Chapter 40: Blukic and Driba Go to Mr. Smoothy's

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Here in the streets of Bellwood. Trombipulor goes hurtling into a car and crashes into the wall. Ben, having transformed into Four Arms, along with Danie and Paulina too as they leap high in the air and land above Trombipulor.  Ben pulls Trombipulor's ears.

Ben: *As Four Arms* *Grunts* Give up, Trombipulor, We've got you outnumbered. Four arms to two!

Paulina: *As Four Arms* Well eight arms actually.

Trombipulor grabs two of Ben' arms and smacks his face with his trunk and kicks him and the duo away. Trombipulor gets up.

Trombipulor: I came to Earth to find the source of absolute power, not to get into a street fight. *Stretches his muscles* But there's no reason I can't do both.

As he walks closer to Ben and Paulina, Rook arrives and shoots at him with his Proto-Tool and Danie blasts him back. He is backed up by a few Plumbers. Trombipulor blocks their attacks and charges towards them.

Trombipulor: AAARGH!

Rook: *Gasps*

Rook and Danie jump away just in time but the other Plumbers get hit. They go flying in the air. Trombipulor turns around. Ben hits him with a long, metal pole. Ben smiles, but then is puzzled as Trombipulor isn't affected.

Trombipulor: Mess with Trombipulor, you get the tusks!

They stare at each other. Ben lifts the pole to attack again but Trombipulor charges into him and tackles him and the girls. Rook gets up and broadcasts the fight on his Plumber Badge. Trombipulor smashes into a building but is punched out by Paulina and Danie as they all fight. Rook speaks on his badge's comm link.

Rook: Plumber HQ! We need immediate assistance. I repeat, immediate assistance. This is a-

At the Plumber HQ, the fight is being broadcast on a screen in the lab where Blukic and Driba are working. Blukic moves around on a hovering chair.

Blukic: Driba, why can't we just buy a new 3D holographic monitor?

Driba: You know how much that costs? All we need to hack this spare transponder into this monitor. *Fiddles with a few wires*

Behind them, on the screen, Rook can be seen running closer to Trombipulor. He lifts and throws Four Arms. Rook shoots at him.

Blukic: Isn't that the transponder from the code red alarm?

Driba: Ugh, we only need the code red alarm if there's a code red. I'll order a new one before anything bad happens.

Just as Trombipulor throws a car at Rook, Driba connect two wires and the screen goes static. Driba scratches his head, confused. Blukic stops his hovering chair.

Driba: Try another A.V. input.

Blukic clicks on a remote and a Mr. Smoothy commercial plays.

TV Announcer: Smooth is smooth, but you haven't had smooth until you've had Mr. Smoothy's. Mr. Smoothy's - where a kid can be... smooooth. *The mascot dances and winks*

Blukic and Driba are fascinated. They look at each other and then at the screen again.

Blukic & Driba: *Delighted* Smooooooooth.

TV Announcer: Try our new grasshopper smoothie, for a limited time only.

Driba: (Gasps) Grasshopper smoothies?

Blukic: We have to go. We have to find out how they get 'em so smooooooth.

The alarm goes off in the base. The Plumbers rush ahead, including Max.

Max: Ben doesn't seem to be making any headway. If we're gonna take down Trombipulor, we're gonna need some specialized gear. And I know just who can make it.

Max arrives outside Blukic and Driba's lab. He sees notes stuck on the door saying they will be back in a specific amount of time, with the amount being crossed out until the last note. Max reads the note.

Max: What the-? "Don't call us. We'll call you"?

Blukic drives a hovering vehicle with Driba seated behind him through Bellwood.

Driba: (Jubilant) Take us to Mr. Smoothy's!

Blukic: Uhhh, which way is that?

Driba: I thought you said you knew where it was.

Blukic: No, I didn't.

Driba: Yes, you did.

Blukic: No, I didn't.

Driba: Yes, you did.

Blukic: No, I didn't!

Driba removes a GPS-locater from his pocket.

Driba: Ugh. No matter. This GPS system is linked to the Plumbers' Satellite Database. It should find us the nearest Mr. Smoothy's. *The locater continues to load. Driba clears his throat* I said it should find us the nearest Mr. Smoothy's!

Driba frowns as the locater doesn't work. They continue to drive.

Elsewhere, Trombipulor runs through the streets of Bellwood. He smells the air with his trunk. Ben and Rook run after him.

Ben: *Panting* Have you gotten through?

Paulina: Because we could really use back up right now.

Rook: Negative. I have been unable to get through to Plumber Headquarters.

Rook's Scanner: Recalculating... Recalculating.

Rook: All I am receiving is a map of the 23 Mr. Smoothy's locations in the Bellwood area.

Ben: 23?! *To himself* I only know 22.

Danie: *While running* We'll worry about number 23 later.

Ben, Danie, and Pailina, continue running. Ben activates his Omnitrix and transforms into Humungousaur, Danie turns into Four Arms, Paulina turns into Armordrillo as they all leap.


Trombipulor turns around. Ben, Danie and Paulina charge into him and they smash into a building. Rook prepares himself and readies his Proto-Tool. Trombipulor, Danie, Paulina and Ben all go rolling as they tussle.

Trombipulor kicks Humungousaur back, Rook takes cover. The trio attempta to attack Trombipulor again. Ben grabs Trombipulor and charges. Trombipulor thumps Humungousaur's back without his hands clasped together, knocking him down. He lifts the alien trio, laughs and throws them.

Ben: *As Humungousaur* ARGH!

Rook stands firm, then he runs to see if Ben, Paulina and Danie are okay.

Trombipulor: You think you can stop me? I'm Trombipulor! The galaxy's biggest evil genius. In height and weight.

Trombipulor runs off.

Paulina: How can an alien elephant run so fast?!

Danie: *Sighs* I don't know, these things are never easy.

Paulina: Are they ever?

A boy walks while drinking a smoothie. Blukic and Driba halt beside him.

Driba: You there! With the smoothie!

Boy: Huh?

Driba: We're in a hurry and we need your help.

The boy shakes his head vigorously.

Boy: This isn't gonna be weird, is it?

Blukic: Umm, a little bit, yeah.

Driba: We're seeking a Mr. Smoothy's. Where is it's nearest location?

Boy: *Shrugs* I-I don't know. I got mine at the Fruit-n-Smoothie kiosk, that way. *Points*

Blukic: Bleh! Yuck. *Shakes his head*

Driba: The very idea of a non-Mr. Smoothy smoothie disgusts me. Blukic, get us out of here. *Pats Blukic's back*

They drive away. The boy looks at them with disbelief and then looks at his smoothie cup.

Boy: Mom was right. I've been drinking too many of these things.

Trombipulor keeps stomping through the streets of Bellwood. He smells the air.

Trombipulor:  I can almost smell it. The rare Earth substance that will grant me ultimate power. (Looks back to see Humungousaur and Rook running after him) IF YOU TWO WANNA SEE WHAT IT IS, YOU'D BETTER KEEP UP!

Trombipulor continues to runs.

Blukic and Driba continue to drive, wandering.

Blukic: Driba, I don't recognize any of these buildings. I think we're lost.

Driba: *Frowning* Hmph. Well, it's a good thing for you that I always have a back-up plan. *Smiles and removes something from his pocket* This, Blukic, is a primitive piece of paper that pre-dates GPS technology. Humans used to call it a "Maaap". *Sways his arm*

Blukic: Hmm. So what does this map do?

Driba: Watch and learn. *Places the map in front of Blukic* We should be able to decipher it's markings and get back to the main roads.

Blukic: (Holds the map) Uh-huh.

Driba: If we follow this line, we should hit the river. Then we can follow it back to downtown.

Blukic: Why don't we just follow this line?

Driba: *Scoffs* That's not a line, it's a fold in the paper!

Blukic: I knew that.

Driba: NO, YOU DI- Blukic, who's driving?

Blukic moves the map out of their sight. They see a bus coming towards them, honking.

Blukic & Driba: AAAAAAAAAAH!

The bus approaches them and they panic.



Blukic & Driba: AAAAH!

Their vehicle manages to go under the bus, but it hits the bottom of the bus, making it bounce and crash into Bellwood City Park. A squirrel pops out of the bushes and sees this. Driba gets up and stretches his back. Blukic gets up and shakes his head.

Blukic: *Cheerfully* That wasn't so bad.

Driba: *Exasperated* Not... so bad?! *Groans* Our car is totaled AND WE'RE LOST!

Blukic: *Removes driving mask* It'll still fly. Mmm, I gotta go. *Walks towards bushes*

Driba: You should've gone before we left Plumber Headquarters!

Blukic: *Frustrated* Shoulda coulda woulda. I gotta go!

Driba: Aliens were never meant to go in Earth bushes!

Blukic: Why not?

Driba: Why not? Complex physiological reasons. What if your alien wee causes some kind of environmental catastrophe? Not call, Blukic, mm-mm, not cool. *Sways his finger and nods in disagreement*

Blukic finishes up and wears his cap back. Driba appears inside the bushes, discomforted.

Driba: Hmph. Now I gotta go.

Blukic hears a sound.

Blukic: What was that?

Blukic and Driba come out of the bushes. They are shocked to see the squirrel from earlier wear Blukic's driving mask and drive their hovering vehicle. They stare in disbelief.

Driba: Hmm, now there's something you don't see everyday, Blukic.

Blukic: *Happily, spreading his arms* Told you it could fly. *Driba stares at him, grouchily*

Blukic and Driba walk on the sidewalk, hopelessly.

Blukic: Are we there yet?

Driba: *Grumbles* Will you stop asking me that? We're lost! How am I supposed to know where we're going and when we're going to be there?!

Blukic: Just making chit-chat.

Driba: Well, don't.

They continue to walk. After a while, they cross a street.

Blukic: Are we there yet?

Driba: *Groans*.This night could not get any worse.

A car crashes a short distance away from them. Trombipulor shows up.

Trombipulor: My minions have found the sacred substance. I will not be denied ultimate power!

Trombipulor runs and is headed right towards Blukic and Driba, inadvertently. Both of them run to save themselves.

Blukic & Driba: YAAAAAAAAH!

Trombipulor's foot just misses them and they are safe.

Blukic: Wasn't that Trombipulor?

Driba: On Earth, too. Figures that no one bothered to tell us. We're always the last to know about this.

Driba's eyes widen. He pushes Blukic aside as Rook comes running, with Ben right behind him.


Driba: WAIT! IT'S US!

Ben: *Halts and turns back* Huh? Blukic and Driba?!

Danie: What are you guys doing here?

Driba: *Blukic and him run up to Ben and Danie* We're lost!

Rook: No time! Trombipulor is putting distance between us!

Paulina: We need to catch up with him!

Ben: Stay put.

Danie: We'll have the Plumbers come back and pick you up!

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook run off. Blukic and Driba stare.

Blukic: We got lucky.

Driba: If they'd found out we were on an unauthorized Mr. Smoothy's run... *Sadly* we'd get demoted to level 1 science team.

Blukic: *Depressed, nodding in disagreement* Mm-mm. I'm not going back to telling simpletons how to turn their computers off... and then on, again.

Driba shudders and walks a few steps ahead.

Blukic: Sooo we wait.

Driba: As long as it takes. Could be minutes. Could be hours.

Blukic: Sure'd be nice if we had somethin' smooooth to drink.

Driba: *Sternly* We wait here!

Blukic: You're right.

Driba: Of course, I'm right!

Blukic: What if Mr. Smoothy's is on the other side of that building? *Points to his left*

Driba: *Fascinated* Ooh, let's see.

Blukic and Driba walk through an alley, stone-faced.

Blukic: We're lost, again.

Driba: We've been lost the entire night. And now we don't even know the way back to where we were found! And worst yet, we still don't have our grasshopper smoothies!

They come across a cat. The cat hisses and screeches.

Driba: It's an Earth cat. *Delighted* He seems friendly.

The cat meows, loudly. Blukic is slightly shaken.

Blukic: Very friendly.

Driba: *Smirking* You thinking what I'm thinking?

Blukic:  Ohh, I hope not. Why are we doing this?

Blukic and Driba sit on the cat.

Driba: *Angrily* Because I'm tired of walking and because this cat knows the way to get to Mr. Smoothy's. *The cat wags its tail. Driba is happy* See, he's nodding "yes"!

Blukic: That's its tail.

Driba: *Skeptical* No, I'm pretty sure that's its head.

The cat meows and starts to run.

Blukic & Driba: AAAAAAH!

The cat runs through the street, climbs up a pipe, jumps from rooftop to rooftop. Blukic and Driba continue to scream while being seated the wrong way. The cat halts at a rooftop near the docks. Blukic and Driba fall of the cat and land on a lower edge of the warehouse. They cling onto the edge and climb up.

Blukic:  I've never been so happy to be alive.

Driba: Don't be so dramatic. You can't overreact to every little- *Turns around* HEY! THIS ISN'T MR. SMOOTHY'S!

They look up at the cat. The cat meows and slips away.

Blukic: Cat took off in a hurry. Wonder why.

Driba: A guilty conscience, no doubt. *Clenches and waves his fist* Bad kitty! BAD KITTY!

Down below, Trombipulor jumps over a few ships and lands on the dock floor. Ben and Rook arrive right after him.

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook stare at Trombipulor , intensely. Suddenly, they notice multiple robotic mice running below them towards Trombipulor. The mice turn around and face Ben and Rook.

Trombipulor: My robot minions. Terrifying, I know. Designed by myself to be the most fearsome looking creatures in the galaxy.

Ben: Mice are frightening?

Paulint: They're not scary, well other than the fact that they're gross.

Danie: True.

The mice reveal spikes on their body, grow slightly bigger and screech. Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook are startled. Rook brings out his Proto-Tool.

Rook: Apparently.

Trombipulor:  You are persistent, I'll give you that. I didn't think you'd have the fortitude to keep up with me.

Ben: *Smugly* We didn't have to keep up.

Danie: All we had to do was figure out what you were after.

The mice attack. Ben and Danie hit one away but they get overwhelmed by another. They both fall into the water.

Rook shoots down a robot and Paulina turns into Jetray and shoots one down another.

Rook: When you mentioned "ultimate power", I remembered the shipment of Plutonium the Plumbers have been tracking.

Ben transforms into Way Big and slowly emerges out of the water with Danie on his shoulder in her Anodite ghost form. He lifts a ship on his shoulder.

Ben: *As Way Big* It was WAY obvious.

Danie: That pun was WAY obvious man.

Trombipulor: *Giggles* You think this is about Plutonium? *Jumps, does a back-flip and lands on a ship* Hyaa!

Ben: *as Way Big* We did.

Paulint: *As Jetray* Until now.

Trombipulor removes scraps from the top of a container on the ship. He lifts a handful of peanuts.

Ben: *As Way Big* Peanuts?! Coming to Earth, rampaging through the city, robot minions...

Danie: This was all about peanuts?!

Trombipulor:  Is that what you call them? Peanuts? *Eats the peanuts* Mmm. Roasted. *Laughs* They are ultimate power!

Paulina: *As Jetray* How are peanuts “ultimate power”?!

Trombipulor jumps backwards into the water. He grows to an enormous size, almost as big as Ben, and jumps onto Ben.


Paulina: *As Jetray* Oh that's how.

Trombipulor kicks Ben and Danie down. This sends a huge wave of water onto the docks, causing damage. Blukic and Driba peek.

Driba: Why would they think Trombipulor is after Plutonium?

Blukic & Driba: Mm-hmm.

Blukic: They shoulda called us.

A lightbulb falls in front of them. They look above and see several of Trombipulor's robotic mice on the roof.

Blukic: Any chance back-up is on it's way?

The mice jump down and surround them. Blukic and Driba panic. Driba looks down, to his left side.

Driba: Blukic, you have to trust me!

Blukic: Um, do I have to? Ouff!

Driba pushes Blukic down and jumps after him just before the robots attack. Blukic and Driba land on the edge of a ship and slide down.

Driba: Whoa-oh-oh-ohhh!

Blukic: All we wanted was a Mr. Smoothy's.

They slide off the edge and are hurtled into the air. They grab onto a rope and slide across it.

Blukic and Driba: WHOA! AAAH!

Trombipulor emerges from the water.  Ben walks up to him and kicks him away while Danie blasts him with a mana bomb. Trombipulor lands on a warehouse and groans.

Ben picks up a ship and Danie enchances it with her mana and Ben slams it onto Trombipulor's head. Trombipulor pushes the ship away after getting hit, a piece of the ship goes flying and lands on the bridge. Ben falls back, on his bottom. Trombipulor eats another handful of peanuts. Rook and Paulina goes up to Ben and Danie

Rook: You need to take out the peanut boat!

Ben: *As Way Big*  Are you kidding me? I'm allergic! Me and Danie will deal with the jumbo-size jumbo.

Danie: You and Paulina can handle the boat.

Ben gets up and walks ahead with Danie flying with him. Rook shoots at the robotic mice behind him and runs.

Ben tries to deliver a punch to Trombipulor, but Trombipulor deals out a blow before Ben could. Ben falls on his bottom, again. Trombipulor grabs Ben's head and tries to crush it. Ben transforms into Goop and escapes from Trombipulor's clutch and Danie same.

He gets on top of his hand. Trombipulor tries to splatter them but the duo alter their body shape and escape again.

Ben and Danie fly and hit Trombipulor's face. He is annoyed and follows Ben and Danie. Blukic and Driba dangle on the rope.

Blukic: *Grimacing* Nyaa-ha-huh.

Driba: Something bothering you, Blukic?

Blukic: Rope burn. Really uncomfortable, you know?

Driba: This has been a very strange day.

Blukic: *Deadpan* Really? I hadn't noticed.

The rope begins to jiggle. They see the robotic mice coming towards them from both sides.

Blukic: Now what do we do?

Driba: We probably just scream "AAAA", as we plummet to our doom.

Blukic and Driba let go of the rope and plummet.

Blukic & Driba:  AAAAAAAAH!

They land in a huge pile of peanuts.

Driba: *Joyfully* We're alive!

Trombipulor picks up another handful of peanuts, taking Blukic and Driba with it. He opens his mouth to eat it. Blukic and Driba stare.

Blukic: We're doomed!

Trombipulor eats the peanuts, as Blukic and Driba also go inside his mouth. They scream. Ben and Danie continue to fly around.

They fly through one of Trombipulor's ears and emerge from the other. Trombipulor shoots peanuts out of his trunk at them like a gatling gun.

Ben and Danie successfully avoids every shot as he flies all around. They both hit Trombipulor's eye, causing him discomfort. Then, the duo  hovers in front of Trombipulor.

Ben: *As Goop*  Don't suppose you want to surrender?

Danie: *As Goop* Yeah no shame in surrendering peanut breath.

Trombipulor notices that the peanut boat has been destroyed.

Trombipulor: Nah. Not when I can do this.*Sucks Goop into his trunk*

Ben and Danie: *As Goop* No-no-NO-NOOO!

Inside Trombipulor's trunk, there is darkness. Goop hears Blukic and Driba.

Blukic: This is the second worst time I've ever been stuck in an elephant's mouth.

Driba: No, it isn't!

Ben: *As Goop* Blukic? Driba?

Danie: *As Goop* Is that you?

Driba: *Pauses* No.

Danie: *As Goop* We told you guys to stay put.

Trombipulor feels irritation in his trunk and sneezes, spitting out Ben, Danie, Blukic and Driba.

Trombipulor: Aa-AA-ACHOO!

Goop hits a surface and rebounds. Blukic and Driba, covered in Ben's slime, fall off the surface. They get up and see that they are once again surrounded by robotic mice.

Blukic: When we were in Trombipulor's mouth, I had one of those 'life-changing' moments.

Driba: Y'know, that sounds very nice but WE NEED TO START RUNNING!

Blukic: *Pushes Driba's arm and turns his cap around* I'm tired of running. We've been running all night. *Walks up to the mice* You want a piece of me? *Raises his arms* Come and get a piece. Plenty of Blukic for everybody! C'mon! *Growls and fights the mice*

Driba: *Stares, then sighs heavily* This is the exact same thing that happened the last time you got out of an elephant's mouth. Whoa! Yaai! Whaaa!

Rook and Paulina continue to shoot down the robotic mice. Ben and Danie fly and attempt to attack Trombipulor, but he smacks them away. The duo falls, moves along the floor and they transform into Echo Echo. They duplicate into five clones each and they run up to Trombipulor.

Trombipulor: *Terrified* Whoa! Get away from me!

Ben and Danie: *As Echo Echo Clones*  Awww, he's scared of things that look like mice. Can't believe anyone could be scared of- Huh? Aaa! Whooaa!

They run as the robotic mice chase the Echo Echo clones. Meanwhile, Driba runs as a robotic mouse chases him. Blukic is revealed to be riding on the back of the mouse. The chase is intense.

Blukic: Driba!

Driba: *Panting* How are you staying on there?

Blukic: It's no harder than holding on to a cat. *He opens a part of the mouse's head accidentally* I got one open!

Driba: Do you recognize any of the components inside?

Blukic: Yeah... wire.

Driba: Unplug the wires one at a time. *Blukic fiddles with the wires* If that doesn't work, try swapping the connection points! And if that doesn't work, try turning it off and then on again. AND HURRY!

Driba halts. He is exhausted. He looks around and sees a mouse just next to him. The mouse screeches.

Driba: AAAAAH!

Driba trips and rolls backwards. He is cornered by the mouse against a crate.

Driba: BLUKIC!

Blukic: I see ya. Gimme one second.


The mouse which Blukic was riding on attacks the mouse that cornered Driba.

Blukic: Told you it'd only be a second. *Shows Driba a thumbs-up*

Driba sees the mouse attacking the other one.

Driba: You rewired the robots to attack each other?

Blukic: Something like that.

Driba: *Delighted* Show me what you did.

Rook, Paulina (As Jetray), and the Echo Echo clones confront the giant Trombipulor.

Trombipulor: *Laughs* I'll give you credit, boss. You gave me all I could handle. But you were dreamin' if you thought you could beat- *Several robotic mice attack the ones confronting the heroes. Trombipulor gasps*  My... robots?

The robotic mice fight each other.

Ben and Danie: *As Echo Echo Clones*  What's gotten into those robots?

Blukic and Driba watch on from a rooftop. Blukic smirks.


The robots rewired by Blukic and Driba defeat the bad robots and then pile on in front of Trombipulor. Trombipulor is petrified.

Trombipulor: AAAAA! Get away from me! *Punches the mice away*

Rook: Trombipulor is distracted, but I do not see any way to stop him. He is so giant!

Paulina: Especially his ears, *gets an idea* Wait, go for his ears!

Ben and Danie: *As Echo Echo Clones* Good idea Paulina.

The Echo Echo clones (Both Ben and Danie )  run ahead. Trombipulor continues to smash the mice away. The Echo Echo clones get closer to him and sonic-scream at him. Trombipulor is about to attack them but the sound is too much for him and he covers his ears and trumpets in pain.

Ben and Danie: *As Echo Echo Clones* WALL. OF. SOUND!

The Echo Echo clones perform their powerful move and knock Trombipulor out. He falls into the water and faints. The Echo Echo clones merge into one and Echo Echo reverts back to Ben and Danie. The robotic mice also float in the water. Rook and Paulina walk up to Ben ans Danie.

Ben: What made those robots turn on each other like that?

Danie: Don't know, don't care, I'm just glad something good happened.

Paulina: Ditto.

In the streets of Bellwood, Blukic and Driba continue running.

Blukic: *Sigh* If we'd stuck around, we coulda seen exactly how much trouble we're in.

Driba: This... has been... the worst night of our lives! And we're probably going to lose our little Plumber Badges! But we can't lose focus on what's really important.

Blukic and Driba halt. They gaze, as they have finally arrived at Mr. Smoothy. They see the Mr. Smoothy block, the logo and they see a clerk hand out a smoothie to a customer.

Blukic & Driba: *Gasp* MR. SMOOTHY'S!

They run closer to the counter. Driba spots the cat and squirrel from earlier on a table. The cat licks the squirrel.

Driba: Hey, that cat did know the way here.

Blukic rubs his hands as Driba removes a coin from his pocket and hands it out to the clerk. Just then, the clerk turns the "Open" sign to "Closed". A breeze blows behind them. The lights are turned off. Blukic and Driba go down on their knees, along with the coin.

Blukic: Why does the Universe hate us, Driba? *Smacks his head on the store*


Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook arrive.

Ben: *Clears throat* Anyone want to explain to me what this is all about?

Blukic: We wanted Mr. Smoothy's.

Danie: That's it?

Driba: Like Icarus, we flew too close to the sun. And just like Icarus, we never got the smoothies. *Saddened*

Blukic: That was beautiful, Driba.

Driba: No, it wasn't.

Blukic: Yes, it was.

Driba: No, it wasn't!

Ben, Paulina, and Danie shake their heads and smile. They walk ahead and knock on the store's counter.

Julius: Sorry, we're closed. *Sees Danie, Ben and Paulina* Ben Tennyson?! Danie Benton?! And Paulina Sanchez?! Didn't know it was you three. *Happily changes the sign to "Open"*

Ben, Danie, Paulina and Rook smile at each other and look at Blukic and Driba. They are overjoyed and look at each other.

Ben brings four smoothies and gives one to Rook, one to Danie, and one to Paulina. They sit down and drink.

Ben: So, worth all the trouble?

Below them, Blukic and Driba have drunk several smoothies. They keep on drinking.

Driba: Ohhh, worth it!

Blukic: Worth it. *Wipes his mouth*

Ben: Good. 'Cause next time, I'm coming with you guys. Apparently, there's a 23rd Mr. Smoothy's out there.

Ben looks at the Mr. Smoothy logo and continues to drink his smoothie.

Next: Chapter 41: Bonding Part 1

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