Trapped (1)

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AU where Danny gets stuck in the ghost zone when he first got his powers and everyone thought he died then he comes back like 'SURPRISE BITCH!' After a few years.

I also figured out how to comment gifs and I cAn NoT sToP


"Why don't you go check it out?"

Danny looked at the large metal machine that his parents made. It supposedly led to the ghost zone. He was curious as to why it didn't work when his parents had spent so much time perfecting it. The only reason he could think of is that ghosts and the ghost zone simply didn't exist.

So what's the harm of checking it out?

He turned towards his gothic friend.

He walked over towards all of the spare jumpsuits. He slipped it on over his clothes. He raised his eyebrow at the large picture of his dads face on the front and peeled it off, tossing it into the nearby trash can.

"Be careful" Tucker told him. He had an uneasy feeling about all of this.

"He'll be fine" Sam rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Won't you?"

Danny smiled back. He could tell she also was a tad bit worried.
"Of course"

He turned towards the broken portal and stepped inside. There were wires on the ground and on the walls.

He took a few more steps, looking around. It must of cost a lot to build this.

Danny suddenly yelped, tripping over one of the wires. He caught himself by pressing his hands against the wall. He frowned when it felt like he pressed something.


He was cut off by pain.

Excruciating Pain. Screaming filled the once quiet area. He didn't hear Sam and Tuckers concerned shouts.

His cries died out along with the green glow that the portal was giving off.

Sam and Tucker stared in horror at the empty ghost portal and the disappearance of their best friend.



Danny woke up, gasping. His gasps turned into hyperventilation as he took in his surroundings. He was floating and everything was green.

Purple doors and little islands were floating around everywhere. He frantically spun around looking for anything that might bring him back.

"Kid, you ok?" Danny held back a scream at the new voice. He turned back around, eyes widening.

It was an older looking girl. She had light blue skin with a darker shade of blue as her hair. It resembled fire. She was definitely not human.

Danny stood in shock, not knowing what to say. What was she? Who was she? Where the hell was he at?

"W-Wh-" Danny struggled to speak. He looked around, panicked and confused.

"You must be new. The names Ember, you're dead now"

Danny immediately froze. He couldn't be dead. He could still feel his heartbeat. He lifted his hand to his chest just to make sure. Thats when he noticed something. He brought his white gloved hand to his face. He could have sworn he was wearing black gloves.

He looked at the rest of his jumpsuit. He furrowed his eyebrows. He was wearing a black suit with white boots instead of a white suit with black boots.

Why'd it change?

A few strands of his hair fell into his view. He couldn't hold back his gasp. His once black hair color was now a bright snow white.

"What the..." He mumbled.

"Yeah, your appearance kinda changes once you're dead" Ember paused for a moment as she thought.
"Although... you are very different from the other ghosts here... no other ghost has white hair and your eyes seem way greener"

He has green eyes now?

Danny was in shock. He wanted to go home. He didn't like it here. He missed his parents and his sister, he missed his friends, he even missed his school mates.

"I...I can't be..." Danny whispered out. Embers face softened.

"I remember my first time waking up here... I'll give you some tips, stay away from Skulker and his island. He captures ghosts that he finds interesting which means you're probably on that list. He's my boyfriend though so if he catches you i'll help you out. Youngblood is ok, just annoying as fuck. Same with the box ghost. Stay away from Spectre, she's a bitch. The lunch lady is fine as long as you don't mess with her food. Pointdexter is also good. However, the one person you really want to avoid is Walker. He's the ghost zones warden and will throw you in jail the first chance he gets" Ember told him.

Danny couldn't stop his eyes from watering. What he had just learned did not calm him.

"Hey hey! Don't cry! I don't do emotions. You'll like it here. Now I gotta get going, see you" Ember turned around and flew off, leaving Danny alone.

Danny flew to a little patch of land and sat down.

He wanted to go home.


Danny had no idea how long he'd been in the ghost zone. He was currently flying around while looking for any possible way out. He knew he wasn't completely dead.

He still had a heartbeat.

Danny gasped in surprise as a green blast of some sort flew past his head. He quickly turned around, heart racing.

In front of him floated an armored ghost. It had green hair which looked like fire, much like Embers. It was pointing some sort of gun at him.

"Hm.. never seen a ghost like you before" He said, smirking. He pressed a button on his gun and a net shot out, Trapping Danny.

"No ghost can phase out of that"

But i'm not a ghost! I can't be! Danny thought, eyes widening as the ghost stepped closer.

I wanna be human!

Suddenly, two bright rings of energy appeared around Dannys waist. The rings split, traveling in different directions until they disappeared. The ghost took a step back in surprise.

Danny nearly cried in happiness when he saw that he was in his original clothes. His hair was back to normal as well. He was confused on what happened but he wasn't complaining. He was back to normal.

He quickly went through the net. He figured out how to phase through stuff a few hours after his first arrival.

"Impossible! Another halfa!?" The armored ghost cried.

"Halfa?" Danny questioned, confused.

"I will have your pelt on my wall! For I am Skulker! The ghost zones greatest hunter!" Skulker proudly announced.

So this is Skulker? What does Ember see in him?

Skulker began shooting those green blasts at him again. Danny tried his best to not get hit. However, he couldn't dodge all of them.

He saw a blast coming straight towards his face. He closed his eyes and held his hands up. He waited for the pain but it never came.

Opening his eyes, he was surprised to see a green sheild surrounding him. He was even more surprised to see that he was the one who made it.

Skulker also seemed surprised. Danny used his moment of shock as an advantage. He quickly flew away as fast as he could.

He really wanted to go home.

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