa who was on the couch, eyes barely focusing on the movie and instead trying not to close.

His sleepy eyes narrowed at the half ghost.
"Call me by my proper name or I'll be adding another week too your grounding sentence"

"Fine, hey Aizawa?"

"Yes?" he sat up when Danny paused the movie, knowing it was either an interesting dumb question or an actual good question.

"How important is the sports festival?"

Aizawa squinted his eyes.
"Why do you ask?"

Danny looked down at the floor he was sitting on.
"Well... I don't... I don't really know if I'm gonna do it"

Aizawa sighed and patted the spot next to him. Danny slowly got up and sat.
"You know it's required and very important part for your goal to become a legal hero. I'm not gonna break the rules for you by helping you get out of doing it"

Danny didn't respond, too busy playing with the hem of his sweatshirt.
"I'm also not stupid, I know there's a reason other then you not wanting to. You always jump at the chance to use your powers. So tell me, why don't you want to do it?"

Danny looked up at him, his look of surprise quickly melted away into a small frown.
"Well... I don't know how my parents are gonna react to me being part ghost. I don't want them to find out but I also know they're going too eventually"

Aizawa closed his eyes. He wasn't very good at these types of conversations but knew he had to say something or he'd have a sad Danny. Nobody wants a sad Danny.

He opened his eyes and ordered Danny to look at him.
"Listen Kid, I cant say for sure what your parents are gonna think"

Danny looked away but nodded in understanding. He opened his mouth to speak but Aizawa beat him to it.

"However, I think they should be proud to have you as their son"

Danny didn't speak so Aizawa continued.

"You risked your life everyday to save the people you care about and protect the ones who couldn't themselves. At age fourteen you were- are willing to do things not even adults would. If there's anyone who deserves to be a pro hero, it's you kid. Don't let a bad thought possibly ruin your future"

Aizawas eyes widened when he saw tears in Danny's eyes.
'Ah fuck, shit, I knew I was awful at comforting what the fuck do I do-'

Aizawas internal panic was cut short when Danny gave him a grin, wiping away any evidence of the tears.
"Wow, I didn't know you're so good at comforting people, Y'know you're not as scary as some people say. You're like a cat! You act all tough but secretly is a softie" Danny said in a teasing tone.

Aizawa shoved him off the couch then unpaused the movie. Danny dramatically fell, rolling a few times.

"ABUSE!" Danny yelled, sitting up.

"Just watch the damn movie" Aizawa groaned.

Danny stuck his tongue out at him then crawled back to his makeshift bed on the floor. Spooky and boo were sleeping beside him.

Once Danny also fell asleep, Aizawa turned the movie off and got up. He made his way towards his room then stopped. He turned around and smiled a little at the sight of a snoring Danny. Boo was curled up, sleeping on his forehead while Spooky was sprawled out across his stomach.

"You're gonna make a great hero, kid"


Danny stared nervously at the crowd of parents and others sitting packed on the schools huge bleachers. He could easily spot his parents, they looked excited. Jazz couldn't make it sadly. She had to take her AP tests.

Danny let out a shaky breath and looked away, feeling as though he might puke. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see a grinning but also concerned Kirishima.

"You good bro? You look like you're about to faint" His grin wavered when Danny just shrugged in response.

"Are you nervous for the Sports Festival? Don't be! I know for a fact you'll probably win" Kirishima tried his best to cheer him up.

"Ha! As if any of you side characters are gonna win" Bakugou exclaimed loudly, earning the attention of his classmates. He ignited his quirk, a small explosion went off in each of his outstretched hands.
"I'm gonna be first place!"

That caused everyone to begin bantering back and forth about whose gonna win. Izuku, Iida, and Ochako all walked over to where Danny and Kirishima stood.

"Best of luck to you guys" Ochako smiled. Danny quickly took notice of her fiery grin and immediately knew she wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Danny Kun, are you alright?" Izuku asked.

"Ah, yes, I was gonna say you seem a bit nervous. Is it because of the sports festival? Because I have got too say that with your quirk, everyone should be nervous about you!" Iida tried to reassure him.

Danny took a deep breath then smiled at them all.
"Thanks guys, guess I'm just nervous about competing in front of everyone, including my family" It wasn't necessarily a lie, he was nervous about competing in front of his family. But not for the reason they're all thinking.

"Oh, I forgot Mr Aizawa wasn't your real dad for a minute" Ochako chuckled, causing everyone else to freeze.

"Hold on, Danny's not related to Aizawa... my life's been a complete lie" Denki looked at Danny in complete shock.

Over by the teachers, Aizawas eye twitched at Denki's loud exclamation while Yamada began laughing his ass off.

"Get away from me"

Back over towards Danny, everyone else also began freaking out at the revelation.
"no secret love child..." Todoroki mumbled to himself, Danny being the only one who heard.

"Well I mean, Danny did introduce himself as 'Fenton Daniel' not 'Aizawa Daniel'" Momo informed.

"Yeah.." Izuku said, Iida nodding in agreement.

"Okay, but-"

They were interrupted by the announcements. The festival would start in fifteen minutes so everyone was ordered to go get changed into their gym uniforms.

Danny's nervousness hit again, making his eyes trail towards his excited family. He looked towards Aizawa who gave him a nod and a thumbs up. Yamada, who was next to him, rolled his eyes then cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted,


Aizawa smacked him upside the head with a glare. Danny laughed which made Aizawas eyes soften, he looked back towards Danny and made a shooing motion.

Nerves now gone (for now) he turned around and followed his fellow competitors towards their respective changing rooms.


Danny stood in the U.A waiting room with the rest of 1-A, now wearing the uniform. His nerves were back, only not as bad. He wasn't going to transform since he didn't know if it was cheating or not. He also didn't want to because he may not be able to prevent his parents from finding out about his powers, but he could prevent them from finding out about Phantom.

As long as he kept his powers to the minimum and did it discreetly, his family should remain oblivious.

He noticed Todoroki confront Izuku about something just as they were about to head out. He spaced out through most but overheard something about how Shoto was more Stronger than Izuku.

They walked out and onto the freshman stage where the other classes were. Midnight was there with a microphone and asked the player representative, Bakugou Katsuki, to come up.

Basically, Bakugou said he'd beat everyone which caused Danny to let out a silent scream because now they'll be targeted, making him avoid using his quirk even more difficult.

"fucking kidding me with this absolute bullshit I swear to every fucking living organism there is I will..." Everyone around Danny shivered and stared at the grumbling half ghost, now nervous.

Taking a deep breath, Danny pulled himself together and stared at the now pissed off classes with a determined look on his face.

'I can do this'


"I can't do this"

Kirishima slapped Danny on the back.
"C'mon bro! That's not the spirit! I'm absolutely positive you'll make at least the top three!"

Now, Danny could easily make first place. However, that would earn him the attention of his parents. He would try and stay where other students were. That way he could use them to hide when he uses his powers.

The first event would be an Obstacle race around the stadium, so it should be fairly easy for Danny to not stand out.

As soon as the race started, Danny took off. He didn't go as fast as he could, instead matching the pace of the others around him. He had a decent plan that wouldn't reveal his quirk but also wouldn't make him lose.

He nearly slipped on some ice Todoroki created to slide on, causing others to become stuck. He found the perfect chance to use his quirk when a lot of people began to slow down, creating a large group. Danny was in the middle of the crowd, making him hard to find.

He quickly turned invisible and intangible. He easily went through everybody and activated his flight. Now being unable to see, he flew threw the air and towards the end of the course.

He passed Bakugou and Todoroki who was in the lead, Izuku close behind. He passed through all the obstacles, who were the same villain robots from the entrance exam.

He landed right beside the finish line and waited for somebody else to cross it first. When everyone else was in the final stage of the course, Danny for sure thought Todoroki was gonna be first. He quickly grinned when Izuku managed to blast himself in the lead, quite literally, while on a giant piece of metal. Izuku ran to the finish line and crossed it first, earning a quiet cheer from Danny.

Todoroki placed second and Bakugou placed third, much to his dismay. Soon, other students also began to cross. When a large group was visible, Danny flew into the middle and turned visible and tangible again. He quickly ran ahead and also crossed the finish line.

He was in 38th place.


They were now onto the second event, the Calvary battle. Everyone had to get into a group consisting of 2-4 people. Danny planned on teaming with Kirishima but was a little sad to see he was already in one.

He wandered around until he spotted a somewhat familiar face. He waved towards Shinso with a grin. He quickly noticed he only had three people on his team, meaning he needed one more.

"Hey cranky cat child man!" Danny exclaimed, walking up.

"I'm not letting you on my team unless you call me by my actual name" Shinso deadpanned.

"Aizawa said the exact same when I called him cranky cat man! Alrighty then, Can I be on your team Shinso?" Danny asked.

Shinso nodded and Danny turned towards the rest of their team. He immediately recognized the other two since they were in his class.

"Oh, hi Aoyama, Ojiro!" Danny greeted.

Midnight then went on to explain the rules of the Calvary battle. The student who was going to be carried by the other team members would be wearing the total point accumulated headband. It could only be worn around the head or neck and even if lost, the team would still be in the game. They were allowed to use their quirks but not with malicious aim. The goal was to collect the headbands from other players since they acted as the points. As always, the team with the most points would win.

Soon, everyone got into position.

Midnight started the event and all the teams ran to get points. Danny used some flight to help carry Shinso, making them quicker and harder to catch. He made sure to use it discretely so nobody saw.

Aizawa watched with the rest of the teachers. He had a small frown on his face as he studied Danny. He could easily tell he was barely using his powers as did all the others.

Meanwhile, Danny did his best to help his team gather as many headbands as he could. He managed to make some of the headbands around Shinso intangible whenever somebody tried to snatch one.

As time went on, Danny noticed everyone going after Izuku. Since he got first place last event, his headband was worth 10 million points.

It ended up getting taken by Todorokis team, his team was about to try and get it when the time ran out.

Todoroki's team got first place, Bakugou's was second. Their team managed third while Izuku's was forth. He noticed tears of joy in Izuku's eyes and gave him a grin and a thumbs up.


They were taking a break from the festival, much to Danny's relief. He was certain his powers were still a secret to his family. He walked past Todoroki who was talking with Izuku and made his way towards Kirishima.

He was with Mina, Denki, Sero, and Bakugou. Danny walked up and greeted them with a smile.
"Hey bro, you okay?" Kirishima asked.

Danny looked at him, confused.
"Hm? Yeah, I'm alright. Why?"

"Because with your quirk, you would of easily been able to get first place in both of the events" Mina explained.

Danny should of known his classmates would think something was up.
"I'm fine, promise. I guess it's just the nerves that's preventing me from going all out" Was it a lie? Not really. He wouldn't go all out with his quirk because of the worry about how his parents would react.

"Lucky us then! If we ever gotta fight, glad to know I won't die" Denki said, relieved. Mina flicked his face, causing Sero to laugh.

The four of them, except Bakugou, talked for the rest of the break.


The first match of the battle tournaments was gonna be Izuku vs Shinso. During the match, it was revealed that Shinso's quirk was Mind control. That reminded Danny of his overshadowing ability.

The fight ended with Izuku breaking free of the control and flipping Shinso out of the ring, declaring him the winner.

Several more battles occurred, including Kirishimas and Tetsutetsu's intense fight that ended in a tie due to their very similar quirks.

Soon, it was Danny's. He was against a student named Juzo Honenuki. He walked into the arena along with his opponent who he didn't know much about.

He spotted his parents who all began to cheer his name loudly. It gave him a sense of comfort, knowing they were there. He clenched his fist then stared at the ground. He didn't want to ruin that, he didn't want to ruin his relationship with them.

Then midnight started the match, and his opponent attacked.

Danny dodged all hits, it seemed like Juzo knew something was distracting him and made sure to use it to his advantage.

He took a few hits and began throwing a few of his own.

The match went on like that for a few minutes, up until Juzo touched the ground, turning it into a quicksand like substance. Danny quickly sunk into it, suddenly making him remember one of his childhood fears of getting stuck in quicksand and suffocating.

He did his best to try and wiggle his way out without using his powers. Juzo touched the ground again, turning it back to normal and making him completely stuck in solid ground.

He knew if he didn't get out quick the match would end and he would be deemed the loser. Juzo came towards him again, aiming another attack.

Danny phased himself through out of instinct. He landed on the ground and became intangible, dodging another hit from his opponent.

He didn't want to lose.

He forgot about his family for a moment, focused on winning. When the ground became quicksand again, he floated and spread ice all across the ground.

Juzo slipped and fell on the ghost ice. He got up only to slip again. Danny sent an ecto blast near his feet, making him back away. He repeated the process until Juzo was forced out of the ring.

He floated back onto the ground, suddenly hearing all the excited cheers of the crowd. His heart began to pound as he just realized what he had done. He quickly looked towards the audience and saw his family was gone.

He was out of the arena before he was even announced as the winner.


"Wait!" Danny yelled to his parents, who were trying to get into the Fenton assault vehicle.

He finally reached them just as they were about to drive off. He ran to his moms window only to meet the end of an ecto gun.


As soon as Aizawa saw Danny run off, he took off after him immediately. He tried his best to catch up but when he made it out it was too late. Danny was gone and the Fenton's were driving away without him. He didn't know what happened, but he had a general idea and it wasn't good.

After having a quick chat with Nezu he left the festival early to go after Danny. He was pretty sure he knew where he was. He quickly made his way towards his apartment.


Aizawa opened his apartment door and wasn't surprised to hear quiet sobs coming from the kitchen. With a depressed sigh, he took off his jacket and grabbed a muffin from his secret vault.

He walked into the kitchen and sat down beside the cupboards.

"I'm sorry, kid" He said, truthfully meaning it. He only got more crying in response.

He wasn't good at comforting, but this kid needed it. His kid needed it.

He opened the cupboard door and tried not to wince at the sight of Danny's bloodshot eyes.
"Are you gonna come out here or do you want me to come in there?" Aizawa asked, smiling softly when he saw Danny's sad frown twitch a little.

A few minutes passed until Danny crawled out of his cupboard and onto the kitchen floor next to Aizawa. He wordlessly took the muffin he was offered.

"I don't know exactly what happened kid, but just know that you're not alone" Aizawa said after a few minutes of silence.

He didn't expect Danny to actually talk but when he did, it broke his heart. It seemed wrong for the normally happy kid to sound so broken.

"She... she said I was a monster" Danny sniffed, wiping his face with his oversized hoodie. Aizawa wrapped his arm around him as he began to cry harder.

"Th-They said I wasn't their son. T-That they didn't raise a ghost. They s-said I was lucky I wasn't in-in Amity or else I would of already b-been..." He didn't continue and honestly, Aizawa was glad.

If he heard he rest there would've been nothing that stopped him from going after those idiots. Why were they so blinded by his quirk that they didn't see what he saw, what everyone else saw.

Danny buried his head into Aizawas shoulder and cried until there were no tears left.

"You're gonna be okay kid, I'm gonna make sure of it"



Honestly could of been better.

But honestly it's 1 AM and this took me two days to write so BAM

I feel like it's out of character, is it out of character?

Also, somebody said that these one shots were getting stupid and I need to know what everyone else's opinions are so I can make some changes if needed.


Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that angsty chapter,

If you see any mistakes, please comment x3

Tis all,

Good day

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