Chapter 56: The Vengers.

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5 years prior to Omniverse.

In downtown Bellwood, a camera is lifted up in preparation for a report from Will Harangue.

Harangue: *on the phone* No, no, I said we'll do it live! We'll do it live!

Unknown to Harangue, an 11-year-old Ben Tennyson and a 11 year old Danie begin to make goofy faces and armpit farts in front of the camera.

Ben: *pulling on his eyelids* Eeeeh! *Making faces* Bleeh!

Harangue turns around, only for Ben to have moved to his other side, again out of view. He then blows a raspberry, at which point Harangue's cameraman points at Ben.

Harangue: Scram, kid!

Harangue's cameraman counts down from three, and Harangue quickly adjusts his hair as the camera begins recording.

Harangue: *to camera* Panic, a city in crisis.

Ben once again appears in frame and begins dancing.

Harangue: I'm William Harangue, reporting live from downtown Bellwood, where a hostage situation is taking place.

The camera pans up to reveal a figure on top of a building. He speaks into a megaphone.

Kangaroo Kommando I want... 15 kangaroos... with 10,000 dollars... in small, unmarked bills in each pouch!

Harangue: That, ladies and gentlemen, is one Mr. Kane North, a.k.a. Kangaroo Kommando! Bellwood's police force is powerless. Who then, can save the day?

Mechanical whirring is heard before another person clad in armor jumps in from overhead. The crowd begins to cheer at his arrival.

Ben and Danie: Captain Nemesis! *is knocked down by Harangue* Ohh!

Harangue: Captain Nemesis, William Harangue, KBEL news.

Captain Nemesis: *to camera* Stay in school, kids!

Harangue: Captain, innocent lives are in jeopardy. A madman is demanding cash! And kangaroos! What's your take on the situation?

Captain Nemesis: I think the police have done all they can do. Time for a real hero to take over! Evildoers, beware! Your nemesis is here- Captain Nemesis!

Crowd Captain Nemesis!

The crowd continues to cheer for Captain Nemesis, which agitates Kangaroo Kommando.

Kangaroo Kommando: *into megaphone* Why... isn't anybody listening to me?! *to himself* Maybe this will get your attention!

Kangaroo Kommando activates explosives within the building, causing the crowd to panic. Ben  gasps.

As the explosions continue to go off, the crowd disperses in a panic.

Ben and Danie: It's hero time.

Ben  and Danie run behind a building and Ben transform into XLR8 while Danie turned into Stinkfly. He runs into the building and begins to rescue the hostages and Danie puts out the fire with her slime.

Harangue: How do you intend to handle this shocking, new development, Captain?

Captain Nemesis: Well *chuckles* for a superhero such as myself, this is pretty standard. I'm used to all sorts of madmen and ne'er-do-wells.

Ben suddenly skates into frame and plops down a tied-up Kangaroo Kommando.

Ben: *As XLR8* Here's your kangaroo, captain!

Harangue: We now have what appears to be  two strange alien creatures on the scene! Remember, folks, you saw it here first on KBEL- with me, William Harangue!

Ben and Danie zip away, revealing Harangue's comb-over, before immediately zipping back.

Ben: *As XLR8* *to Captain Nemesis* Big fans of yours, by the way.

Ben once again speeds off.

Harangue: Clearly, these showboating vigilantes, who have blatantly interfered with the work of real heroes like Captain Nemesis, should not be allowed to roam our streets freely! Wouldn't you agree, Captain?

Captain Nemesis looks in the direction Ben and Danie went and angrily grunts.

In the present.

Outside of a prison, Kangaroo Kommando makes his exit, only to be greeted by Captain Nemesis.

Kangaroo Kommando:  Well, well, Carl Nesmith. You're the last person I expected to greet me. Nice suit. I... thought you were broke.

Captain Nemesis: I'm back on my feet. I- we have a new, wealthy benefactor.

A golden limousine drives up to the pair and the window rolls down, revealing Billy Billions.

Billy: Hop in, gentlemen.

Kangaroo Kommando: Why should I trust the guy who got me locked up for five years?! And, uh... whoever you are.

Billy: Because, Mr. North, I have a business venture that will bring us all fame, fortune- well, in my case, more fortune- and most importantly, an end to the person who really put you in here- Ben Tennyson.

Kangaroo Kommando smiles at the prospect.

At Baumann's Store, Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook are eating lunch.

Rook: Thank you for agreeing to have lunch where I want to for a change. It has been some time since I have eaten amber-ogoulash.

Ben: No biggie.

Ben scoops up a chunk of the amber-ogoulash and sniffs it. He fans his hand around upon sniffing it and decides to hold his nose. He swallows the delicacy.

Ben: Agh!

Rook: Refreshing, is it not?

Ben: *sarcastically* Yeah, a real wonderland of flavor. *Sees Danie and Paulina  are eating the amber-ogulaah without any problems* How come you two aren't gagging?

Danie and Paulina: We ate this before.

Danie: It's super refreshing.

Paulina: And healthy too, like eating a bowl of mangos and papayas mixed with pepper flakes.

Ben, Danie and Paulina are then tapped by DJ, catching his attention.

DJ: Mr. Tennyson, Ms. Levin, and Ms. Sanchez, can I have your autographs?!

Ben, Danie and Paulina: Sure.

Ben signs DJ's notepad followed by Danie and Paulina, and he, Danie, Paulina, and Rook continue eating before being interrupted again.

Blowfeld: Wow, you really are him! You're Ben Tennyson! Turn into Humungousaur! No, Rath! No, Heatblast! Please, please please?!

Ben: Well, okay, but only because you said "please."

Ben activates the Omnitrix, but he is stopped by Mr. Baumann.

Baumann: Nooo! Ben, you so much as sneeze on anything in my store, and you are banned for life! I mean it!

Ben: Sorry, kid, maybe next time.

Blowfeld walks away on the verge of tears. Feeling bad, Danie went over to Blowfed.

Danie: But how about I change into my Infinite form. *To Baumann* And I won't break anything.

Blowfed: Really?

Danie: Sure.

Danie then changed into her Infinite form as Blowfed was in awe of this.

Blowfed: Wow! Thanks Danie Benton!

Danie: Anytime kid. *Gives him a lollipop* Here, compliments yours truly.

Blowfed: Thanks.

Blowfed left as Paulina smiled at this act of kindness as Danie went to Paulina.

Paulina: *Kisses Danie* That was so sweet of you babe.

Danie: Thanks, just wanted to brighten up his day.

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook turn back to their food as Ben is once again tapped by someone.

Ben: *Sighs* You kids are awesome and everything, but how about letting a guy get a... *turns around and sees Bubble Helmet* bite?

Bubble Helmet: You're sitting in my spot.

Ben: Huh, does it say "Bubble Helmet" somewhere?

Baumann: Ben.

Ben: Fine. *stands up*

Bubble Helmet: Now you're standing in my spot.

Ben: Oh, for the-

Baumann: Ben!

Ben: Whatever!

Bubble Helmet: Now you are breathing my air.

Danie and Paulina: You're wearing a helmet!

Ben: Oh, come on, I know that's not true!

Baumann: Ben!

Ben: Yeah, but he-

Danie: Bro, come on, he's not worth it.

Ben: Your right, *sighs* Never mind.

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook start to walk away, but a laser is shot at their feet. They whip around and Rook draws his Proto-Tool. They are confronted by Bubble Helmet wielding a rifle.

Rook: We do not want any trouble, sir.

Bubble Helmet: Yeah, well, you got some.

Baumann: I'm begging you, Ben, please!

Ben activates the Omnitrix but is interrupted by a voice before he can transform.

Billy: There's no need to worry!

Ben: Huh?

Kangaroo Kommando and Captain Nemesis enter the building, decked in new high-tech armor. Billy joins them, carried by his robotic servant Mazuma.

Billy: The Vengers will save the day... in a hurry! Not set in stone or anything. I'm still trying to come up with a good catchphrase for us.

Rook: Billy Billions?!

Paulina: Who?

Danie: Me and Ben's old classmate when we were kids, he zapped himself into dimension 12 and stopped aging physically after he came back. He really hates me and Ben

Paulina: Gotcha.

Ben: *sighs* What are you doing here?

Billy: Um, weren't you listening? We're here to save the day. Duh.

Ben and Danie: From what?!

Mazuma extends her arm, drawing Bubble Helmet in closer. She lifts up Billy above Bubble Helmet.

Billy: You're going down!

Bubble Helmet looks around.

Bubble Helmet: *stiltedly* Oh, no, the Vengers. My worst nightmare came true.

Bubble Helmet attempts to retreat, but is blocked by Captain Nemesis.

Captain Nemesis: Halt, villain!

Captain Nemesis fires a laser from his glove, which Bubble Helmet blocks with his rifle. He then drops the rifle to the ground.

Bubble Helmet: *stiltedly* Gasp!

Kangaroo Kommando: Fear... my... kanga-rang!

Paulina: *Chuckles* Is he for real?

Danie: Unfortunately, yeah he is.

Bubble Helmet puts his hands together, allowing for Kangaroo Kommando to easily throw his kangar-rang and ensnare him with an attached rope. Bubble Helmet falls to his knees.

Bubble Helmet: *stiltedly* Clearly, I have met my match.

Ben, Danie, and Paulina: You've got to be kidding me.

Baumann: That was fantastic, Mr.- Mr...

Billy: Billions. Billy, please.

Baumann: Billy.

Billy: No, I take it back. Call me "Mr. Billions."

Baumann: Mr. Billions, thank you. Your team dealt with that thug without a single scratch to my store. *looks back at Ben*

Ben: Beginner's luck.

Baumann: How can I ever repay you?

Billy: We'll talk later. For now... *snaps fingers*

Mazuma takes Billy over to Bubble Helmet, who promptly allows himself to act as Billy's stepstool.

Billy: Say hello to the new superheroes in town- the Vengers!

Paulina: *Coughs* Lame.

Danie: Ghost. Boy.

Paulina: Aaannnd I retract my statement.

Outside of a bank, an alarm is heard blaring. The Violet Offenders make their escape, bags of money in tow. They are met with the Vengers and Will Harangue, who is recording them. Mazuma fights one of the Offenders, defeating him and allowing Kangaroo Kommando to retrieve the bags of money. Captain Nemesis takes down another Offender with a laser, the bags he was holding also being caught by Kangaroo Kommando.

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook drive up in the Proto-TRUK, both befuddled.

At a construction site, a worker is guiding a girder towards him. Suddenly, the girder he is standing on breaks loose of the structure, causing him to plummet. He is then caught in the air by Kangaroo Kommando as Mazuma uses her extendable limbs to restore the girder back to it's proper position. Captain Nemesis finishes the job by welding the beam to the structure with his laser.

In Undertown, panic ensues as Toby Monitor fails to brake his hover-bus.

Pakmar: Agh! Pakmar's new place is not a drive-through! Go away!

As the vehicle speeds closer to Pakmar, Kangaroo Kommando jumps onto it and grabs Toby before leaping to safety. Captain Nemesis jumps in front of the vehicle and attempts to push it back.

Pakmar: Agh! *shields face from dust*

Captain Nemesis manages to stop the vehicle just before it hits Pakmar's shop. Mazuma then kicks the vehicle away.

Pakmar: Oh, thank you, competent, new superheroes! Please allow Pakmar to show his gratitude with some free Just Juice- anything you want! We squeeze it! You drink it!

The Vengers take their seats at the shop. Ben, Danie, and Paulina run up to the shop, but Pakmar signals Ben to stop.

Pakmar: No juice for you! Except Danie and Paulina.

Later on, Will Harangue is on the set of his show, making preparations.

Harangue: We'll weather the weather whatever the weather whether we like it or not. Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma. *warbles*

Mazuma rolls Billy on his chair to the table Harangue is at.

Billy: Remember, Harangue, if this interview doesn't make me look good, I'll have you fired. *snaps fingers* Like that!

Mazuma picks up Billy from his chair.

Billy: What are you doing, Mazuma?! Put me down!

Mazuma places Billy back in his chair.

Mazuma: Apologies, sir. You... snapped.

Harangue: *snorts* You'll have me fired?! Ha! My ratings have been through the roof!

Billy: Thanks to your coverage of my superheroes in action.

Harangue: Now, you listen to me, you little...

The light on the camera turns red and an eagle's shriek is heard. Harangue quickly recomposes himself.

Harangue: *to camera* Good evening. I'm Will Harangue. My guest tonight is billionaire boy genius, humanitarian, and leader of Bellwood's newest, greatest superhero team, the Vengers. Welcome Billy Billions.

Billy: Good to be here, Will.

Harangue: Mr. Billions, no one knows who you are or where you came from.

Billy: Go on.

Harangue: You're young, You're rich. You're a certifiable genius.

Billy: *enthused* Go on.

Harangue: You could have anything. Why a superhero team?

Billy: Well, I'm a people person. I like to give till it hurts. Then I give a little more. And I thought, "What better gift to the city I love than the gift of me?"

Harangue: A beautiful sentiment. Now, you've enlisted a couple of old pros to help you wield the hammer of justice- Captain Nemesis and Kangaroo Kommando. I mean, would you consider yourself their sidekick?

Billy gives Harangue an annoyed look.

Billy: It's... more of an equal-partnership arrangement. They bring the experience. I bring the fresh, bright-eyed idealism of youth- and money. Lots and lots of money.

Harangue: *laughs* There are some people who shall remain nameless- uh, BenTennyson and Ally Levin- saying that you and your partners cannot be trusted. What do you have to say about that?

Billy: Frankly, that hurts, Will, deep down where it counts. We've paid our debts to society, and now we're paying it forward by doing good deeds for society.

Harangue: Now that- now that right there is inspirational. Before we go, is there anything you'd like to say to all your fans at home?

Billy jumps up onto the table.

Billy: Wherever evil is afoot, the Vengers will be there... to lend... a hand. I'm still working on our catchphrase.

Harangue: *to camera* I'm Will Harangue.

Billy: And I'm Billy Billions!

Harangue: And I'm Will Harangue.

Downtown, Ben and Danie walks by a TV display broadcasting the interview, annoyed. He turns down the alleyway he had parked the Tenn-Speed, only to find Billy and Mazuma present.

Billy: Ben Tennyson and Ally Levin.

Ben: We are  so not in the mood for this right now, Willie.

Billy: Billy! Billy Billions! Why is that so hard for you to remember?

Danie: We remember it.

Ben: We just really, really don't care. Really.

Ben and Danie try to walk towards the Tenn-Speed.

Billy: Not so fast. *snaps fingers*

Mazuma blocks Ben's  and Danie’s way, mirroring their movements.

Billy: I've got a little proposition for you, seeing as how my superheroes have turned you into such a has-Ben. *evilly laughs* You get it?

Ben and Danie: Hi-larious.

Billy: As a courtesy, I am extending this one-time offer for you to join the Vengers. All you have to do is acknowledge me as team leader and your superior in every way.

Ben and Danie:  We'd rather die!

Billy: I was hoping you'd say that.

Captain Nemesis and Kangaroo Kommando drop in from above.

Ben: I'm not even gonna try to get one of my heavy hitters. *activates the Omnitrix* Any one of our aliens is a better hero than the three of you combined!

Danie: Yeah and just to prove it, I'm just gonna watch from the sidelines Bary.

Billy: It's Billy!

Ben transforms into Brainstorm. He begins to analyze the alleyway.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* Potentially useful objects- rusty fire escape, trash-can lid, drainpipe, apple core. Their advantage- superior numbers. My advantage- superior intelligence!

Ben visualizes numerous displays, one of which proclaiming his IQ of one nonillion.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* Captain Nemesis- hothead, something to prove, used to being in charge. He will strike first.

Nemesis shoots a laser at Ben. Ben uses his electrokinesis to pull the trash-can lid towards himself.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* Block with shield.

The laser bounces off the lid, Nemesis' armor, and finally the drainpipe, causing it to fall forward from the damage. Brainstorm, meanwhile, is sent backwards by the recoil and hits Kangaroo Kommando. He climbs onto Brainstorm's head, but is concussed by the falling drainpipe.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* Momentarily neutralizing.

Mazuma goes in for a kick, but Ben evades the attack.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* Dodge!

Ben pins Captain Nemesis against the wall and electrocutes him.

Ben fires an Electrokinetic blast to the chest plate. Suit short circuits.

Ben scales the wall as Nemesis falls to the ground. Mazuma leaps onto the drainpipe and starts running towards Brainstorm.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* Low-voltage electrokinetic strike.

Ben sends electricity travelling down the drainpipe, which reaches Mazuma and electrocutes her.

Ben: *As Brainstorm*  Nullified.

Kangaroo Kommando recovers and tosses aside the drainpipe.

Kangaroo Kommando: Why, you!

Ben: *as Brainstorm* Kommando swings wildly! Surprised!

Kangaroo Kommando throws a kanga-rang at Brainstorm, who digs his pincers into the fire escape above himself and forces the ladder down. The kanga-rang bounces off the ladder and dislodges a brick holding up the fire escape above Kangaroo Kommando. Luckily, the falling debris narrowly misses him and the top level of the escape is caught on telephone pole cables.

Kangaroo Kommando Yeah!

The apple core then unexpectedly falls onto Kangaroo Kommando's head from the top level, finally knocking him out.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* Kommando subdued. *drops to the ground* Estimated recovery time- 20 minutes.

Billy: Hah! Missed one!

Billy draws a ray gun, but it is quickly knocked out of his hand by Brainstorm using his electricity and blasted into bits by a mana blast from Danie

Ben: *As Brainstorm* You were saying?

Billy: Lucky shot.

Ben: *As Brainstorm*  Not luck- skill.

Billy: Okay, okay. But this just proves you're a sore loser. You both  know the Vengers are better than you.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* You want to play superhero?! You want all the glory?! Fine, you can have it.

Brainstorm reverts back to Ben and Danie walks besides him.

Ben and Danie: We quit.

Billy gulps and Ben removes his jacket, tossing it into the trash can and Danie tosses her beret. He and Danie gets on the Tenn-Speed and drives away.

Billy: Wait, what just happened here? I- I won? I actually beat Ben 10 and Ally Levin at their own game, being a superhero?! Yeah! Haha! Go me! I rule! Who rules? Uh, yeah, that'd be me. Later, loser! A-later loser! A-later loser!

Ben and Danie meets Billy and Mazuma in the alleyway.

Billy: [Ben Tennyson.], [Ally Levin] - [I was hoping you'd] - [join the Vengers.]

Kangaroo Kommando and Captain Nemesis drop down from above.

Ben and Danie: [We'd rather] - [the three of you] - [die.]

Billy: (shocked) [Wait, what?]

Ben transforms into Brainstorm.

Billy: [Ben,] - [Ally,] - [remember,] - [you're both superheroes!]

Brainstorm electrocutes Captain Nemesis and Mazuma.

Ben: *As Brainstorm* [You can have it!]

Brainstorm reverts back to Ben and Danie joins him.

Ben and Danie: [We  quit.]

The footage zooms out, revealing it to be an edited video by Harangue being played on his show.

Harangue: You saw it here with your own eyes, folks! Ben 10 and Danie Benton the heroes are absolute zeros! In this reporter's unbiased opinion, the Vengers are doing a far better job of protecting us than Ben Tennyson ever did!

At a crosswalk, an old woman is slowly crossing the street. Kangaroo Kommando jumps onto the scene to help her.

Kangaroo Kommando Fear not, madam! Allow the steady hand of justice to guide you safely across the street!

The old woman stares blankly at him, until Captain Nemesis flies onto the scene.

Captain Nemesis: Don't worry, kangarooboy. I've got this one.

Kangaroo Kommando : I saw her first!

Captain Nemesis: What are you going to do- hop her across the street in your pouch?! *mimics a kangaroo hopping*

Kangaroo Kommando’ There's room!

At Mr. Smoothy's, Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook are hanging out.

Rook: *reading a tablet* There is way too much information on the internet. Who needs to know how to tie your shoes 15 different ways?

Ben: People with a lot of shoes?

Danie and Paulina: Or people with a lot of feet? *Hi fives each other and kisses each other*

At another table, two kids are opening their Mr. Smoothy's prize boxes. One kid gets a Vengers-themed prize, while the other gets a prize featuring Ben, Danie, Paulina: and Rook. The kid, disappointed with Ben, throws away his prize.

Rook: *notices kid* I hope you know what you two are doing.

Danie: Relax Rook, we know.

At a bank, the Vengers successfully take down robbers. They pose for a photoshoot, but Kangaroo Kommando steps in front of Billy and Mazuma. Annoyed, Captain Nemesis hits him away and takes his spot. Mazuma then knocks both aside. Nemesis hovers back to the front, but Kommando bounds over the others to reclaim his position.

At Baumann's store, Ben is playing with his food while Danie is making out with Paulina, before both of them end up being distracted by E-N. He (accompanied by Blowfeld) rip up a picture of Ben and Danie, and jump on it's shreds in an act of disappointment.

Paulina: Uhh… Danie?

Rook: You are absolutely sure it is not hero time?

Danie: Nope.

Ben: Not yet. *slurps drink*

At Billions Tower, Billy is working on a machine, joined by his team.

Captain Nemesis: I think we should rename the team the "Nemesis Four!"

Kangaroo Kommando: I prefer "Kangaroo Kommando's Quad Squad!"

Billy: It's my team, and I say we're-

Mazuma: What about "Billy Billions and Friends?"

Billy; Ooh! Ooh, I like it. Done! *snaps fingers*

Captain Nemesis: "And Friends"?! No, it should be called the Nemesis Four! The Nemesis Four!

Kangaroo Kommando : No! I prefer Kangaroo Kommando's Quad Squad!

Mazuma: No, it's perfect. It's an absolute perfect name. (readies optic lasers)

Captain Nemesis and Kangaroo Kommando take a step back.

At Max's Plumbing, Ben, Danie, Paulina,  and Rook watch paint dry.

Rook and Paulina: Now?

Ben and Danie: Wait for it.

Back in Undertown, Billy and Mazuma fight Captain Nemesis and Kangaroo Kommando. Nemesis launches missiles at a spider-like mech, but it easily takes the hits and Nemesis, shocked, jumps away. Billy and Mazuma fire a beam at the two from their mech, but they get away in time, destroying only Pakmar's juice shop.

Pakmar: Aah! No more juice for you!

The fight rages on at Billions Tower and Nemesis Tower, where the sides exchange blows with their turrets. Nemesis and Kommando shoot lasers at Billy's "B" logo, destroying it.

Billy: How dare you! You'd be nothing without me, you ungrateful, washed-up wannabes!

Captain Nemesis: "Washed-up wannabes"?! You wish you were even half the superhero I am!

Kangaroo Kommando : You're not even half the size I am!

Billy: Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?!

Billy snaps his fingers and Mazuma places him in the other turret's seat. He shoots lasers directly at Captain Nemesis and Kangaroo Kommando's turrets, forcing them to escape as they explode. Kangaroo Kommando grabs Captain Nemesis and leaps over to Billions Tower, landing on his turret.

Billy: Oh!

Mazuma: Allow me, sir.

Mazuma's skin pulls back, revealing her metallic claws. She takes on Captain Nemesis as Billy attempts to flee from Kangaroo Kommando.

Billy: Agh! Mazuma, help me!

Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Rook exit the elevator, only to find the Vengers fighting amongst themselves.

Rook: You were right.

Ben: Brainstorm was right.

Danie: He figured with the combined egos of Captain Nemesis, Kangaroo Kommando and Barney-

Billy: *struggling against Kommando* Billy!

Ben: They wouldn't last long as a team if I took myself out of the picture.

Danie: But I thought you'd be at each other's throats in a couple of months, not a couple of minutes.

Ben:  Yeah, *to Vengers* I mean, really, did you honestly think you would make a good team of superheroes?

Paulina: Considering they're always at each other's throats because of their big egos, nope

The Vengers stop fighting.

Mazuma: They do make a valid point, sir.

Kangaroo Kommando : We strayed from our true path.

Captain Nemesis: Yes! We don't make a good team of superheroes!

Billy: We make a great team of supervillains!

The Vengers start to attack Ben, Danie, Paulina,  and Rook as they run away. However, they reach the edge of the building.

Rook: Why did you tell them to become supervillains?

Ben:  We didn't mean-

Kangaroo Kommando kicks Ben, Danie, and Paulina off the building and Captain Nemesis shoots Rook off.

Ben: *activating Omnitrix* Something that can fly! Anything that can fly!

Ben transforms into Cannonbolt, Danie turns into Astrodactyl and Paulina turns into Jetray.

Ben: *As Cannonbolt* Or plummet!

Ben tries to grab the building to no avail, before catching Rook and rolling into a ball.

They all slam into the ground, but recover from the fall. Harangue then appears in his news van, joined by a cameraman.

Harangue: *to camera$ This is Will Harangue reporting live from the firefight at Billions Tower. From the look of things, there could only be one explanation! Ousted former heroes Ben Tennyson and Danie Benton have gone evil!

Ben and Danie: * Ben As Cannonbolt* *Danie as Astrodactyl* Seriously? *sighs*

The Vengers then come down on a hovering platform.

Billy: No more Mr. Nice Guy! For real, I'm not nice anymore!

Billy snaps his fingers and Mazuma lifts him up.

Billy: So prepare to face the Vengers' vengeance!

His team looks at him, confused.

Billy: Just get them.

Kangaroo Kommando goes after Rook and Paulina, who dodges his attack and fires a net from his Proto-Tool while Paulina fires an energy blast from her tail. Kommando leaps out of the way, and it ensnares Harangue instead followed by the energy blast.

Harangue: *to camera* Uh, Ben Tennyson's alien partners are interfering with freedom of the press! You saw it here live! *falls over*

Kangaroo Kommando, Paulina and Rook continue to fight, as the cameraman shifts his attention to Cannonbolt, Captain Nemesis and Billy. Nemesis wraps a wire around  Ben and Danie, causing them to trip over.

Captain Nemesis: Yah! Take that!

Billy: Make sure you get my good side.

Billy once again draws his ray gun, which morphs into a much larger gun.

Ben: *As Cannonbolt*  You know I have armor, right?

Danie: *As Astrodactyl* *Squaks* And I can make a mana shield right?

Billy: So? Harangue here can make it look like your armor and shield wasn't good enough...

People start to watch the broadcast on a TV display.

Billy: Or that you both chickened out and ran away or anything else I want. Just like I had him edit our fight to make us look good and you both look like chumps.

Harangue: Hey! Uh, that is scandalous, libelous, and completely untrue!

The crowd reacts angrily.

Harangue: We are live on the air! *points to microphone with facial tentacle*

Billy: Ohh! Right.

Paulina: *As Jetray* Busted!

Ben: *As Cannonbolt* And now that everyone knows you're the bad guy again...

Ben and Danie spin around, pulling Nemesis around in circles. They throw him into Kangaroo Kommando, taking them out

Billy: I'm not the bad guy! You tricked me! I'm the hero! People love me, me, me, me!

Billy blasts Cannonbolt with his gun, but Cannonbolt appears unaffected by the fire while Danie blocks them with her whiplashes

Ben: *As Cannonbolt* Uh, y-you done?

Ben rolls up and charges at Billy.

Billy: Oh! Uh, Mazuma, save me! *snaps fingers rapidly# Me, me, me!

Mazuma shields Billy from Ben, but they both get knocked into their own teammates.

Harangue: *to camera* We have just witnessed what can only be described as a feud between phonies, the despicable Ben Tennyson and Danie Benton and their fellow villains, the Vengers, battling for dominion over the hearts and minds of the citizens of Bellwood!

Billy: See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!

Billy dons a jetpack and Mazuma flies away with him.

Captain Nemesis: Oh, no you don't, Billion! You're not leaving without us!

Kangaroo Kommando : After all you put us through!

Kommando and Nemesis grab onto Billy's legs to escape.

Billy: Wait, wait, you guys, I got it! The Vengers will have their vengeance! Trademark, me.

The Vengers fly away. Ben, Danie and Paulina revert back to normal.

Ben: Yeah, okay. It's not a bad catchphrase.

Paulina: For them it isn't.

Danie: But it's a start.

Rook: I believe that is a wrap.

Harangue breaks free of his net.

Harangue: You're not going after them, Tennysons?! Ha, I was right! You are evil! You're all in it together!

Ben: Dude, give it up already.

Sirens are heard wailing.

Rook: The local authorities are on it.

Paulina: Yeah, they didn't get that far with that “dramatic escape”.

Several police cars pursue the Vengers, followed by Pakmar in his van.

Ben, Danie and Paulina: *to cameraman* Did you get our good sides?

Next: Chapter 57: Cough It Up

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