The Summoning

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"Will this really work?" asked Kwan, a tall Asian boy with exaggeratedly broad shoulders.

He and his friends crouched around a Ouiji board, with five candles in a circle around it. The room would have been pitch black if it weren't for the flickering glow of the flames, with the blackout curtains drawn, blocking the orange light from the streetlights outside.

"I'd better work," said Paulina, a curvy Hispanic girl, with black hair and turquoise eyes. "I really want to talk to the ghost boy!"

"Why do you like him so much?" asked Dash, a blond jock, clearly jealous.

"Because he's strong and brave and dreamy and he saved me..." replied Paulina, rambling off reasons as she daydreamed about her ghostly crush.

"Like, let's just get this over with," said Star, the school's resident popular blond girl, aspiratedly .

The group all placed their fingertips on the planchette on the Ouiji board. "If there's a ghost here, please contact us," said Dash, slightly trembling.

"Yeah, ghost boy, please," continued Paulina.

A bright light filled the room, originating from the area above the board, and Dash and Kwan hugged each other in fear.

Meanwhile, Danny Fenton was falling asleep, his ice blue eyes drifting shut and his raven haired head sinking into his pillow. He had been hunting ghosts for the past two hours, having been stuck in an annoying battle against the box ghost, Skulker, and, last but not least, Johnny Thirteen and his Shadow.

Just as he might have fallen into the comfort of sleep, a portal opened up below him, much to his annoyance. Danny reflexily turned into his ghost form, with a flash of white light like a miniature galaxy, his messy black hair turning snow white, and his eyes glowing a radioactive green. His dull purple pyjamas morphed into a black and white HAZMAT suit, with a white D on the front, that looked as though it had a black P in the middle.

He quickly scanned his surroundings, time passing in slow motion as he panicked. He was in a dark bedroom, hovering above a Ouiji board surrounded by candles, and a group of popular kids huddled around the board.

Just a bunch of kids messing around, no danger. Danny let out a sigh and turned invisible; he might have been woken up against his will, but at least he could have some fun.

The popular teens were still recovering from the bright light and didn't see Danny in the brief time he was visible.

"W-what was that?" asked Dash, blinking his eyes in an attempt to get his vision back. No one spoke, everyone was just as shocked as each other. Danny was silently laughing, if they were scared of a bright light, imagine how terrified they'd be after his other tricks.

"Who's there?" spoke Kwan, still shaken up from the flash.

Danny focused his energy and began to telekinetically move the planchette, he usually didn't use this power because it was tricky and mentally exhausting, but he figured it would be best in this situation.

The planchette moved across the board in swift motions, and the group of anxious teens watched in anticipation.

"P...h...a...n...t...o...m." Paulina squealed with delight.

Danny had been considering replying with the name of a demon, but figured that that was too cliché, besides, they wanted to talk to a ghost, he might as well humour them.

"We've seen you in fights, but how powerful are you?" asked Dash cheerily.

Danny figured a demonstration was in order, and promptly froze the candles solid, extinguishing the little flames, and coating the carpet with frost. He then proceeded to melt the ice and relight the candles with blasts of energy. The candles now glowed a ghostly green from the ectoplasmic energy blasts, casting eerie shadows across the walls.

Danny spelled out on the board: "Does that answer your question? Or do you want me to destroy this building?"

The humans stared in awe and shock at this small display, realising how lucky they were that Phantom was on their side.

"Are we friends?" asked Dash, looking over at his fellow populars.

Danny moved the planchette to 'no'. As much as he'd wished to be part of the popular group in the past, he'd realised how petty and stupid they were, they weren't true friends. With how they had treated Valerie, he didn't think he could just forgive them and become buddies, not to mention the fact that they ruthlessly bullied him at school.

"Why dude?" asked Kwan, hurt by this answer. Dash was too shocked to speak; his idol didn't like him.

Danny had to think for a moment about how to word his answer, one slip up and they'd know his secret identity as Danny Fenton, the nerd with ghost hunting parents, and Dash's main target for his bullying.

"Take a look at how you treat others: all those kids you torment, shoving them into lockers, punching them, insulting them..." Danny forgot that he was meant to use the Ouiji board as his emotions got the better of him, and spoke out loud. He wouldn't have dared to talk like that in his human form for fear of a beating, but right now he was just fed up with them.

The populars hung their heads in shame, but Paulina spoke up soon after: "You love me, right?"

Danny admitted to himself that Paulina was hot, but she was a horrible person, he couldn't love her anymore. "No."

"Why do you help us? I mean, you don't like us, so why help us?" asked Dash.

"I don't know...if I don't, who will? I guess it's kinda my responsibility now, to use my powers for good," said Danny.

"You're a superhero!" blurted out Kwan.

Dash was still a bit shaken up, but asked: "Can we help you?"

Danny wasn't looking for more help after the amount of times his older sister, Jazz, had sucked him into the Fenton thermos, especially not from people who didn't know his secret, and who he didn't want to know his secret.

Danny sighed: "Start by being nice to others, then we'll see."

Danny glanced at the digital clock on a small desk: 2 am, way too late for this.

"Now if you don't mind, it's late at night, or morning, I guess, and I have better stuff to do than answer questions." And with that Danny extinguished the candles and floated over to the light switch, flipping it on. He turned himself visible, waved, and flew away through the wall.

He couldn't wait for the next day of school, maybe he'd made an impact...

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