Chapter 33: Have I Got A Deal For You.

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Here in Undertown a crowd cheering on as we see Paulina as Shocksqatch battling Sunder.

Crowd: Get him! Come on! Hit him harder! Smash him good!

Paulina dodges Sunder's hoverboard.

The crowd continues cheering for Paulina then jumps onto the roof of a stall.

Paulina: *as Shocksquatch* RRRRRAAAHH!

Paulina then jumps and tries to attack Sunder with her hands clasped together, attempting an electric attack. Sunder jumps back, pulling his ax with him. Paulina then tries to attack again, but he is hit by Sunder's hoverboard. The crowd cheers. A particular alien walks through the crowd. Sunder jumps onto his hoverboard.

Sunder: Just hand me your Omnitrix, Paulina Sanchez, and this can all be over.

Paulina: *As Shocksquatch* Well, sure. Since you asked so nicely.

Sunder throws his ax at Paulina, as she jumps to dodge the attack. Paulina runs on all fours to escape the ax's reach. He spots a child playing with a Galvanic Mechamorph in ball form. Paulina then saves the two from Sunder's ax and  lets the kids go as the ax gets wrapped around her arm.

Paulina: *as Shocksquatch* Oh, geez. Don't mention it.

The particular alien, Professor Blarney T. Hokestar, interacts with nearby aliens.

Hokestar: Say there, my good fellow, could I interest you in- *The alien walks away. Hokestar turns to Pink-Worst* Ma'am, I can see that a lovely creature such as yourself-

Pink-Worst:  *Deep voice* Not interested.

Hokestar: Oh-oh-oh, My apologies. *Bumps into another alien* Sir. Ooh, why, it looks to me that you may be in need of a-

The alien speaks in an alien language. He shifts his attention back to the brawl. Hokestar is annoyed.

Hokestar: What has so distracted you poor suckers? *sees Paulina fighting Sunder* Jackpot.

Paulina then pulls Sunder using Sunder's ax and tries to attack him, but Sunder gets on top of Paulina and wraps her in the cable of his ax. He gets back on his hoverboard and drags.

Paulina: *As Shocksquatch* Whoa! Ohhh!

Sunder flies into the air and floats at a spot for a while.

Paulina: *as Shocksquatch* Last chance for you to quit while you're ahead.

Sunder: Huh. Last chance for you to keep your head.

Paulina: *as Shocksquatch* Ho-ho! That was like a joke, but smaller.

Paulina electrocutes Sunder through the cable wire of his ax.

Sunder: AAAAAH!

Paulina then amplifies the electricity and makes screeching noises as she  sends Sunder flying.


Paulina then changes back.

Paulina: *mocking* LOOKS TO ME LIKE IT IIISS! *Sighs* Man that took longer than I thought.

Hokestar: Congratulations, my girl! I saw what you just did. Wonderful! Wonderful, yes, indeed. Absolutely superlative. But, if you want to prevent that run-down feeling after transforming from beast to boy, what you need is a bottle of Professor Hokestar's miracle elixir! *Shows bottle*

Paulina: *Displeased* Uh what?

Hokestar: This is the opportunity of a lifetime! Professor Blarney T. Hokestar's miracle elixir will change everything!

Paulina: Uh huh, well thanks but no thanks, papa always told not to talk to strangers.*walks away*

Hokestar is annoyed. He fixes his hat and rubs his palms.

Hokestar: *To the crowd* And how about you, my friends? Do you, too, doubt the veracity of my fantastic formula's amazing attributes? What's that you say? What's that? You demand a brief demonstration?

Crowd: *Murmuring* Get a job, ya bum!

Hokestar: Then might I have an able-bodied volunteer from the audience? If you please, somebody? Anybody?

Solid Plugg: *Comes out of the crowd* Uh, I-I'll do it.

Hokestar: Excellent, my girl! Splendid. A perfect specimen. Yes, indeed. Now, just for clarity's sake, we've never met before, have we? *Looks at Plugg with one eye closed*

Solid Plugg: N-No, boss... I-I mean, professor. We have not.

Hokestar: And your name, my good sir?

Solid Plugg: They call me Plugg, Solid Plugg.

Hokestar: Yeah, of course you are, dear boy. And now, are you ready to have your world forever transformed?

Solid Plugg seems hesitant. Hokestar stares at him.

Solid Plugg: Sure. Why not?

Hokestar: Just sprinkle a few drops of my miracle elixir on your scalp, rub vigorously, and in a mere matter of moments... *Plant-like hair emerges from Plugg's head* voilà! A rich, full head of... *Flowers grow as well* ... flowers! *Chuckles nervously* Yes, yes. And not even in season, don't you know.

Solid Plugg: Uh, um, yeah, um, uh... It is a miracle! I was bald merely moments ago, and now, forsooth, I am not.

Only three people continue to watch the demonstration.

Hokestar: Now, who will be the next among you to partake of my miracle elixir, huh? Only two Taydens a bottle.

Toby Monitor: Huh, not bad.

Pink-Worst: Oh, I'll take one.

Whalium Whalace: I'll take two.

Ben looks on from the sidelines as Hokestar sells his miracle elixir bottles.

Hokestar: *To you* As you can see, my ice cold boy, business is booming.

Paulina: I still don't buy it. Like the saying goes, there's one born every minute.

Hokestar: Oh, well, *Chuckles* There's nothing I appreciate better than the challenge of a hard sell. Hehe. Allow me to try and change your tiny mind, hmm? Hehehe.

Paulina: You're wasting your time dude.

Hokestar: But it's my time to waste, now, isn't it?

Paulina: *sighs* Fine, why not.

We later see Paulina and Hokestar at his shop.

Hokestar: Welcome, welcome, welcome to Professor Blarney T. Hokestar's extraterrestrial emporium, las! Hehe. If you cannot find it here, it probably doesn't exist.

Hokestar clicks a button on his remote and a compartment of the emporium opens up, containing various merchandise as you look through it.

Paulina: Seems like it's just a bunch of old second-rate *gasps as you spot a rare Sayonara Pussycat toy* Where did you get this Sayonara Pussycat action figure!? I've never seen one like it before.

Hokestar: *Holds the toy* Special limited edition, only available from the concessionaires of Budokan. Fewer than 100 ever made, hehe. *Silently*  If you like it, it's yours, my girl, with my compliments. *Gives you the toy*

Paulina: *Suspicious* Okay what's the catch?

Hokestar: No catch my lady, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the universe to have a one-woman superhero team as a spokesman for my elixir, now, would it?

Paulina: Hm you have a point there, and your stuff may look kinda weird, but... it all seems harmless enough. Let me think about it.

Hokestar: *Sighs* That's all I ask, m’lady.

Paulina walks away as we see Solid Plugg walk up to Hokestar.

Solid Plugg: *Chuckles* How'd it go, professor? Did you get her?

Hokestar: Patience, Plugg. Heh. He'll come around.

Meanwhile as we see Paulina was walking she then called up Danie via plumber badge.

Paulina: Hey babe, you there?

Danie: *over com* Yes I am here hun, how did it go with Sunder?

Paulina: Quick. He had to catch a flight. Hey, can you look up someone named "Professor Blarney T. Hokestar" on the Extranet?

Danie: *over com* Sure thing.

Danie then searches him up and finds results.

Danie: Professor Blarney T. Hokestar... an intergalactic flim-flam man. The Plumbers don't consider him a threat. Why do you ask?

Paulina: Long story, I just ran into him... I guess it's not that long.

Danie: Well, if you need backup-

Paulina: I promise I'll call you back up , love you.

Danie: You too beloved. *hangs up*

Here we see Paulina playing with her newly-acquired action figure while walking through Undertown while making strange fighting noises as she bump into a Florauna.

Pax: *looks at you ominously* Paulina Sanchez, I've been looking for you.

Paulina: Yeah? Well, you just found me. *Steps back and prepares to use the Omnitrix*

Pax leans forward into the light and looks less ominous.

Pax: You're the girl that turns into different aliens, right, dude? Saving the universe is your thing.

Paulina: *Skeptical* Yeah….I am. And it is.

Pax: Then you, of all people, should care that Hokestar's holding a poor, harmless alien hostage! Keeping it in deplorable conditions. Milking it for that so-called "Professor's" so-called "miracle elixir", man! *Makes quotations gestures*

Paulina: Wait, diiiid you say 'milking'?

We later see Paulina and Pax at Hokestar's emporium as we see knock hardly on the door.

Paulina: Hey Professor? You home? *Nobody opens the door* Nobody here. We'll have to come back later.

Pax: Duuude, you just can't give up. There's a captive creature in there that needs our help! Like, right now!

Paulina: *Still skeptical* You'd better be right.

Paulina then turns into Spidermonkey and climbs onto the emporium.

Pax: Hahaha! Sweet!

Paulina then put your hand through a hole and search for a lever. He finds it and pulls it as the door opens.

Paulina: *as Spidermonkey* As much as I like saving people and aliens, *Screeches* We really shouldn't be here. *Chatters* So try not to touch anything, okay?

Pax nods and enters. They look at the emporium and see some strange and disturbing things.

Pax: What did I tell you? This place is a horror show.

Paulina: *as Spidermonkey* Eh. More like a sideshow. But it sure is creepy. That, I'll give you. So, where's this poor captive creature that you're so worried about?

We then see Paulina's tail accidentally push a button on a mechanism and it slowly raises a platform with a cage.

Paulina: *As Spidermonkey* *Jumps back* Aah! Whoa! Never mind. I-I think I found it.

Pax: Meet the Screegit, one of the most endangered species in the whole universe.

Paulina: *turns back to normal and observes as the Screegit wakes up and yawns* Aww! It's adorable! *In a babyish tone* Who's a cute little guy? You are! Yes, you are!

The Screegit smiles and licks the cage.

Pax: Hey, man. That's not cool. Don't talk down to him.

Paulina: Oh *To the Screegit* Uh-um, sorry. *To Pax* What's with the energy globe?

Pax: This.

Pax presses a button and a mechanism appears from the ceiling. It attaches to the Screegit's energy globe and sucks the Screegit's hair-like parts and begins to milk him. The Screegit sighs, looking relieved. Paulina and Pax observe the milk get processed and drop into the miracle elixir bottle.

Paulina: O...kay. That's disgusting.

Pax: Ugh, I know, right?! Hokestar's using and abusing this poor creature for profit. *Removes the milking mechanism* All of nature's creatures deserve to know what freedom looks like! FREE THE SCREEGIT! FREE THE SCREEGIT!! *The Screegit cheers*

Hokestar: Freeze, you miserable miscreants! *Aims a gun at Paulina and Pax* Move a muscle, and I will blast you where you- Aaah! Ohh!

Hokestar takes a step forwards and trips over a bottle. The gun slips out of his hand and he accidentally fires it. There is a flash of light. Hokestar drops the gun, his face covered with green plant-like pieces. Paulina is revealed to be safe but Pax was hit and his upper body has been blown to bits.

Paulina: WHAT DID YOU DO?!

Hokestar: Egads! He just ran right out in front of me! I-I-I-I-I didn't mean to! I, uh…

The plant-like parts spread across the room roll back towards Pax and he regenerates. Paulina and Hokestar look on, terrified.

Pax: Whoa! That was a rush! *Cleans his glasses*

Hokestar: My lady, oh, I-I cannot begin to make proper amends for my accidental act of minor mayhem. I-


Hokestar gets nervous, causing the gun to slip out of his hands again. Paulina and Pax hold each other anxiously. Hokestar throws the gun out of his shop.

Hokestar: *Sighs, relieved* Yes, oh, yes. Now, if I might be so bold as to ask what precisely are you two rapscallions doing in my ship in the first place?

Pax: You know perfectly well who I am and what I'm doing here.

Hokestar: Eh... Refresh my memory.

Pax: I'm Pax, Alien Rights Activist.

Paulina: Wait, what? *Raises his finger at Pax*

Pax: *Clears throat and grabs Paulina* And we're here to free the poor Screegit from its life of torment.

Hokestar: Torment?! my boy , I am merely doing the Screegit a kindness. Like Earth cows, the milk in its system needs to be relieved with startling regularity.

Pax: What kind of fools do you take us for?

Hokestar: What are my options?

Paulina: Uh, Pax, was it? This Screegit thing does seem pretty happy. More like a pet, really, than a hostage. *The Screegit smiles*

Pax: What's the difference?!

Hokestar: For one, I treat the Screegit as if he were my own kin.

Pax: You keep your family locked up in a cage?!

Paulina : I think-

Hokestar: It is for his own safety, of course... and ours.

Paulina : You know, I was-



Paulina: *Irritated* Alright, fine! You wanna ignore me?! Ignore this!

Paulina then remove the Screegit's energy globe from the platform. There's a puff of smoke.

Paulina: Until I know what's what, the Screegit's coming with me! *Walks away*

Pax & Hokestar: *Look at each other, then look at you* NOOO!

Pax and Hokestar attack Paulina as they fight for the Screegit as we then see Solid Plugg come to the shop with groceries.

Pax: Every creature belongs to itself!

Danie: Give me that back!

Hokestar: No! No! Gimme! It's mine!

Solid Plugg looks on.

Solid Plugg: Not again, nuh-uh! What the boss wants, the boss gets!

Plugg drops the groceries and charges at Paulina and Pax, hurtling them back to the wall as we see Plugg tends to Hokestar as you recover quickly.

Paulina: Oh you are so going to be really sorry you did that.

Paulina then turns into Amphibian as you hold the Screegit in one of her tentacles and use the other tentacles to channel his electricity through the floor. Pax and Hokestar are electrocuted and subdued. Solid Plugg is unaffected.

Solid Plugg: *Laughs* Eh, tickles.

Paulina: *as Ampfibian*  Just my luck.

Paulina then fly closer to Plugg, grab him and shock him as he is still unfazed.

Solid Plugg: *Chuckles* My turn.

Plugg gets a hold of one of your tentacles and slams you into the floor. He swings you around and throws you against a wall. You them drop the Screegit's energy globe as we see the globe goes rolling and Solid Plugg picks it up as the Screegit's squeals, feeling dizzy.

Paulina: *as AmpFibian* *Gets up* All yours, tough guy.

Ampfibian activates the milking machine and increases the suction force, trapping Solid Plugg.

Solid Plugg: Ohhh!

Paulina: *as Ampfibian* Hang in there. Hehe.

Solid Plugg: *Struggling* Get back here, Paulina  Sanchez! Solid Plugg's not finished with you!

Hokestar and Pax recover from their shock as they see you walk away.

Hokestar: You have no idea what you're doing, my girl! Bring back the Screegit!

Hokestar: No, no! Free the Screegit!

Pax and Hokestar stare at each other, then Pax walks away.

Hokestar looks at Plugg, still trapped.

Meanwhile we see you as AmpFibian fly over Bellwood, holding the Screegit.

Paulina: *as Ampfibian* *On the comm link*  Yeah, I'm on my way right now, Danie. And I've got some rare Screegit with me and-

The energy globe starts to crack.

Danie: *over comm link* You have a Screegit?! On Earth?!

The Screegit feels exhausted and begins to grow in size as the crack becomes a hole.

Paulina: *as AmpFibian*  Well, I took it from a couple of aliens for safekeeping... It's no big-

The energy globe shatters and the Screegit falls down towards the ground as you fly after him and land on the streets below and changes back as we see people scream and vehicles crash.

Paulina: Huh?

Paulina runs ahead and turns. She sees the Screegit having grown to a huge size.

Paulina: Whoa! That is not right!

The Screegit spits acid over a car, melting it.

Paulina: *To Danie through your Plumber Badge* What just happened? The galaxy's cutest fuzzball is suddenly looking a lot less cute.

Danie: *Over com* The Screegit is not just rare. It's incredibly dangerous!

Paulina: You don't say.

Danie: I'm on my way.

Pax: *Arrives, panting* Wha-Where is the Screegit?

Paulina: First start by telling me what happened to it.

Pax: I have no idea. I mean, Screegits usually only react like this in a nitrogen-filled environment. But you earthlings breathe oxygen.

Paulina: Surprise! Earth's atmosphere has nitrogen in it, too, pal.

Pax: Well, why didn't you tell me?

Paulina: Why didn't you ask?! It's not the sort of thing that just comes up in conversation. "Oh, hi. My name's Paulina. This planet's atmosphere is rich in nitrogen. How's yours?"

The Screegit causes destruction across the street and he only keeps getting bigger. People get off their cars and run away, screaming. The Screegit's acid spit melts vehicles and a roadside water pump.

Pax: Please... you got to stop it. W-Without hurting it.

Paulina: Yeah. Sure.

Paulina jumps over a car and runs ahead and transforms into Swampfire. She shoots fire at the Screegit but it is unaffected. His acid spit puts out the fire below him. The Screegit keeps walking while Paulina and Pax continue to chase him.

The Screegit seems to rest over a gas station, but his acid spits melts through the station and ignites the gas, causing a massive explosion. Swampfire and Pax look on in shock and people scream nearby. The Screegit recovers soon and continues walking as you change back.

Pax: So, what now, man?

Paulina: So, I track him down and capture him, *mocking tone* man! *Sees the Screegit moving out of the fire* Come on, Fasttrack.

Danie transforms into Wildmutt instead and shakes her head.

Pax: Why are you a Vulpimancer?

Paulina: *as Wildmutt* *Snarls and signals Pax to sit on his back*.

Pax: I don't know, man. I'd never ride a fellow being. I-It's degrading. * Paulina then grab and place Pax over your back* This is not right.

Paulina runs after the Screegit at a high speed.

Pax: I tell you, man, this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Paulina: *as Wildmutt* *Growls*

In Undertown, Hokestar and Solid Plugg rent a vehicle from Y-it's Scooter Rentals and drive to Bellwood. The Screegit continues to walk and cause destruction. He destroys a railway bridge. A news helicopter follows him. Paulina and Pax arrive at the spot.

Pax: Oh, man! It smashed right through those tracks! *A train arrives, blowing its whistle* And that makes the problem substantially worse.

Paulina then changes back and falls to the ground due to Pax's weight.

Paulina: Oh, come on. Seriously? Are those keys in your pocket?

Pax: Sorry, dudette. *Gets off of Danie*

The train approaches the broken tracks as you get  up and dials an alien on the Omnitrix

Paulina: Alright, Omnitrix. I need something big to stop that train. Ya hear me?

Paulina then transform into Juryrigg.

Paulina: *as Juryrigg*Juryrigg? How does this help anybody?!

Paulina then hits the Omnitrix symbol and transforms into Grey Matter.

Paulina: * as Grey Matter* Grey Matter? Seriously?

Paulina then hits the Omnitrix symbol again and transforms into Nanomech.

Paulina: *As Nanomech*  Ohhh, come on, already!

Paulina then slaps the Ultimatrix symbol and transforms into Bloxx and jumps up to the tracks as the train approaches ever closer. Paulina gets on the tracks and morphs himself to form part of the tracks.

Paulina: *As Bloxx* Oh, this is gonna hurt. *The train goes over her* YAAAAAAH!

Paulina gets down and cracks her neck blocks.

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Augh, that hurt so bad!

Pax: Awesome!

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Glad you enjoyed it so much.

Pax: So what do we do now?

Just then we see Solid Plugg attack Pax as we see

Hokestar: Use your noodle, my girl. You're a Segmentasapien.

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Is that what I am? I mean... so?

Hokestar: So? *Mutters* I have met your kind before! Hehe. If you transform your body to surround the Screegit in an air-tight shell and allow me to vacuum away the nitrogen, the little dickens should revert to a more containable size.

Paulina: * as Bloxx* Okay. Stay back and let me deal with King Fuzzyface. I'll yell when I'm ready for you.

Hokestar: I am at your beck and call.

Pax: Just remember- *Fights Solid Plugg*  it's an innocent, harmless creature!

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Tell that to the transit authority.

The Screegit keeps walking and Bloxx follows him via his extendable arms. Paulina gets in front of the Screegit and changes her shape into a huge wall to block the Screegit's path.

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Hey! Droolmeister! That's far enough.

The Screegit spits acid at Paulina. She looks at the acid stains and shifts back to her default form, as she feels the acid burn.

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Still ow! Ow! *spots a roadside water pump and uses it to cool himself off* Uhh... Less ow. Ow. *Sees the Screegit walking away* This is not gonna be easy.

We then see Paulina get on the rooftops and jump onto the Screegit and starts punching him, but the Screegit does not feel anything as we see Paulina jump back down.

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Sorry to have to do this to you, big fella. But-

Just then we see Pax arrive and start pulling Paulina's face while Plugg continues hitting Pax.

Pax: NOOO! As a duly deputized agent of extraterrestrials for the ethical treatment of aliens, I cannot allow you to harm the Screegit!

Solid Plugg jumps away as the Screegit bends low to eat Pax's head. His head regenerates.

Pax: Hey! I'm on your side, man!

The Screegit spits out the head. Pax hides behind Paulina, terrified.

Hokestar: Quick, now! Before the cursed creature becomes too big to contain!

Paulina: *As Bloxx* Give me a break, I'm working as fast as I can, here.

Paulina then throws a car at the Screegit, making him go off-balance and crash into a building behind him. Paulina completely surrounds the Screegit in a dome.

Pax: Please! Leave him alone!

Paulina then erupts one block and sends Pax flying into a dumpster.

Pax: *falls into a dumpster* Aah! Unh!

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Now, professor! Now!

Hokestar: On my way, m'lady!

Hokestar climbs out of a building window and tries to climb down but falls.

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Hurry up! *The Screegit attempts to break free and also uses acid* Can't keep this up- unh- much longer.

Hokestar arrives. He pushes a vacuum machine through Bloxx and vacuums the nitrogen inside. The Screegit's struggle stops.

Paulina: *as Bloxx* Professor?

Hokestar: *Sighs* It's over, my las. You can let go of it now.

We see Paulina change back to normal as we see Hokestar puts an energy globe around the Screegit.

Hokestar: There you are, precious. Back to your rightful form.

Pax: No! *Pushes Hokestar and takes the Screegit* The Screegit must run free! Free the Screegit!

Paulina: Seriously? Does this guy ever quit?

Pax: Free the- oof!

We then see Danieturn into Diamondhead and shoots a shackle at Pax and traps him. The Plumbers and the spies arrive and take the Screegit.

Danie: We'll take possession of the screegit now, thank you very much.

Pax: Go ahead! Lock me away! *The Plumbers take Pax away* Then I'll get to experience how my caged alien brethren and sistren feel.

Paulina: *Danie gives her the Screegit* So it's a happy ending for everyone.

Hokestar: Indeed! And now, with your kind permission, ladies, I shall take my Screegit and be-

Paulina: Handcuffed to that nut job for a year and a half if you so much as think about touching that Screegit. *Gives Paulina the Screegit*

Hokestar: Screegit? W-W-W-What Screegit? Never heard of the thing before in my life. Heh. No, indeed. Now, if you'll forgive my hasty departure, pleasure to make your acquaintance, looking forward to your endorsement of my products, Paulina Sanchez! Hahaha. *Walks away*

Paulina: Yeah... Like that'll be the day.

Solid Plugg: Uhhh... boss? *Plumbers chase him*

Danie: The professor's motives, I get. That Pax guy, not so much.

Paulina: He means well. Which makes him even more dangerous.

Danie: Hmm. So he's like an alien version of Sam.

Paulina: Pretty much, the guy may be harmless but his methods are a bit unorthodox, which makes him a potential threat.

Multiple plumbers struggle to pull back Solid Plugg.

Solid Plugg: *Grunting* Boss! Don't leave Plugg! Plugg can't go back to the hoosegow!

He breaks free and runs as we see the Plumbers pile-up on him, subduing him.

Solid Plugg: *Grumbles* Razzle-frazzle red-spot Plumbers!

Next: Chapter 34: It Was Them

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