Chapter 31: A Jolt from the Past

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Flashback, Bellwood 5 years ago.

It was night time as we see a bolt of electricity going to a Mr. Smoothie sign traveling down to the ground as it goes to a cash register and out pops a megawatt as it zaps a both of the cash registers as we then see a young stink fly show up as it shot goo at the megawatt trapping it.

Young Ben: *as Stinkfly* *Snorts*

Megawatts: *Shrieks* * Speaking alien language*

Young Ben: *as Stinkfly* Man, you Megawatts are annoying!

Megawatts: *Grunting* *Giggles evilly*

The megawatt then frees itself as it zapps a smoothie machine making it shoot smoothie mix at Ben as he turns back into human.

Young Ben: Ow. So annoying. Blah! Smoothies? Who'd ever want to drink something like that?

The Megawatt then goes and tries to escape the store as young Ben then catches it with a smoothie cup

Young Ben:  *Grunts*  Fun's over! At least this time, there's only one of you. *struggles and the cup explodes* Um... Aah!

The Megawatt then escapes and absorbed the electricity as it then made more of itself

Young Ben: *Counts the Megawatts * One, two, three, four. *Sees the many Megawatts* Oh, man!

We then see the Megawatts forming an electric loop.

Young Ben: Great. And, of course, I don't have anything that can handle electricity. *Realizes* Oh, wait. Yeah, I do!

Young Ben then hits his omnitrix and becomes feedback.

Young Ben: *as Feedback* Totally forgot about Feedback.

Megawatts then laughs at him.

Young Ben: *as Feedback* Let's see you laugh without any energy!

Ben then absorbs all of the energy out of the Megawatts as they fall to the ground asleep.

Young Ben: *as Feedback* Oh, yeah! Because nobody... and I mean nobody... Makes a fool out of Ben 10!

The Rustbucket  shows up as Gwen, Danie, and Max wrap the Megawatts in rubber sheets.

Max: It's a good thing Ben still needs his rubber sheets. These should make for good insulation.

Young Ben: *as Feedback and sees Gwen looking at him* Don't go there Gwen*

Present day.

Ben arrives at the Plumber Headquarters, drinking a smoothie. Max, Danie, Paulina and Rook are waiting for him.

Ben: Sorry, I'm late.

Paulina: It's about time you got here.

Max: You're not on your own schedule anymore, Ben. You can't keep your teammates waiting.

Ben: I was... off saving the universe!

Paulina: With a smoothie?

Max looks at Ben and his smoothie, disappointed. Ben hides his smoothie. Max smiles and walks away.

Ben: *Sighs* Come on, you guys. Let's go. I'm parked over here.

Rook: We'll take mine.

Rook points towards an impressive looking patrol vehicle. Ben, Danie and Paulina are amazed. The vehicle drives away, revealing a much less exciting truck. Ben and the girls are disappointed.

Ben: *Sarcastically* Wow. I bet the girls all start screaming when they see this ride rolling down the block.

Paulina: I'm definitely not screaming but this will scare off the boys, *hugs Danie* Thank goodness I have a girlfriend.

Danie: Aw thanks babe.

Rook: Females and males are not afraid of my vehicle. But they probably should be.

Rook clicks a button on a remote, making the truck transform into a much more impressive spaceship. Ben and the girls are truly amazed.

Paulina and Danie: Wow…!

Ben: Sometimes, you're actually kinda awesome. *Rook smiles* Sometimes.

They sit inside the Proto-TRUK and go through a tunnel and merge into regular traffic. Ben continues drinking his smoothie, Danie and Paulina are drinking their smoothies too. Rook observes.

Rook: I'm not familiar with human emotional cues... But are you all angry at me?

Ben: Nah, just bored. I'm feeling more like a tour guide than a hero, lately. Over here on your right, you'll see a city. Over here on your left, you'll see what we call 'water'. Careful, it's wet.

Rook: Water is wet. I'm familiar with that.

Ben: I'm sorry that I left you all waiting around. I just don't wanna change how I work. I've saved the universe a million times, at least!

Paulina: A million? That's kind of to believe.

Ben: Well it's true

Danie: Yeah, Ben isn't really used to change, but sometimes you just gotta go with it.

Rook: That is why I look forward to this. I hope the real Ben Tennyson and Danie Benton both live up to the legend.

Ben and Danie: *Excited* There are legends?!

Rook: *Nods* They can't all be true, though. For instance, Alien X. That's just a rumor that a fan made up and put on the extranet, right?

Paulina: Extranet?

Danie: Alien Internet.

Paulina: Gotcha.

Ben: Alien X is real.

Rook: He is? Show me! Change into Alien X right now.

Ben: I'd better not. It's a whole thing.

Rook: Just as I thought.

Ben: Look, find us a little heroing to do and you can tell me if me and Danie live up to the legend.

Paulina: Woo-hoo! My first patrol!

Rook: You seem excited.

Paulina: Well this is my first time going on a patrol, *hugs Danie* Especially with my girlfriend.

Danie: *Hugs Paulina* Yeah, this is gonna be awesome.

Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook continue their patrol. First, they spot a few crustacean aliens eating parts of a car. Ben and Paulina activate their Omnitrices. The aliens get scared and spit out the parts and try to act nice. Paulina smiles and Ben points forward, indicating Rook to drive forward.

Ben, Paulina, Danie and Rook chase an alien who appears to have stolen a handbag. The alien goes closer to an elderly woman. Ben and Paulina activate their Omnitrices. The alien simply returns the handbag, smiling and without causing any harm. The woman screams and walks away. Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook are disappointed.

In an alleyway, a large alien corners a smaller alien. Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook arrive. Ben, Danie and Paulina activate their Omnitrices. It turns out the larger alien was the parent and they only gave the smaller alien a bottle to drink from. Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook back away, dejected.

Sometime later we see everyone in the truck bored.

Ben: Some heroing so far. At least the world is safe from car-munching aliens. *Rook has a snack. Ben points at someone outside the Proto-TRUK* Look, some normal dude. Maybe we should arrest him for jaywalking.

Paulina: *Notices his phone* Huh, that's a weird looking phone, should it be able to be powered like that?

Rook: Paulina is right, his phone shouldn't be able to be powered here on Earth. Is that normal?

Ben and Rook observe the person and his phone.

Ben: No, that's not normal.

Corvo walks into an alleyway. Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook silently follow.

Corvo: *On the phone* Well, you tell her that I'm part of something big. *Turns around. Ben, Danie Paulina and Rook hide*  I'll call you back.

Ben and Rook hide behind a trash can. Corvo converts his phone into a weapon and blasts towards Ben and Rook. Ben saves Rook and Danie saves Paulina.

Ben: *To Rook* You're welcome.

Paulina: Thanks babe.

Danie: Anytime.

Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook chase Corvo. Corvo drives off in his car.

Ben: Finally, some action! *Runs towards a wall* Big Chill will let me cut right through these buildings.

Paulina: And so will ghostfreak.

Ben transforms into Heatblast while Paulina turns into XLR8 and crashes into the wall.

Ben: *As Heatblast* Heatblast... Seriously? *Looks up at the building* Time to improvise.

Paulina: *As XLR8* Aw come on! I said Ghostfreak not xlr8.

Ben: *as Heatblast* Don't worry it happens to me too.

Ben propels himself and flies while Paulina runs at superspeed. They chase Corvo. Corvo tries to blast him but they dodge. Rook tries to cut Corvo off with his truck. Rook converts the Proto-TRUK into spaceship form and he and Danie go after Corvo, followed by Ben and Paulina. Heatblast melts one of Corvo's car's tires, and Paulina takes the wheel off  making it lose control and slow down. Heatblast transforms back into Ben.

Ben: Aw, this one's going to sting a little!

Before Ben could land, Paulina hit her Omnitrix and turned into Stinkfly and catches Ben in the nick of time.

Ben: Oh phew, thanks Paulina.

Paulina: *As Stinkfly* Anytime.

Corvo tries to escape but Rook and Danie captures him and  Rook cuffs him.

Corvo: What is your deal? I wasn't doing anything!

Rook: Except shooting at a Plumber.

Ben: And three superheroes! *Examines Corvo's equipment* Alien communicator, alien weapon. Please tell me you work for someone big and dangerous so we can kick his butt.

Corvo: You guys wouldn't last a minute against my boss.

They hear sounds coming from Corvo's car.

Rook: This doesn't sound like a typical Earth combustion engine.

Ben: Maybe it's a hybrid.

Paulina: Or an electric engine.

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook walk towards Corvo's car. Corvo gets worried.

Corvo: There's nothing in there. I swear!

Paulina: Oh really? Rook open the engine please.

Rook opens the engine. A cylinder breaks open and a Nosedeenian comes out of it. Corvo is nervous. Ben and Danie surprised. The Megawhatt channels into Corvo's backpack and frees another Megawhatt.

Ben: Megawhatts?

The two Megawhatts zap around mischievously.

Danie: We haven't seen any of these guys in years.

Paulina: What are megawhatts?

Danie: Me and Ben fought them 6 years ago in a town called Sparksvile, they think anything is funny, and busting open a dam to flood a whole town is funny to them.

Paulina: Who would think that's funny?

Ben: The Megawatts apparently.

The Megawatts then glare angrily at Corvo as they go over to him and zap him

Corvo: *while Getting zapped* Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop... Ow! That!

Rook: I have never faced a Nosedeenian. Any advice? (Brings out his Proto-Tool)

The Megawhatts shift their attention to Rook and start zapping him.

Rook: Ow!

Ben: Try not to let them zap you.

Rook struggles trying to counter the Megawhatts.

Rook: Duly noted.

The Megawhatts get onto the electric lines and zip away.

Ben: Stop them!

Ben and Rook chase the Megawhatts. Corvo silently escapes.

The Megawhatts cause traffic lights to go off, causing havoc and panic on the streets.

Ben: Which way?

Rook points up at the Megawhatts. The Megawhatts taunt them and zip away.

Ben: Me and Paulina will keep after them. You two give us some eyes in the sky.

Ben and Paulina go after the Megawhatts while Rook grapples onto the top of a building and Danie flies with him. Rook and Danie observe the Megawhatts' path.

Rook: *Using his communicator on his Plumber Badge* They seem to be moving towards the water-port.

Danie: Don't lose them.

Ben: They can outrun me, but they can't outrun XLR8! (Activates his Omnitrix) IT'S HERO TIME!

Paulina: *Activates her Omnitrix* Show time!

Ben transforms into Clockwork while Paulina turns into Fasttrack.

Ben: *As Clockwork* Clockwork? this is ridiculous!

Paulina: *As Fasttrack* Why did you turn into Clockwork?

Ben: *As Clockwork* New Omnitrix, still getting used to it.

Paulina: *As Fasttrack* Well according to the theory of relativity, you can make yourself move at the same speed, just at a faster time frame. From an outside point of view you’re like a blur, but it doesn’t affect the laws of physics like personal gravity or force. And I'm guessing you were going for XLR8

Ben: *as Clockwork* Yeah, and how did you know that?

Paulina: *As Fasttrack* Danie told me.

Paulina and Ben kept running after the Megawatts as they occasionally stopped and taunted the them since Ben was a bit slow so Paulina had to slow down just for him to keep up as she saw Ben taking a breath.

Paulina: *As Fasttrack* You okay Ben?

Ben: *as Clockwork* I'm fine but we lost them, they're too far ahead of... *Gasps* Wait, what?

The Megawhatts zip back to Paulina and Ben and taunt them again, in order to lure them. Ben and Paulina continue to go after them. They arrive near a warehouse at the water-port. Ben, exhausted, changes back and so does Paulina. Rook and Danie arrive.

Rook: Are you hurt, Ben?

Danie: You okay babe?

Paulina: I'm good.

Ben: *Panting* Gimme a sec... so I don't hurl.

Rook: It's a miracle they didn't escape a Chronosapien.

Danie: Or a Citrakayah.

Ben: That's the thing. I think they wanted me and Paulina to follow them.

Rook: Do you need more time?

Ben: No. But if you see my face turning green, step back.

Paulina: Gross but noted.

Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook sneak into the warehouse. They find, to their surprise, multiple Nosedeenians trapped in tubes attached to a machine. The two Megawhatts attempt to help their fellow Nosedeenians. They wave towards Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook, indicating that they need their help

Ben: I see it but I don't believe it.  The Megawhatts need our help.

Rook: Someone has set up a factory that uses them as a power source.

Paulina: That is all kinds of wrong.

We then see a henchman in a mech suit walking by.

Hoodlum: Hey, two of the batteries got out!

We then see the two Megawatts try to escape only to be captured by the guy as another one was going behind you and the others.

Ben: Better do something soon, if you know what I mean.

Danie: We do.

They turn around. Ben and Paulina make the thug lose balance and Rook and Danie knock him down. The other thug captures Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook in an electricity bubble. Ben, Paulina, Danie and Rook struggle.

Ben: Great.

We then see a guy with a mohawk and a skull print tank top and orange pants show up.

Fistrick: You better be worth interrupting my workout for.

Hoodlum: Looks like spies, Fistrick.

Fistrick then tosses his towel aside as he punches a punching bag.

Fistrick: * Grunting* We got spies in my house of business? *Grunting*

Ben: There's no sign out front.

Paulina: Seems like you don't want people to know your business.

Fistrick: *Grunts while punching* Well *Sniffs* this kind of alien tech doesn't just fall off a truck.

Ben: I'm sure whoever you took it from isn't too happy about it going missing.

Fistrick: *Grunts and punches the bag off the chain* *Laughs evilly* He don't care anymore... Bro.

Ben: You steal alien tech and then use alien hostages to charge it.

Danie: That's all kinds of messed up.

Paulina: Not cool.

Fistrick: One alien makes it. Another alien powers it. I mass-produce it and sell it to the highest bidder. It's just good business, bro *sees the switch in Rook's hand* What is that?

Rook: An electron entanglement disruptor.

Rook then pushes the button as Danie, Ben and Paulina become Bloxx and deliver a powerful shockwave knocking out Fisttrick's Henchman as we then see Rook fighting off another henchman while dodging his punches as she dodges of his punches and slashes his left armor arm making it short circuit and power down as he tried to use his other arm only for Paulina to grab him and tossed him aside.

Fistrick: Oh, you just made a big mistake, bro and bro-ettes.

Danie, Ben and Paulina turn back to normal.

Ben: We make a lot of mistakes.

Paulina: Shutting you down isn't one of them.

We then see Corvo and Fistrick run off as Corvo was about to do the same but was trapped by Rook blasting him with a net with her Proto-Tool as you all ran after Fisttrick as he jumped into a hole and we then see a class 12 armor mech suit rise up from the ground with Fist trick in it as you all step back.

Fistrick: You never asked why we needed so many of these Nosedeenians.

We then see the Megawatts are powering the suit on the back of it.

Fistrick: Let's take this baby for a test-drive. *Moves the suit*  Looks like I'm getting my workout after all.

Rook: *Gasps* A class 12 armored mecha Suit. Have you ever dealt with one before?

Danie and Paulina: Nope.

Ben: No. How do you beat it?

Rook: Me? You could try Alien X.

Ben: Stop it. *Sees the red dots* Huh?

Fistrick aims multiple weapons at Ben and Rook. He fires 4 missiles. Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook try to run but one the missile's impact makes them fall.

Fistrick: Whoa! I love it!

Rook then shoots at the Mecha suit which causes the Megawatts pain.

Paulina: Don't shoot, you might hit the Megawatts.

Rook: If we can not fight back, that does tend to make our job more difficult.

Ben: Oh, we can fight.

Danie: We just have to take him down without hurting them.

Rook and Paulina: That won't be easy.

Ben: It never is. Huh? *sees the mech suit* Okay, Omnitrix, no messing around. I want Four Arms. Do you hear me? Four Arms! I don't want Grey Matter. I don't want Nanomech. Four Arms!

Paulina: *to her Omnitrix* And you better give me Humungousaur. Hear me? Humungousaur!

Ben and Paulina transform into new aliens, Gravattack and Shockrock. Rook and Danie are startled.

Paulina: *As Shockrock* Woah…

Ben: *As Gravattack* Who's this?

Fistrick: You two can presto-chango all you want. I'm still gonna squash you like bugs!

Fistrick punches Ben and Paulina and sends them out of the warehouse as they both  groans. Fistrick jumps and attempts to attack Ben  but he blocks it. Gravattack pushes Fistrick and discovers his new abilities.

Ben: *as Gravattack*Gravity powers? Huh, nice!

Fistrick tries to move but he remains suspended mid-air. Ben slams him down while Paulina shot a blast of electricity.

Paulina: *As Shockrock* Electricity powers? Awesome!

Fistrick, in his armor, is unable to move due to Gravattack's gravity powers holding him down. Rook and Danie attempt to free one of the Megawhatts.

Ben: *as Gravattack*  Yeah, Rook!

He accidentally, in excitement, raises his fist also suspending Fistrick's armor with Rook mid-air.

Danie: Woah! Ben!

Rook: Hyaa! Focus your gravitational field lower.

Ben: *As Gravattack* Sorry, guys

Ben lowers them down. Rook manages to free one of the Megawhatts. Rook and Danie smile. Fistrick activates a blaster pointed at Rook and Danie.

Rook: Oh, dear.

Danie: Crud.

Rook and Danie get blasted and knocked into a huge container. Ben and Paulina get worried.

Paulina: *As Shockrock* Danie!

Ben: *As Gravattack* Rook! *Approaches Rook* You okay? Rook, come on, partner.

Paulina: *As Shockrock* *approaches Danie* You okay? Danie, Come on babe.

Fistrick grabs Ben and Paulina and throws them. He starts repeatedly punching them.

Fistrick: *While punching* You... want... some... more... bros?

Ben and Paulina: *As Gravattack and Shockrock* *Groaning* Not... really.

Fistrick: Too bad about your friends. Too bad for you two that they got off easy.

Fistrick is about to deal a massive blow to Ben and Paulina but a mana enhanced crane knocks him away. It was Rook who was operating the crane along with Danie

Rook and Danie:  You're welcome.

Fistrick emerges again.

Fistrick: Weak!

Rook: Ben, Paulina I think me and Danie can separate the Megawhatts from the suit. But it will be a difficult shot.

Danie: You two try to get the suit to stop moving.

Ben: *as Gravattack*  Yeah, thanks, you two. we'll get right on that.

Rook climbs up the crane. Fistrick approaches Gravattack. Ben  uses his gravity powers and knocks him down to the floor and makes it difficult for Fistrick to move while Paulina shoots  electricity, shorting the suit out.

Fistrick: Got anything else, heroes? Or are you just a one-trick ponies?

Ben: *As Gravattack* Hey, it's my first time using this guy. Now, you might be able to withstand 40 Gs. *The floor crumbles below Fistrick* But I don't think the docks can.

Paulina: *as Shockrock* What do you think?

The floor breaks and Fistrick, in his armor, falls into the water. Ben brings him out and dunks him in multiple times.

Ben: *As Gravattack* This is like one of those dunk tanks! Are you having as much fun as we are ? *Water leaks into Fistrick's armor. Ben suspends Fistrick in mid-air.* We  got it to stop moving.

Rook takes a deep breath. He takes careful aim and fires two energy arrows and Danie does the same. Each of the Megawhatt gets freed.

Ben and Paulina: *As Gravattack and Shockrock* Nice shot!

Fistrick's armor: Power level critical. 12% remaining.

Fistrick: Just enough.

Fistrick presses a button. He fires everything he has left.

Ben: *As Gravattack* Huh?

Paulina makes an electrical shield blocking most of the missiles while Ben takes control of all the missiles and makes them revolve around him. He is quite surprised.

Ben: *As Gravattack*  I have my own orbit?

Paulina: *as Shockrock* That is pretty cool!

Ben: *as Gravattack* Yeah it is, *thinks* I wonder...

Fistrick: Oh, this is not good.

Ben morphs into a small planetoid and increases his gravitational pull, sucking Fistrick's armor into his orbit. Fistrick groans as the armor revolves at high speed.

Fistrick: Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!

Ben sends Fistrick's armor hurtling along with all the missiles aimed at the armor, destroying it and defeating Fistrick.

Ben: *as Gravattack* I think you've had enough.

Fistrick: *Groaning* Uh-uh-uh... Bro.

Paulina and Ben change back.

Paulina: Well, that was a thing.

Rook: That was not easy.

Danie and Ben: It never is.

The Plumbers arrive and take away Fistrick and his men. Rook remotely calls back his Proto-TRUK.

Max: I hear there's a colony of Megawhatts that helps power Undertown.

Ben and Danie: Since when?

Max: Since now.

Max points at a large tube containing many Megawhatts, all happy and jubilant.

Ben: Anytime, guys.

Paulina: Man Sam's gonna be jealous when she hears this. *To Max* Um by the way, Mr. Tennyson, the Megawatts are gonna be okay with this right?

Max: Don't worry Paulina, they'll be fine.

Danie: Yeah, they're in good hands.

Paulina: Phew, that's a relief.

Rook: The Tennyson legends usually end with some kind of blended beverage.

Ben: Smoothies? Oh, they're more of a daytime thing.

Danie: At night, it's Chili Fries.

Paulina: Well I am pretty hungry right now and chili fries do sound nice.

Rook: Ugh... Okay.

Ben: And by the way, Alien X is real.

Rook: Why can't I see it?

Ben: Dude, there are some things you're just gonna have to trust me on.

Danie: And one of them is Alien X.

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook fly away in the Proto-TRUK.

Danie: I gotta say, that new alien is pretty awesome hun.

Paulina: It sure is, I'm gonna call him… Shockrock.

Ben: Nice name.

Paulina: Thanks, what about you Ben, what are you name your new guy?

Ben: Huh, how about Gravattack.

Paulina: Hm makes sense, he uses gravity to attack people. Now let's get some chili fries.

Danie: I thought you had that special dietary thing when you were with the A-Listers?

Paulina: That was before hun,  and this is now. Besides, it's been too long since I had chili fries.

Ben: *To Danie* She's definitely getting this hero thing down.

Danie: She is, she definitely is.

Next: Chapter 32: Another Step Sister.

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