The Ultimate Duo (1)

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Everyone is doomed




"THAT'S SO AWESOME!" They both exclaimed.

Danny got bored and decided to take a (quick) vacation. He really wanted to meet the Spider-man of queens but instead met a boy around his age Peter Parker.

Peter was showing Danny around until a bank robbery appeared. Danny and Peter ran off and changed into their alter egos.

They both worked together to stop the robbery and succeeded. They were both internally freaking out about meeting one of their favorite heros as they worked.

After they were done, they once again split up and found an alleyway they could secretly change back.

They didn't realize they chose the exact same alley until Peter saw Danny transform back and Danny saw Peter take his mask off.

"How did you half die?? Lab accident?" Peters eyes widened.
"Wait! That sounds rude and personal! You don't have to answer!"

Danny smiled.
"Nah, it's fine! And yea, actually. It was a lab accident. Did you get bit by a radioactive spider or something?"

Peter blinked.
"Yea, I did! Do you have mind reading powers!?"

"I wish! That would be so cool!" Danny exclaimed.

They sat in a comfortable silence until Danny broke it.

"Wanna prank some people?"



Danny tried not to scream as he watched the Avengers through the air vents. Peter was beside him in his Spider-man suit.

"You're trespassing into my territory" Danny yelped in surprise as he turned to see,

"Hawkeye!" Danny whispered in excitement. His neon green eyes brightened in the dark.

"Hey Clint" Peter waved.

"Sup squirt, squirts friend" Clint waved towards Danny. Danny waved back.

"I-I'm D-Danny!" Danny introduced.

"You look familiar- YOU'RE DANNY PHANTOM" Peter and Danny both covered his mouth, shushing him.

"Shhh! We're going to prank everyone! Be quiet!" Peter whispered. Clint nodded. They removed their hands.

"You know me!?" Danny whispered in disbelief.

"Everyone does. Fury was talking about inviting you into the avengers" Danny nearly passed out in excitement.

"Ok! Everyone is in the room, should we do it now?" Peter asked. Danny nodded.

"Wait! I want in on whatever you're going to do!" Clint said. Danny and Peter both looked at eachother and shrugged.



"Where's Peter?" Tony asked, walking into the Avengers living room where everyone else was.

"He's your kid. You should know" Rhodey smirked at the glare he received.

Tony rolled his eyes, not denying it. He sat down next to Natasha who was painting her nails a scarlet red color.

"Friday, Where's underoos?"


Tony frowned.


"What the f-"



Everyone looked up, a bit startled, when a voice filled the room. It wasn't Fridays.

"RuN fOr YoUr LiVeS"

Sam put down the book he was reading. The voice had a strange echo to it.


Everyone, except Natasha, jumped from their seats as Peter and Clint phased through the ceiling and into the room. They were floating and had a green glow to them.


"Peter!? What the hell?!" Tony said, confused.

"YoU aLl ArE dOoMeD" Clint exclaimed.

"I had no Idea you could do that!" Thor said in awe.

Natasha put down her nail polish. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the T.V remote. She threw it at the space in between Peter and Clint.

The remote suddenly stopped as if it hit something. It then fell to the ground along with Peter and Clint. A boy with white hair and green eyes appeared in the spot where the remote hit. He then fell to the ground as well.

"I'm going down to the lab" Bruce mumbled.

"Oww... should of gone intangible" The white haired boy groaned as he sat up. He was rubbing a bruise on his forehead.

"That did not help my concussion" he mumbled.

Peter and Clint stood up.
"This is Danny Phantom" Peter said, helping Danny stand up.

"Wait... Phantom? You met Phantom?" Steve said, shocked. Peter nodded, smiling. Danny waved. Steve waved back.

"You have a strong throw" Danny turned to face Natasha. His eyes widened.


"Language" Steve mumbled.

"I'm not destroying my muffins!" Danny instantly blurted out. He blushed in embarrassment as he realized what he said.

"Ignoring that, what are you doing here? Don't you live in that one place... Amy something..?" Rhodey trailed off.

"Amity Park?"

"Yea! There"

"Yea, I was bored and decided to travel a bit. I also had to leave before I ended up having to call Skulker because one of my 'friends' thought it would be funny to put salt all over my muffins..." Danny grumbled the last part.

"Isn't Salt toxic to ghosts?" Bruce asked, deciding to stay and learn more about ghosts.

"Apparently... Since i'm only half ghost it doesn't affect me as much" Danny explained.

Everyone knew that Phantom was only half ghost. Nobody except his friends, including Peter, and his family knew who his human half was.

"How can you only be part ghost?" Sam asked.

"When you get zapped with enough electricity and ectoplasm that it completely rearranges your molecules"


"How'd you manage to..." Clint trailed off.

"Oh! My parents are ghost hunters and built a portal to the ghost zone. It didn't work so my girlfriend said I should check it out and I did. Ended up tripping over some stupid wires and accidentally put my hand on the 'on' button. It turned on with me still inside and NOW THIS!" Danny exclaimed, pointing to himself.

"...the on button was-"

"Yea, my dad is really smart but at the same time... not..."

"You're a ghost and your parents are ghost hunters?" Tony asked. Danny nodded his head.

"Yea, but they're cool with it! Took me nearly two years to get the guts to tell them"

Everyone let out a breath of relief they didn't realize they've been holding.

"The Guys In White are still after you, aren't they?" Danny turned and looked at Natasha in surprise.

"You know about them?" Danny asked, surprised. Tony immediately groaned at the mention on them.

"Those assholes are paterners of hydra" He said.

"They are!?!?" Danny exclaimed, shocked.

"Yea, try to stay clear of them. We're trying to take them down. Do you think they know who your human identity is?" Steve asked.

"I had an incident with an agent six months ago but I don't think she told the others... or is even alive" Danny mumbled the last part. Sam really beat Gabrielle up...

"Good. Be careful"

"I'm always careful!" Danny argued. He knew that if his friends were here they'd immediately disagree.

"But you told me that your-" Peter started but was cut off by Danny.

"HEY! WE SHOULD PRANK MY FRIENDS NEXT!" Danny exclaimed. Peters eyes brightened.

"LETS DO IT!" He put his mask on. Danny grabbed his arm, turning them both intangible.

"Wait I wanna go to!" Clint said.

Danny used his other arm and also turned clint intangible. Danny flew them out the window, turning invisible.


MEET! This is my first time writing any of the Avengers. Were they out of character? If so, sorry...

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