Chapter 36: New Queen Bee

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Here we see Danie, Kiko and the others at school in the hallways after taking a very hard test.

Danie: Ugh, that test was brutal.

Paulina: Totally, but at least it's all over now.

Danny: And thanks to Danie and Star's study session I'm gonna pass.

Danie: *Chuckles* Love that confidence D.

Star: *Hugs Danny's arm* I love it too.

Danie: So sweetie you think you passed?

Paulina: I hope so. We studied hard and I don't want those study sessions to go to waste.

Danie: Well whatever grade you get I'll be happy either way.

Paulina: *Blushes* Aww thanks babe.

The two then shared a loving kiss while Sam and Tucker cringed at it while  Danny and Star had a smile.

Sam: *to Danny* How can you be so calm about this Danny? That shallow puddle is kissing Danie!

Danny: So?

Tucker: So? Dude you had a thing for Paulina , now you're cool with it?

Danny: Yes I am, if Paulina and Danie are happy then I'm happy. That and Jazz is trying to figure out how Paulina of all people fell for Danie and vice versa. Plus I have a girlfriend now.

Star: And I'm happy for Paulina.

Kiko: *Squeaks Seriously*

Danny: Yeah, but I think she's trying to accept it.

Sam: Yeah right, this is Paulina we're talking about, she's just using Danie.

Danny: *With Danie and Paulina making out in the background* She's not using her, she said it herself.

Tucker: Then she's gotta be possessed by Kitty again. Or she could be blackmailing Danie.

Paulina: *Pulls back* I am not being possessed by Kitty or any other ghost like last time or blackmailing Danie, unlike Sam.

Tucker: Wait h-how-

Paulina: Danie told me.

Sam: Of course she did.

Everyone was still surprised that Paulina, of all people, the former queen of Casper High, is dating Danie.


Everyone flinched and looked away out of fear that Paulina might give them an earful and a hard slap to the face, like with Dash.

Paulina: *Sighs* What is with people? I love Danie no matter what!

Danie: And I love Paulina, is that so much a crime?

Danny: No it isn't, you two are obviously made for each other and I completely support this.

Star: Same here.

Danie: Thanks guys, *glares a bit at Sam and Tucker* at least you're the only people that can accept my relationship with Paulina.

Paulina: *Hugs Danie* And I'm happy with my num-nums, and nothing can separate us.

Dash walks over to Danie. He grabs her by the shirt and pulls Danie up in the air.

Dash: Hey Benturd! It's only been two hours and I'm already tired of you hogging the Casper Queen.

Danie: I'm not hogging her flathead.

Dash: Oh that's it babe or not *Raises a fist* when I'm done with you, Paulina is gonna be my-

Paulina Immediately kicked Dash right in the nards making jock scream in pain as he let go of Danie and then slammed Dash into an open locker and closed it.

Paulina: I will never be your girlfriend! *Hugs Danie* I'm Danie's girlfriend!

Danie: Yeah what she said!

Danny: Wow…

Tucker: If she hates Dash that much, then I believe her. What about you Sam?

Sam: I'm slightly afraid of her now.

Dash was about to protest when he saw the angry looks from the two girls and the growling from Kiko as he ran away like the coward he was.

Danie: I hate that guy.

Paulina: I hate him too.

Danny: Well at least you two have something in common.

Just then we see a red carpet roll in the school as we then see a girl with fair skin, blond hair, violet eyes, and wearing a pink, blue and white cheerleader uniform with a B on it and a tiara, this was Barbie. Paulina's eyes went wide like she saw a ghost.

Paulina: *In her head* Ohh no…

Tucker: Woah… who is that?!

Danny: Don't know.

Danie: She must be new around here.

Lancer: Ah students I see you already met our returning student Ms-

Paulina: Barbie…?

The others, Danie and even Lancer: You know her?

Paulina: Unfortunately yes I do.

Everyone, except for Danny, Sam, Kiko, and Paulina all cheered and threw confetti.

Barbie: Oh thank you, thank you, you're all too kind.

Paulina could only groan in dismay as Danie saw this.

Paulina: *Groans* Oh dios miho.

Danie: Sweetie you okay?

Paulina: I'm fine…

Sam: You don't look fine.

Paulina: I said I'm fine, Sam. *Sighs*.

Later on, we see the Danie and the others eat their lunch where Paulina saw Barbie being worshiped like a queen by the jocks.

Star: Paulina you okay?

Danie: You haven't eaten anything.

Tucker: Well if she isn't gonna eat anything…

Danie: Tuck, read the room.

Kiko: *Growls*

Tucker: Right, right my bad.

Paulina: *Sighs* I-I'm fine hun, really I am.

Sam: You're clearly not.

Paulina: Who asked you?! *Sam reels back in terror*

Danie: Paulina come on. How do you know Barbie?

Paulina: Okay, okay, the truth is… Barbie was my first friend.

Star, Sam, Tucker, Danny, and Danie: What?!?

Star: You and her were friends?

Paulina: Yes we were. But now we're not, she's a manipulative, shallow, blond prissy, cheerleader who uses her looks and attitude to get what she wants. *Realizes what she said* Uh no offense Star.

Star: None taken.

Sam: *Sarcastically* Gee, why does that sound familiar?

Paulina: Sam please this is not the time to talk about you or Star. This is about me.

Sam: What?! I'm not shallow if anything-

Danie: Sam come on this isn't about you.

Star: So you and Barbie used to be friends?

Paulina: Yes, she and I used to be like sisters, that is until she became popular and I… went along with it.

Star: So that's why you acted so shallow?

Paulina: Yes, Barbie liked the popularity and being flirted with by jocks and other boys, I sort of liked it but it just wasn't me. *Hugs Danie* And I want to change that, but… But I was afraid of what people might think of me. But Danie gave me that courage to be who I wanted to be.

Sam: *Slightly surprised* Wow…

Danie: I have that effect on people. *Hugs back*

Paulina: It's true. *Looks at Barbie* What I don't get is, how is she back, and how is she… fine?

Danny: What do you mean?

Paulina: I-

Barbie: *Laughs* Oh go on tell me how pretty I am.

Students: Hail Barbie! Queen Barbie! Her Majesty! Goddess!

Sam: Oh great it's already spreading.

Tucker: Is that a "oh no" or a "yikes"?

Paulina: It's a "yikes" *groans* Let's go somewhere else before we catch Barbie-itus.

Danie and the others leave the cafeteria as the camera panned over to Barbie and for a brief moment her eyes glowed red.

Barbie: *In her head* I'll get you Paulie, and your little girlfriend too.

The camera fades to Danie, the others and Paulina walking home.

Paulina: *Muttering* Dumb Barbie and her wannabee influence.

Danie: Relax hun, I'm sure this will all blow over.

Danny: Yeah, so she got popular in one day, big deal.

Sam: Yeah, besides this'll all be over in a day.

Star: And you won't have to deal with it anytime.

Paulina: Yeah I guess you're right.

The next day, we see Danie and the others come to school as they all gasped in shock at what they saw.

Danie and Star: What the…?!

Tucker: I… I don't believe… it.

The others, Danie, Paulina and Kiko all saw everyone all had blond hair, even the teachers too.

Sam: I… uh.. Wh-what is this?!

Paulina: Barbie happened.

Sam: What? H-how-

Paulina: She's very influential, not as much as Danie though. But I didn't think she would be this influential.

Just then everyone heard screaming as they saw Mikey being engulfed by a swarm of bees carrying a bee hive as he fell down on the floor.

Mikey: *While running* Help! I can't see and my face hurts!

Danie: *Sees what's happening* What the?

Danie pulled out a ecto blaster and shot the bees off of Mikey.

Danie: Okay not that I care but Mikey, what are you doing with a beehive?

Mikey: It's the new mascot.

Danny: New mascot?

Sam: Since when?

Mikey: Since Barbie made some changes to the school.

Paulina grew worried about the “changes” her old friend made.

Paulina: What kind of changes?

Mikey: See for yourself.

Everyone looked outside as they saw a greenhouse.

Danie: A Greenhouse?

Star: Since when does Casper High have a greenhouse?

Sam: *Sniffles* It's… it's… so beautiful!!

Star: Sam are you crying?

Sam: No… *wipes the tears* I'm simmering through my eyes…

Tucker: Why would she want a greenhouse?

Danie: Paulina?

Paulina: She always liked flowers, but I didn't think she would do this.

Tucker: Neither did I.

Barbie: Oh, Michael, darling. You're not really running around carelessly with my precious beehive on your head now, are you?

Students: It's Barbie!

Mikey: I'm so sorry, but it's not my fault! I swear!

Danie: Oh I don't know, I think that was a good look for him. *To Barbie* And you are?

Barbie: Ew, gross. Is that Barbie-wannabe I smell? I have no idea who you are or who you're pretending to be but allow me to share something really important to you. This school belongs to moi.

Sam: Oh great, a blond version of Paulina, only twice as worse.

Danie: Are you the new janitor?

Barbie: *Groans and glares* It's Barbie. You may also refer to me as Queen Barbie, Her Majesty or goddess. Allow them to demonstrate.

Students: Hail Barbie! Queen Barbie! Her Majesty! Goddess!

Danie: You're working way too hard there. Did she seriously refer to herself as Barbie, like the outdated doll with a zillion lame occupations?

Sam: Yes, yes she did.

Paulina: And I'm allergic to plastic.

Danie: Come on, let's get out of here before we turn into drones.

Star: Right behind ya.

We then see everyone leave to class leaving Barbie, and her followers.

Barbie: Oh, no! No one walks out in the middle of my being worshiped and how dare you call me plastic!

We later cut to a montage of Danie and Paulina in class where Barbie tries to get back at them but no matter what she does it always backfires on her.

After some time, we see Danie, Kiko, and Paulina at the cafeteria where they were eating.

Danie: Man, I can see why you… dislike Barbie.

Star: More like, hate her guts.

Paulina: Yeah now you know how I feel.

Danie: *Looks around* Is it weird that we're the only ones here?

The camera zoomed out to reveal Danie, Paulina and Kiko were the only ones here.

Paulina: Huh, yeah it is. Where is everyone?

Danie looked outside and gasped when she saw something.

Danie: Uhh, Paulina? You may wanna see this.

Paulina looked and everyone, even Danny, Sam and Tucker had blond hair and was working on something that looked like a hive.

Paulina: Holy moly!

Danie: I know, Sam is definitely not a blond girl.

Paulina: Danie that's besides the point. The only way Barbie could have done this is… *hears buzzing noises* Oh no.

Danie also heard the buzzing noises as she and Paulina turned around and saw a giant swarm of ghost bees.

Paulina: More bees?!

Danie: Come on, let's play exterminator.

Paulina: Right!

Danie turns into her Infinite form and Paulina turns into Swampfire and blasts the bees away but more came as they fought them back into the cafeteria.

Danie: *While blasting the bees away* This isn't working, there's too many of them!

Paulina: If only there was a way to, *realizes* Oh duh, come on let's freeze them.

Danie: Right! But let's get the others first.

We then see the duo turn into Big Chill and freeze the bees and they shatter them and the other bees as the two and Kiko (As Omnivoracious) fly off  but not before getting the others as they go to Fenton Works and turn on the ghost shield blocking the incoming ghost bees.

We later see Danie, Paulina and the others in the labs where the others are chained to four chairs.

Sam: Let us go!

Danny: We have to go back to the queen!

Tucker: She's our leader! And she's super hot!

Danie: I don't get it, it's they're like-like…

Paulina: Mindless drones, but how do we snap them out of it?

Danie looked into their ears and saw a bee ghost in their heads.

Danie: There's a bee in their heads. Maybe a small energy blast will snap out of it.

Paulina: That could work.

Danie then fired a precise energy blast at the others's heads blasting the bees away as they turned back to normal.

Star: Ughh… my head.

Sam: Ughh, wha-what happened?

Tucker: And why do I have cravings for pollen and honey?

Danny: And why did I think Barbie was the hottest girl in the world?

Danie: You guys were being mind controlled.

Sam: Mind controlled by who?

Paulina: Take a wild guess.

Sam: *Realizes* Barbie? But she can't do that, sure she's a shallow girl but not even she could do that.

Paulina: She couldn't, not until… now.

Tucker: What do you mean? It's not like she's a ghost or something.

Paulina then looks away as everyone then realizes that Barbie is a ghost.

Star: Ohh, she is, isn't she?

Paulina: Yeah…

Danny: Wait, how do you know that?

Paulina: I was there when she… went away.

Danie: Yikes, I'm so sorry Paulina…

Paulina: *Hugs Danie* Thanks hun.

Danie: Anytime.

Danny: Okay hang on, Paulina what else do you know about Barbie?

Paulina: Other than the fact she likes bees, flowers, and being popular. And that she was deathly allergic to bees. At my 10th birthday party she wanted to get back at me for getting with Dash, she replaced my pinata with a beehive but it backfired on her and bees all swarmed at her and she was stung, 250 times. She was taken to the hospital and the doctors said… she went up to the big flower field in the sky. *The others and Danie's eyes widen in realization*  After that I lived with that guilt that… the guilt that I was responsible for her… *wipes her tears* and I lived with that guilt for life… and now it's come back to sting me. No pun intended.

To say that the team was surprised was an understatement, they never knew Paulina went through that kind of trauma.

Star: Woah…

Sam: I… wow…

Tucker: Dang…

Danny: Wow… um.. Paulina I… I'm sorry to hear that.

Danie: *Hugs Paulina in comfort* Yeah, but why didn't you tell us? Or me?

Paulina: Well-

Sam: And don't say, "you never asked".

Paulina: But you never did ask.

Sam: Dang it, you're right.

Star: Why didn't you tell me? I was your best friend.

Paulina: Because I didn't want to relive that pain! I didn't want to lose another friend to some horrible fatal accident! So I…

Star: -Used popularity as a coping mechanism?

Paulina: Yeah… why do you think I hung out with Colette? To hide the pain that I lost the one friend I made after I lost you… but… it wasn't the same…

Star was a bit taken back by this, Paulina, former queen bee and brat, now friend,  explaining why she acted so… shallow.

Star: I… I never knew that… I'm… I'm sorry.

Paulina: It's fine Star, I'm used to it.

Danie: Anyways, *to the others* What do you three remember when Barbie brainwashed you?

Sam: *Thinks back* Hmm, she said something about making a hive.

Tucker: And drones.

Danny: And expanding the greenhouse.

Star: And getting lots of flowers too.

Danie: Why would she want that?

Paulina: *Eyes widen in realization* To build her hive, she needs a lot of honey and wax to turn Casper High into a giant beehive.

Sam: You can't be serious right?

Paulina: Sam, this is the ghost of my ex-best friend we're talking about here.

Sam: Fair enough, now let's go play exterminator.

Later that night, we see Danie, Paulina and the others walking to school at the field.

Danny: And you're sure the hive has to be here?

Paulina: Yes, I'm sure. Why is it so hard to believe me?

Sam: Because you're you?

Tucker: And you're dim. *Gets slapped upside by Danie* Ow!

Danie: That's my girlfriend you're talking about.

???(Barbie): Well, isn't this a delight? I was afraid I'd never meet my favorite wannabees ever again.

Everyone looked as the stadium lights came on as they shined on Barbie and the mind controlled cheerleaders and football players.

Danie: Ugh. Aren't you supposed to be in the trash?

Paulina: That entrance is way too big for you.

Barbie: Please, I have the biggest entrances in the whole school.

Danie: That's a lot of information about you I do not need to know. Booger flick in yo' face!

Barbie: Aw, that was almost adorable. I'll give you something to flick when you see what I brought here for you.

Barbie flips down as she's launched by the football players as she transforms into her ghost form as she now has black hair, green skin, red eyes, a yellow and black bathing suit, wings, antennas, a thorax and a large stinger.

Star: Woah…!

Danie: Could this be more predictable?

Paulina: Nope. She's a queen, she's a bee, she's a queen bee, we get it!

Barbie: I hope you have something good to turn into teacher Barbie because stupidity results in death in my classroom.

Danny: Well he's our extra credit assignment.

We then see a large white ring envelope Danny and Danie the half as as they turn into their ghost forms and Paulina turned into kickin hawk.

Barbie: *To the football players* Don't just stand there get them!

The football players all charge at the halfa others as Sam and Tucker run off to free the other mind control people. Danie spotted a football and punted it as the football players saw this and ran to it as Paulina chucked it back at Danny and the football players followed it and this went on for a while as Barbie sweat dropped from this.

Barbie: These guys are idiots.

Danie then froze the ground making them slip and fall.

Danny: Who are these guys?

The bees went away as the football players and Dash were coming back to their senses.

Football Player #1: My head hurts.

Football Player #2: Was I just a bee?

Paulina: Uh, not exactly.

Danny: Random House Barbie decided to put bees in your ears to control you.

Danie: So you know what that means?

We then see the others and Star blast away the bees away from the mind controlled people turning them back to normal.

Barbie: No! My army! *Sees Danie fighting off the bees* But if I can't have an army, I'll just have that drone!

Barbie then charges ar Danie but Paulina punches Barbie out of the way as she towers above her.

Paulina: *As Kickin hawk* Nobody touches my girlfriend, and gets away with it!

Barbie: Oh typical, just like with you and Dash!

Paulina: I'm not with him anymore!

Danie, Star, and Danny see Paulina fighting off Barbie slashing her with her  claws and blasting her back, sending the Queen bee to her hive destroying it.

Barbie: Ah! My hive! You wannabees will pay for this! Especially you Danny Fenton and Star Strong!

Paulina: Ahem.

Barbie turned to see Paulina, now human,  standing over her brandishing the thermos at her.

Barbie: Ah! Woah Paulie we-were total beffers,

Paulina: You switched my pinata for a bee hive!

Barbie: C-come on you wouldn't do this to an old friend would you?

Paulina: An old friend? No, you…

Paulina aimed the thermos and blasted it at Barbie, sucking in the wannabee ghost as Paulina sighed.

Paulina: …Yes.

Danie: You okay hun?

Paulina: Yeah, I'm okay. If that accident to Barbie didn't happen-

Danny: Hey come on, it's not your fault I mean if you were in Barbie's shoes you'd do something like this. Uh, no offense.

Paulina: None taken.

Danie: But, you changed and came a long way, I'm proud of you babe.

Star: Same here.

Paulina: *Smiles a bit* Thanks hun and Star.

Danie: Anytime. I still don't get why your old "friends" would wanna get back at you.

Paulina: Probably because of the whole quitting the A-Listers thing.

Tucker: So what's gonna happen with them? *Points to the unconscious people*

Danie: They probably won't remember anything of what happened after they wake up.

Paulina: Speaking of not remembering, Danie you wouldn't happen to have some sort of alien cosmetic that can remove blemishes right?

Danie: Oh yeah I do. Why?

Paulina: Well I wanna get rid of my mole, *Looks at Star* After someone told everyone my secret!

Star: Sorry about that…

Paulina: It's okay Star. *looking at Sam* At least you apologized for something horrible you did to me.

Sam: Why you little-

Danie: Okay, how about we all go home and deal with this some other time.

Paulina: Okay.

Later at the Benton Residence in the living room, we see Danie applied a special mole removal cream on Paulina's mole as it went away in a second.

Danie: And there we go, it's gone.

Paulina: Yes! *Pulls up her pants and panties, turns around to face Danie* Thank you sweetie! *Kisses Danie's cheek multiple times*

Danie: Anytime hun. *Smirks a bit* Though I didn't mind seeing and feeling the lovely view~.

Paulina: *Giggles* Well maybe you can see it more when you can~.

Danie: Hm, maybe I will~.

Next: Chapter 37: Gone Fishin'

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