Prank War

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"Oh god, we're doomed" Elizabeth mumbled.

"Yes, yes we are" Paulina nodded in agreement.

"Should we put a stop to this... or just let them continue?" Star asked to no one in particular.

Danny, Dash, Sam, Kwan, Tucker, Mikey, Nathan, and Ned were all in a prank war.

"Let them continue. I kinda wanna see Danny put snakes in Neds locker" Elizabeth said.


Ned sighed as he opened his locker. Suddenly, dozens of snakes and spiders fell on top of him, he fell to the ground screaming.

"GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF! HELP! SOMEONE!" Ned screeched as some of the spiders began crawling over his face.

He stood up and ran out of the school. Danny stood by the exit, a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Next time, it'll be bats and a raccoon"


"So then I said-" Dash was cut off by a water balloon being thrown at his face. Instead of popping, it bounced off of his face and hit the ground. It popped from the impact and got Dash and his friends all wet. Dash was groaning in pain, holding his red face.

He looked up once he heard laughing. He saw Mikey and Nathan high five eachother.

"HEY!" Everyone expected Dash to beat them up. Instead, Dash angrily stomped and said,

"WE SPECIFICALLY SAID, NO PARTNERING UP DURING THE PRANK WAR!" He exclaimed, only to be hit in the face with another water balloon. This time, it actually popped.

Mikey and Nathen burst out laughing. They ran off.


"Sam! Quick! Danny's dying!" Tucker exclaimed, running towards Sam.

Sam suddenly turned around, slamming a pie into tuckers face. Tucker stood there, stunned, The pie pan still stuck on his face.

Once it slid off, Sam dumped a blueberry smoothie all over him.

"He's been with me since this morning, moron" She said, wiping her hands off. Tucker wiped his eyes. He opened them and saw Danny standing next to Sam, smiling and waving at him.

"Dammit" Tucker grumbled.


"SOMEONES GONNA DIE!" Sam yelled angrily as she burst into the classroom.

She was wearing her usual outfit, only it was a bright pink.

"WHO DID IT?! WAS IT YOU, FOLEY?" Sam stormed over towards a nervous Tucker. He immediately shook his head, scared for his life.

Sam turned towards Danny.
"Well, I know it wasn't you, so.." She turned towards Mikey and Nathan. She cracked her fist.

"Confess" she said.

"I-It wasn't us! We swear!" Mikey stuttered out.

In the back of the room, Dash leaned over to whisper to Kwan. He was hiding under his desk.

"Dude, how'd you turn her clothes pink?" He asked.

"I asked her mom to, actually. She was more than willing" Kwan winced once he heard Sams yells.

"You do realize you're probably gonna die, right?"

"Uh, yea..."


Ned smirked as Danny took a bite of his sandwich. Danny immediately froze and looked at his food. His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

He put his sandwich down and opened it. It was filled with ghost peppers. Everyones eyes widened. They waited for Danny to feel the effects.

Instead, he smiled happily and picked one up.
"Yes! I love ghost peppers!" Danny exclaimed, eating one whole. Seeds and everything.

Everyone stared at Danny in shock. Sam looked grossed out along with Tucker. Ned just got up and stormed off.

Danny cackled as Ned stormed out of the room. He ate another one.

"They're like chips to him. He eats them all the time" Sam explained.

"How..." Star mumbled.

"Cuz imma ghost" Danny said, eating another ghost pepper.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

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