Musical Problem

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"Find the bad guy, push him aside," Danny and Tucker sang together, playing the new version of Doomed that came out yesterday.

"Then move on forward with your friend at your side," they sang again, continuing to the next area of the game they had just unlocked.

"It's a two player game so when they make an attack, you know you got a brother gonna have your back," the two of them finished again, smiling at each other as they finally beat the level they had been stuck on.

"Could you not do that? You're getting too obsessed. Also, you guys have the worst voices," Sam popped into Danny's room so she could say that to her friends.

"Hey!" Danny objected, but his voice cracked in the middle of saying it. Both Sam and Tucker ended up laughing at this. Danny just blushed.

"Come on, dorks. Your mom has dinner ready," Sam said after she finished laughing.

"Let's hope it's not alive," Danny replied, getting up and pausing his game.

"At your house? It's going to be alive," Tucker snorted as he followed Danny.

"You're probably right."


Danny was flying above Amity Park out on his nightly patrol, while Sam was below him on the ground riding a scooter. Tucker would be with them, but he said he had something important to do that he couldn't miss.

"Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be completely normal. What would happen if I didn't go in that portal," Danny suddenly said to Sam once they were almost done with patrol.

Sam was quite surprised at this. Honestly, she had been asking herself this for a while now. What would she be doing now if that was the case?

"I wonder that too," she admitted in a small voice. It was so small that Danny almost didn't hear it.

"Sometimes I just wish I had one month to be me. Danny Fenton. Not Danny Phantom," Danny sighed.

"Fine, we’re damaged. Really damaged. But that does not make us wise," Sam started singing softly. Danny looked at her in suprise.

"We’re not special, we’re not different. We don’t choose who lives or dies. Let’s be normal, see bad movies sneak a beer and watch tv," she continued, not caring that Danny was still staring at her in shock.

"We’ll bake brownies or go bowling. Don’t you want a life with me? Can't we be seventeen? That’s all I want to do. If you could let me in. I could be good with you."

Sam smiled at Danny, who had floated down next to her, and scooted closer to him.

"People hurt us," she started singing again, fully inviting Danny to continue the song with her.

"Or they vanish," He sang, continuing on with the song he knew too well.

"And you’re right it really blows. But we let go," Sam said looking Danny right in his bright green eyes.

"Take a deep breath," Danny sang before taking one himself.

"Then go buy some summer clothes. We'll go camping," Sam grabbed one of Danny's gloved hands.

"Play some poker," Danny grabbed Sam's other hand, making this moment truly ethereal.

"And we’ll eat some chilli fries. Maybe prom night," Sam continued, gasping a bit as Danny lifted them off the ground.

"Maybe dancing," Danny said for the song as he spun Sam around in the air.

"Don't stop looking in my eyes," Sam boldly sang as she was pulled closer to Danny.

"Your eyes," Danny repeated, still pulling Sam closer to him.

They both braced themselves for the next part of the song.

"Can't we be seventeen. Is that so hard to do? If you could let me in I could be good with you. Let us be seventeen. If we've still got the right," They sang together as they looked into each other's eyes again. Danny's ghostly glow only added to the ethereal effect.

"So what’s it gonna be? I wanna be with you," Sam broke off from their small part of singing together. She truly meant what the lyrics were saying.

"I wanna be with you," Danny replied, still in song and meaning it completely, just like Sam.

"Wanna be with you," she echoed again, conforming what was being sung.

"Tonight," they finished together. While they knew the song still continued after that point, they were too lost in each other to keep going.

Danny lowered them back on to the ground. He hugged Sam fiercely, and even planted a small kiss on her head.

"Now who has a musical problem?"

"Shut up, dork."

"You know you love it," Danny teased.

"Danny?" Sam asked.

"Yeah?" He replied, still halfway on cloud nine.

"What I said earlier about you and Tucker having bad voices, I really only meant Tucker."

Danny smiled.

"Hey!" Shouted a voice from the shadows. Sam and Danny looked at each other in confusion.

"I'm right here."

They both sighed. They finally recognized the voice as Tucker.

"Very important thing, huh?" Sam asked, clearly annoyed.

"Yeah! I just knew something was going to happen tonight and it was important I got to videotape it!"

Danny laughed, while Sam was angry.

"I will smash your PDA." She said, raising an eyebrow.

Tucker gasped, before yelping and running away quickly. Sam turned back to Danny.

"Well, I guess patrol should end?"

"Yeah. I guess," Danny replied, looking at Sam. A light blush dusted both of their cheeks.

"See you tomorrow at school."

"Tomorrow," Sam repeated to herself as Danny flew off.

Woah another one? This soon? Yes! Oh my god I didn't mean for this to be that long. Then I discovered Seventeen and Heathers. I still need to listen to the entire musical. Whoops. Anyways the songs (in order of appearance) are Two-Player Game from Be More Chill and Seventeen from Heathers. Well, I hope you enjoyed this one shot! Sasha, OUT! (Again, feel free to point out any mistakes. I did this at 2:00 am because I was excited for it.)

Date Published- June 24th, 2018

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