My Oc

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Name/Nicknames: Alex Jefferson or Aj, Emo boy, or Jason which is his middle name.


Gender: Male


Personality:He is a nice and caring person, when you first look at him especially when people who misunderstand him thinking he's gonna to bring out the AK47 whenever he's upsets or angry at him but doesn't show much of it around others and remains quiet most of the time unless choosing to speak to people that won't judge him deep down does like to make friends plus does like to fight a lot when comes down to it because he wouldn't allow anyone to disrespect him in a way as well feeling depressed sometimes through hardships still tries his best to be happy. He can be goofy whenever the time calls for it.

Height: he is about 5'5.

Weight: 140 pounds.

Appearance:He has black hair combed down but in actuality his hairstyle is a wolfcut looking messy. Now his eye color is Turquoise and his skin complexion is black which shouldn't be questioned since it is very obvious. He is pretty much a good looking dude but doesn't think so much and plus his fingernails painted black.

Outfits:He likes to wear Emo clothing like mainly a black shirt with a skull, the pants is usually some black hot topic jeans or blue denim but when it's summer he'll wear like some shorts sometimes but anyways since his favorite shoes are black converse that he always has on with black hat or beanie for his hair to cover up and finally hoodie wise is a black/white plaid or any regular black hoodie. Now he can wear formal stuff like just a black dress shirt with purple bow tie attached and can put his hair into a pigtails or ponytail even a manbun.

Sleepwear is just a white undershirt with grey pajama plaid pants. Now for his neck is a white crystal necklace that was a gift from his mom.
Lastly in season two he'll wear a black denim jacket with some black boots. Now his hair gets a little long to reach his upper back to season 3 it's longer down his back midway.

Likes: Rock music,skateboarding ,horror movies,
taking walks, video games, sketching.

Dislikes:People who judge him for looks and his style really, typical jocks that bug him, being annoyed sometimes with people.


Ghost powers or not:Yes also he has a rage form where it's this green flaming aura and glowing green iris less eyes. Plus he has two special moves one is called ghostly wave where it's like Vegeta's final explosion except ectoenergy and advanced version of ghostly wail is called ghostly roar where he breathes out massive ghostly flames.

Friends:Sam, Danny, Tucker, Jazz, and Danielle.

Enemies:Dash, the other jocks and every typical popular person wouldn't matter not just ghosts. His evil counterpart as well.

Crush: Danielle Fenton (aged up)

Family:his Mother is deceased and His father is out of the picture, he has his mother's turquoise eyes and hair as for his father more on the looks but still out there possibly in amity park. Her name was Alyssa as she had frizzy or straighten hair with a lighter skintone being mixed with hispanic and his dad's name is Jason.

Backstory:Alex used to live around New Jersey where he was little at the same time of the age of seven years old was living a bit rough with the fact that his father a bit of a drunk having to lose a bit of his mind from the fact of losing his job and being screwed over only used to be nice and caring person beforehand falling into alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and pure rage taking it out on his wife and child by arguing sometimes psychical. It only got worse from there after a while making his mother very depressed to the point where she ended her life by hanging and having her son witnessed it leaving a suicide note at that with his father blaming his child continued on attacking verbally and mostly psychically at him which is even worse until he left the house never returned only for the boy to be put into foster care which gotten worse then ran away from it. Now was somewhat old enough  to move over to amity park where he's new to the town and gotten used to it overtime going to school not having much to do. Now rumors spread around of him being an orphan then bullied by Dash and other popular kids more than usual for looking different or getting called a emo boy or geek, which only sets him off deep inside. He would eventually comes paths with the main trio Danny, Sam, and Tucker by accidentally bumping into them by was so used to think like he was gonna have to throw some hands or getting jumped but instead Danny helped him up and actually gotten treated with kindness and everything goes from there where he'll actually be happy for once  in his sad life. Plus he finds out about Danny's a ghost boy from the lunch lady first encounter and also later on gaining ghost powers as well by getting exposed to ectoenergy from encountering future Dark Alex and Danny messing up his molecules while he tried to protect his first friend since this version of him has ghost powers and the past one didn't. Now lastly Danielle is canon from the start  of course.

Other: He plays acoustic or electric guitar in his spare time.

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