What you've all been waiting for

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Idk what to say so imma just start the chappy~



PoorTiredGrandpa: He's in the faucet

StarLight: thankyouuuuu :D

DannyMuffin: MR LANCERRR why'd u tell her :((((

PoorTiredGrandpa: Do your homework

PoorTiredGrandpa has left the chat

DannyMuffin: 👁💧👄💧👁


"Hey Paulina! Heard that you and Dash broke up so... wanna come over to my house tonight?" One of the players on Dashs' football team asked. She didn't know his name, or even knew he existed for that matter. His suggestive eyebrow wiggle made her wish she still never knew he existed.

"Ew, don't just ask me that I barely know you, creep" Where was Danny when you actually needed him to harm somebody.

"Oh don't be like that" He put an arm around her. She immediately tried to shove it off but he was stronger.

"Let go of me before I shove my stiletto up your-"

"Mr Smith!" An angry voice called out from across the hall. Paulina looked over and was relieved to see Mr Lancer.

"You heard Ms Sanchez, let her go. Harrasmemt is not tolerated in this school. In fact, I'll be having a chat with your coach and your parents about this. My office, now" Mr lancer crossed his arms. He let Paulina go and angrily stomped over towards Mr Lancers office.

"Thanks Mr Lancer" Paulina gave him a hug before walking off to find her classmates.


"Um... so there's been a little... uh..." Tucker nervously shifted his phone from hand to hand as he stood in front of Lancers desk.

"Quit stalling and tell him! Or I will!" Sam exclaimed, obviously annoyed.


Lancer sighed and rubbed the side of his head. He closed his eyes before exhaling and opening them again.
"That's all?"

They both nodded their heads. Lancer suddenly bent down and opened the bottom drawer of his desk revealing a still snoring Danny.

"Lucky for you, I make sure to know where my students are at all times during school hours" Lancer closed the drawer.

On the way out Sam smacked the side of Tucker's head.
"How the fuck did you forget where you hid him"

"aRe yOu ReAllY tHis SuRpRiSeD SaMaNtHa"


"Excuse me! Mr Substitute Teacher Sir!" Mikey asked as he raised his hand. Lancer was gone, he was either sick or had finally had enough of them and faked his death to run off to a secluded island. The class currently had a bet going on about it.

"Yes?" The substitute paused his speech about fuck knows what and looked at Mikey with irritation.

"Can I go to the nurse? I don't feel good"

"You look perfectly fine to me. Now sit down and don't interrupt me again. Now you with the glasses, will you wake up your friend? It's disrespectful to sleep when someone is talking" The substitute glared at the snoring Danny.

Tucker poked Danny until he woke up.

"Fuck off 😤" He mumbled before going back to sleep.

"How'd he do that?" Dash whispered to Kwan.
"Do what?"
"You didn't see the... emoji?"
"You mean 🤪"
"How the fuck-"

"Mr Teacher, I really don't feel good" Mikey spoke up for the second time, this time with an urgent tone.

The substitute seemed to be getting more annoyed with every passing second.
"I know you're only trying to get out of lessons-" he was interrupted when Mikey suddenly puked all over his desk.

Kwan and Dash immediately took action and went to grab some towels while Elizabeth and Nathan walked Mikey to the nurses office. Ned looked ready to puke as well along with Dexter so they both went outside for some fresh air. The substitute yelled angrily at them the whole time.

Danny of course stayed asleep through it all. This angered the substitute even more. He marched over and harshly grabbed the ghostly teens arm which just so happened to have been injured during his previous fight.

Danny shot up with a yelp just as Lancer walked in.
"Thank you for taking over on such short notice while I..." Lancer trailed off after hearing his students cry of pain.

Lancers eye twitched in anger instead of annoyance for once. He marched over and 'lightly' pushed the substitute away.
"I think we better have a little chat on the hall. Samantha, can you check on Dannys arm while I deal with Mr Clark?" Lancer asked. Sam nodded and turned towards the already sleeping Ghost Teen.

He led the Mr Clark out the door, careful not to step in any puke which he'll be asking about later. The substitute immediately began to speak.

"Your class-"

"Is not to be blamed for your incompetence" Lancer quickly interrupted. Mr Clark opened his mouth to speak again but Lancer put his hand up to stop him.

"I may not know the whole story but I will not have you blame my students. No Teacher should ever put their hands on a student out of anger like I've just seen you do. I will personally make sure you have no chances of working here or in any school ever again. If you don't have the patience to deal with a group of teenagers then teaching them is not a job for you. The school board will be hearing about this" Lancer then walked back into his classroom.

Kwan and Dash had most of the mess cleaned up with the help of the rest of the classmates. Ned and Dexter were back along with Elizabeth and Nathan.
"Alright everyone, take a seat. Elizabeth, do you mind explaining to me what happened?" He asked.

Elizabeth nodded and explained everything that occurred. By the end, Lancer was even more angry and Danny was finally awake.

"Huh... what happened? Oh! Lancers back!" Danny happily cheered.

"Did you forget what happened already?" Kwan asked. Tucker turned towards him.
"ArE yOu ReAllY ThIs SuRpRiSeD KwAn?"

"He has a concussion doesn't he" Sam sighed. Danny immediately fell asleep again. He popped up a few minutes later.

"Dammit I lost the bet I thought you faked your death"

Lancers eye twitched.
"ArE yOu ReAllY tHat SuRpRiSeD- sorry" Tucker stopped when Lancers second eye twitched.


The next Day when school was finally over and for once Lancers classroom was empty, his phone rang. Lancer put his book down and picked it up.

"Mr Lancer speaking"

"Mr Lancer? Hi this is Mrs Buttons the media Teacher. I'm having a little problem setting the projector up for our assembly tomorrow. I hate to be a bother but I hear you're really good at getting this to work. Do you mind dropping by the Gym and helping me set it up?" Lancer got up to make his way towards the Gym.

"Oh not at all, I will be right there" He answered.

"Oh good! Thank you very much" With that, he hung up and walked out of his classroom. He walked down the empty hallway and made it to the Gym doors. He frowned when he saw all the lights were off on the inside. He opened them anyways and walked in.

"SURPRISE!" Many students and other teachers shouted out. The lights were flicked on revealing the entire student body and the teachers.

"Congratulations Mr Lancer for the Best Teacher Of the School Year Award!" Principal Ishiyama exclaimed while giving Mr Lancer a big trophy. On the inside was a photo of his English Class who he knew were behind all of this. Sure enough, there was an envelope on the inside as well.

He grabbed it out and opened it.

Thx 4 knot killing us like we all know u wanted to when we broke your coffee machine while trying to hide in it. < that was Danny we all didn't do it. Anyways here's an award for being the best Teacher and for always putting up with us. Also thank you for not faking your death and running off to a secluded island < that was Danny again. < fuck off Person with good hand writing quit ratting me out < Danny again.

From, Your most favorite Class

Lancer smiled which made everyone in the room gasp.

"I'm scared he only smiles when he's about to send someone to detention or assign extra homework" Lancers smile only grew.

His class may drive him crazy and cause him more stress, but he loves them.


hE FiNaLlY gOt hIs ReWaRd

I wrote this all in one day and I'm proud of myself 😌

I'm too lazy to proof read it tho so if it sucks i apologize in advance 💀

Hope you guys enjoyed!

Tis all,

Good day.

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