Chapter 58: Future Talk

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Here we see team Phantom outside having lunch and Danie, Paulina and Kiko cuddling each other much to Sam's annoyance.

Sam: Seriously you two?

Danie: What? We deserve some cuddles after that long class.

Paulina: Yeah, it beats listening to Lancer drone on about Shakespeare.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Tucker: They're right, it beats listening to Lancer.

Danny: Yeah, especially with the extra assignments Lancer gave us.

Danie: Which me and Paulina got done during study hall.

Sam: Pfft, yeah right, you two probably cheated or something.

Paulina: *Scoffs* No we didn't, we did our work on our own.

Danie: And helped each other out. Just ask Kiko, she saw everything.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Tucker: Works for me.

Sam: Not me.

Danny: Well I believe them.

Star: Ditto

Sam: *Sighs* Seriously Danny? Why do you always take their side?

Danny: I'm not taking anyone's side, if Jen and Paulina say they did it on their own and helped each other then I believe them.

Sam: Well I don't. And they're hardly ever here either way.

Paulina: That's because we've been busy in Bellwood, fighting evil from Earth or space.

Sam: Right, of course you have, more like going on dates.

Danie: Seriously? We've been working our butts off protecting Bellwood and Undertown.

Tucker: Undertown?

Danie: Alien city, I bought Danny and Star there once and a couple times occasionally.

Tucker: Really?

Danny: Yeah, it's so awesome there.

Star: And food is amazing there too

Sam: Of course it is. And where were you when we had to go on patrol months ago?

Danie: Oh Danny and Star were with us, on Galvan Prime.

Tucker: You bought Danny on another planet?!

Danie: Yeah, Galvan Prime was under attack by Malware, a techno organic alien, and believe us it took a long time to beat him.

Paulina: Yeah he does not go down easy.

Sam: Yeah right you expect us to believe it.

Tucker: I believe it.

Sam: Okay let me rephrase; You expect me to believe it.

Paulina: You deal with ghost, me and Danie deal with aliens.

Danie:  And if you don't believe us ask Danny and Star.

Danny: It's true, I was on another planet, and it was awesome! And I fought an alien!

Star: It was pretty amazing.

Sam: But what about Amity Park? What about fighting ghosts?

Danny: Sam, I fight ghosts every day, fighting an alien on another planet was something else, heh I might consider doing it again.

Sam could only groan in dismay thinking she's losing her friends to not only Danie, but Paulina too.

Sam: Well I bet they don't like Paulina there.

Danie: Oh no they do.

Sam: What?

Paulina: It's true, there I'm treated like a homecoming queen and I don't  have to hide who I am, but here I have to keep my identity a secret.

Danie: Which stinks, but it's for the great or good.

Paulina: True.

Sam: Well I bet you're really reckless.

Paulina: No, besides I only use my hero watch unless it's an emergency and I've done pretty good so far.

Danie: It's true.

Sam: Oh please you seriously expect me to-

Danny: It's true, Paulina and Danie email me and Star everything.

Sam and Tucker: What?!

Sam: How come they email you and not us?

Danie: Probably because you stalked and blackmailed me.

Paulina: And I think it's nice that we can talk to someone we can trust.

Sam flinched a bit recalling the things she and her parents did.

Later after school, we see Danie, Kiko, and Paulina walking home, with Paulina in thought.

Danie: Something on your mind hun?

Paulina: Huh? Oh yeah, well I'm just thinking about my future. I mean our future.

Danie: Why?

Paulina: Well I mean when we graduate highschool and get married what are we gonna do for a living?

Danie: Hm well what do you wanna do?

Paulina: I was never really sure since being popular was all I had before I met you but thinking about it now I guess I could be an influencer.

Danie: Ooh not bad, but I thought you wanted to be a cop?

Paulina: That's what my papa wants but I'm not sure how to tell him I don't wanna be an officer.

Danie: Well he's your dad, I'm sure he'll understand.

Paulina: You think so?

Danie: I know so.

Paulina: *Smiles* Thanks sweetie.

Danie: Anytime.

Just then we see sewers explode open as water was shooting upwards into the air and it formed into what looked to be a person in a light green, old-fashioned deep sea diving suit, this is the Rebreather.

Paulina: Hero time?

Danie: Hero time. *To Kiko* Kiko, stay safe and get anyone you can find to safety.

Kiko: *Meows*

Kiko runs off as Danie turns into her anodite form and Paulina turns into Chromastone and they both

fly off and the camera pans to Rebreather who was flooding the town.

Rebreather: *Evil laughter* Soon Amity Park will be my new Atlantis!

Rebreather gets blasted out of the air as he sees it's Danie and Paulina in hero mode.

Danie: If you want Atlantis, go to New Jersey!

Paulina: And into the ocean diver boy.

Rebreather: Ah if it isn't my old nemeses Danie and Paulina Tennyson.

This caught the duo off guard, when the diving suit said their names.

Danie: Wha-what?

Paulina: Bentons? *To Danie* How does he know our names?

Danie: Don't know, don't care but either way let's wash this guy away.

We then see the duo fight off Rebreather as Danie blasted him with a mana blast and optic blasts

Rebreather blocked it with a water shield and Paulina sent a fire blast at him but was blocked by the water shield.

Rebreather: Fools! You can't put out water! This is my element! Also shouldn't you two be in Bellwood ?

Paulina: *As Chromastone* Element? *Gets an idea* Sweetie you thinking what I'm thinking?

Danie: I think I know what your plan is and I approve.

We then see the duo send a concentrated fire blast at Rebreather as he used a water shield but suddenly water all evaporated which surprised Rebreather.

Rebreather: What? No! No! No! Impossible!

Paulina: *As Chromastone* Looks like someone didn't go to chemistry class. Water is hydrogen and oxygen, all we had to do was superheat your water and turn it into steam.

Rebreather: No matter, you two can't stop-

Rebreather was cut off when he was sucked into the thermos by Danie as she capped it shut.

Danie: Okay that was weird.

Paulina: *As Chromostone* Yeah, how did he know our names?

Danie: More importantly, he called both of us Bentons.

Paulina: *As Chromastone* Yeah, he didn't think we were married right?

Danie: Nah, it was probably just a misconfusion or something.

Paulina: Hm maybe. But he said we had to be both in Bellwood.

Danie: Yeah weird, let's just be glad it's over.

The next day at school we see everyone at lunch outside where Danie, Kiko  and Paulina were telling about what happened.

Danny: So this diving suit ghost guy-

Paulina: His name's Rebreather.

Danny: Right, said he knew your names?

Danie: Yep. What's weirder is that he also said were his old nemeses

Star: How's that weird? Didn't you two fight this guy before?

Danie and Paulina: No we didn't.

Tucker: Maybe it's just pure coincidence that guy knows you two.

Danie: That's besides the fact, he called us Benton.

Danny: So?

Danie: Both of us, me and Paulina.

Paulina: Like he thought we were married.

This surprised the others, sure Paulina and Danie love each other but a ghost knowing the lovey dovey superhero couple were married? This was too weird.

Sam: Okay so it isn't a coincidence that he thought you two were married.

Paulina: Exactly, and what's even weirder is that he thought I was supposed to be in Bellwood . Like what does that even mean?!

Danie: Easy sweetie, we'll figure it out eventually.

Danny: Danie's right, these things just don't happen quickly.

Paulina: *Sighs* Your right, your right, I shouldn't get overworked on it. *Rests her head on the table*

Danie: Well I know what'll make you feel better.

Paulina: *Gets up with sparkles around her* Getting an extra brownie from the cafeteria?

Danie: You know it baby.

Just then everyone heard screaming as they saw people running out of the school as halfas ghost sense went off and looked to see various sweets being shot out of the school.

Paulina: Okay I like sweets as much as the next person does, but this is a bit much.

Danny: The Lunchlady again, typical.

Paulina: I dunno, wouldn't there be meat flying out?

Danny: Maybe she's changing things up?

We then see various sweets and desserts shoot out of the school as it all formed what looked to be a centipede or a millipede like ghost with a human face, this was Vanilapede which surprised everyone.

Vanilapede: Time for your just deserts!

Danie: *To Danny* Still think it's the Lunchlady?

Danny: No, no I don't.

Paulina: Danny you and others get everyone out of here asap.

Sam: Wait since when are you-

Danie: Now's not the time, just get the people to safety.

Sam: *Groans* Fine.

Danie, Danny and Paulina run behind a tree and go ghost as we cut back to Vanilapede shooting cakes and other sweets at the school.

Vanilapede: *Evil laughter* Soon Amity Park will be my candyland! All because of me, Vanilapede!

Vanilapede was blasted back as she looked to see it was Danie and Paulina, with Paulina as Astrodactyl.

Danie: Great, and here I thought the lunch lady's meat diet was bad enough.

Paulina: *As Astrodactyl* But this lady takes the cake. *Squaks*

Vanilapede: *Sees Danie and Paulina* Oh look, Jenifer and Paulina Tennyson . Shouldn't you two be in Bellwood.

Paulina: *As Astrodactyl* Again with the Bellwood thing, *Squaks*

Danie: Well Bellwood does have a nice burger spot, but personally I prefer their cake fries.

Vanilapede: *Enraged* Cake fries are not a thing!

We then see Vanilapede shoot frosting as the duo dodged the blast as Paulina blasted her back.

Paulina: I'm in no mood for sweets!

Danie: And neither am I!

Danie and Paulina blast Vanilapede back as Danie flew behind her and grabbed her by the tail as she then slammed her around and around and tossed her into a wall.

Vanilapede: Ow! Crumpets! *Sees Paulina in front of her* Ah!

Paulina: *As Big Chill* *While using ice power* I hope you like ice cream cake!

We then see Paulina shoot an ice blast at Vanilapede freezing her in place as Danie used the thermos to trap her as the trio met up with the duo.

Danie: *to Paulina* “Hope you like ice cream cake”?

Paulina: What? It makes sense since her body was made of cake and I trapped her in ice as Big Chill.

Danie: Eh true.

Danny: Everyone's okay.

Tucker: So, who or what was that?

Danie: She said her name was Vanilapede, a ghost that can shoot desserts.

Tucker: You mean we could have had all the cake that we wanted?!

Star: Not the time Tuck.

Paulina: That thing was an evil ghost.

Tucker: Hey, free food is free food, even it is evil.

Danny: Did anything else happen?

Danie: She knows who we are.

The others were surprised by this, another ghost that knows Danie and Paulina? What are the odds?

Sam: Seriously? First this Rebreather guy now that overgrown sugar bug?

Paulina: Well now it isn't a coincidence that ghosts suddenly know our identities and possibly know Danny's too.

Danie: Or they somehow knew us before somehow.

Danny: What do you mean Jen?

Danie: Think about it, maybe we fought these guys before and don't remember fighting them at all.

Paulina: I mean we did fight a different ghost each day.

Tucker: Could be possible.

Danny: Yeah, but let's just be glad that this one was just an easy one.

Danie: Good call.

Later that day, we see Danie, Paulina and Kiko at home eating a snack which was a pizza.

Danie: *While eating* Ahh, now this is what calms the nerves.

Paulina: *While eating* Yeah, good food made by a good girlfriend.

Danie: *Gulps her food* Oh? And who would that be?

Paulina: *Giggles* You silly. But now I'm in the mood for something…sweet~.

Danie: Oh are you now? Well I'm sure we can- *gets pulled off screen by Paulina* Woah!

We then see Paulina pull Danie onto the couch as they then proceed to make out as Danie falls back onto the couch with Paulina on top of her as they continue to make out. Just then we see a portal open as three people fell out with a thud.

???(Selina): Ow! My beautiful butt!

???(Daphne): Forget about your butt, we have to find those ghosts!

???(Selina): Well excuse me for my bum being hurt!

???(Sophia): We'll both be quiet! We gotta focus!

Danie snapped out of her kiss as she and Paulina looked and saw three girls. The first girl looked like a 10 year old year old version of Paulina, the second girl looked similar to Danie except she was 10 years old and wearing a red and pink cat shirt and white pants, and the last girl was 16 with tan skin, freckles, blond hair,  and teal eyes and she was wearing a cat shirt and black pants. They were Daphne, Selina, and Sophia, the future children of Danie and Paulina.

Sophia: Will you both be quiet for like-

Danie: Ahem.

The girls looked to see Danie in her anodite form and Paulina with a Diamondhead bat.

Paulina: Now would be a really good time for an explanation.

Daphne: Wait! Wait, please don't shoot! We come in peace!

Selina: Estúpida! That only works for aliens!

Daphne: Well, we're half aliens! And maybe it can work in this context!

Sophia: Since when?

Selina: Since always!

Paulina: Enough! Who are you and how did you get here!?

Danie: Vlad? The GIW??

The three girls panicked until Daphne said this.

Daphne: Mama please don't shoot us!

This made Danie, Kiko, and Paulina confused as to why Daphne called them mom.

Danie: Wait a second, the hair, the eyes… *realizes* You're our kids from the future.

Paulina: What?!

Sophia: Whaaat? Noo… were not from the future… uhh this is all a dream and… *defeated* You're not buying any of this are you?

Danie and Paulina: Nope.

Sophia: What gave it away?

Paulina: The three of you probably had a mole on your upper left back.

Sophia: Accurate but true.

Kiko: *Meows*

Daphne: *Sees Kiko* Kiko! *Hugs and cuddles Kiko* Ohh such a sweet kitty!

Sophia: *Pets Kiko* And the most vicious.

Selina: Girls focus, we're supposed to find the loose ghosts. *Realizes what she said and covers her mouth*

Danie: Wait, what loose ghosts?

Paulina: What are you three talking about?

The kids explained their situation to their past versions of their parents.

Danie: What did you three do?

Sophia: Uhh… well…

Paulina: Out with it!

Daphne: We accidentally sent ghosts from our timeline to yours!

Selina and Sophia: Daphne!

Daphne: I'm sorry! I didn't wanna lie to our moms of the past!

Danie: Wait, wait ghost from your timeline?

Paulina: You mean Rebreather and Vanilapede?

Daphne: Yeah them.

Danie: Oh we already sent them to the ghost zone.

Paulina: And Clockwork called saying he wanted them for some reason.

Daisy: Guessing he already sent them back to the future ghost zone.

Katie: Wait, didn't we send three ghosts into the past?

Danie: Wait three?

Paulina: We only fought two.

Katie: Then where's the-

Everyone heard screaming as they looked and saw the mayhem. It was a bunch of ghost bugs forming what looked to be a giant female ghost bug, this was Swarm.

Danie: Who or what is that?

Paulina: Looks like those bugs Spectra infected the students with.

Katie: It's Swarm!

Danie: Who?

Daisy: A psycho freaky ghost bug, who thinks that insects should rule the world.

Paulina: Well this shouldn't be too hard.

Daphne: Yay! We get to see our moms in action!

Selina: We always get to see them in action Allie

Daphne: I know but this is gonna be more awesome.

Sophia: Because they're young.

Paulina: Watch it.

Sophia: Sorry mama.

Danie: You three watch over Kiko.

Paulina: And don't do anything stupid!

Sophia, Daphne, and Selina: Yes mama Paulina.

Paulina: Good.

Danie then turns into anodite form and Paulina turns into Jetray and fly off to the fight leaving their future kids.

Meanwhile we see people running away from the ghost bugs as Swarm was sending off her bugs and arachnids.

Swarm: *Laughs* Soon this world will be my bug paradise! And nothing can-

Swarm was cut off when she was mana blasted and saw it was Danie and Paulina.

Danie: Someone called for the exterminators?

Paulina: Because we here to squash some bugs, *sees a spider* and arachnids.

Paulina: Because we here to squash some bugs, *sees a spider* and arachnids.

Swarm: *Growls* The ghost girl and her girlfriend! You won't stop me this time!

We then see the duo fight Swarm by blasting her apart but each time they do she keeps regenerating over and over.

Paulina: *As Jetray* It's not working, we're not making a dent in her!

Swarm: Fools! You can't stop the new era of insects and arachnids!

Danie: She just keeps regenerating.

Paulina: *As Jetray* *Gets an idea* Wait what if we freeze her, bugs can't survive the cold below 50°.

Danie: It's worth a shot.

We then see Swarm about to strike but she gets frozen by the duo as they keep shooting ice blasts at her.

Swarm: Nooo…! I don't like… the cold!

Danie: *While shooting at ice at Swarm* Keep going!

The duo kept freezing Swarm to the point where she couldn't move as Paulina pulled out the thermos and trapped her in it.

Paulina: You just got frostbite.

Danie: Well that wasn't much of a chore.

We later see the duo arrive at home where they see their kids playing with Kiko.

Paulina: We got Swarm.

Daphne: Yay!

Danie: How was Kiko?

Sophia: She behaved like an angel, like she always does and I watched over the twins.

Danie: That's good to hear.

Just then we see Ben, Danny, Tucker, Sam and Jazz arrive.

Jazz: Hey Danie did you and Paulina ever figure out who-

Sophia, Daphne, and Selina: Hi tio Danny, tia Jazz

Team Phantom looked to see it was Sophia, Daphne, and Selina and confused why they called Danny and Jazz their uncle and aunt.

Danny: Uhh… did we miss something.

Sam: Who are they?

Tucker: And can I-

Danie: No.

Tucker: But-

Paulina: No.

Tucker: Oh come on! A little flirt won't hurt.

Danie: We are not gonna let flirt with our kids in the future!

Team Phantom: What?!

Tucker: But why did they call Danny and Jazz their aunt and uncle?

Sophia: Oh because mama Danie trusts them and sees them as family so she and mama Paulina made them part of the family tree.

Selina: But they're not related by blood, but by bond.

Both Danny and Jazz faint by the sudden news.

Selina: Well they took it pretty well.

Sophia: They fainted. Figures that Tia Jazz would faint.

Danie: Alright let's bring them to the couch.

We then see Danie and Paulina bring the unconscious Danny and Jazz to the couch where they rested. After sometime the Fenton siblings woke up groggy.

Danny: Ughhhh… What happened?

Jazz: I had a weird dream… that our grandkids from the future showed up…

Selina: Oh it's not a dream.

Danny and Jazz yelped as they saw Selina, Daphne, and Sophia along with the others.

Sam: Well glad to see you two are awake.

Jazz: So it's not a dream?

Selina and Daphne: *Smiles* Nope.

Jazz: No, no this-this can't be possible, you two have to be clones, Or ghosts in disguise, or aliens,  or-

Sophia: Nice job Selina, you made Tia Jazz into a spaz.

Jazz: I am not a spaz!

Danny: Anyways, how do we know you two aren't lying?

Jazz: Yeah, prove it.

Daisy: Well… we hate Dash, we like Kiwi Fudge, we like chili fries, mr smoothie, video games, outer space, and ghost hunting.

Sam: Pfft, seriously, you two like ghost hunting?

Selina: Yeah, we're ghost hunters.

Sophia: In training.

Tucker: In training?

Daphne: We're learning to become ghost hunters and superheros.

Jazz: Hang on, how do we know you three are Danie and Paulina's kids?

The three girls sighed and turned into their anodite forms.

Daphne: Does this answer your question?

Danny: You guys are anodites?

Sophia, Selina and Daphne: Yep.

Danie: They got that from me.

Daphne: But that's not all we can do.

Selina then shot a ghost ray at a nearby wall much to everyone's shock.

Star: Ghost powers? How?

Sophia: Blame our one time babysitter *Looks at Sam*

Sam: Wait, I did this?

Sophia: Yes, when mama Danie and Paulina were making improvements to the portal they had to shut it down and reconfigure it a bit and give it a upgrade so not only can it open a portal to the ghost zone but to other planets too.

Selina: Then when it was finished they tried to turn it on but it didn't work so they gave up.

Tucker: Figures.

Paulina: Shush. *To the kids*  Then what happened?

Daphne: We all got curious so we and Sam decided to look. We put some jumpsuits on and Sam took our pictures. Then she convinced us to look further inside and someone accidentally pushed a button *Looks at Sophia*

Sophia: In my defense, Mama Paulina was the one who installed the on button on the inside of the portal, plus you know I like pressing buttons.

Daphne: Then there was a big flash and everything changed.

Selina: And our molecules got rearranged. And we had snow white hair and glowing green eyes and we could walk through walls and fly! It's so awesome!

Sam: What about me? Did you… thank your babysitter?

Sophia: Oh no, no, you got fired after they found out.

Selina: And got replaced by Jazz.

Sam: What?! Why?!

Danie: You almost fried our kids, what do you think?

Sam: Fair enough.

Sophia: Yeah, mama Danie and Paulina were very out-ragged.

Sam: You mean outraged.

Danie, Paulina, Sophia, Selina, Daphne: Shut up!

Danny: Anyways, was there any other big news that we should know about?

Danie: Well other than the fact me and Paulina met this guy named Spanner.

Selina: *Remembers* Wait, did you say Spanner?

Danie: Yeah why?

Sophia: Not again.

Paulina: What? What are you talking about?

Daphne: No time to explain, we need to get to the museum in Bellwood. *To Team Phantom* And by we, I mean, us and our moms.

We then see Danie, Paulina , and their future kids teleport to the museum leaving Team Phantom.

(A/N): Takes place during Fight at the museum.

Later that night we see Kai who was crying, Ester comforting her, and Ben looking down solemnly as we see Spanner has the orb.

Spanner: I'm sorry, guys, Someday you'll thank me for this.

Just as Spanner was about to teleport he was then tackled to the floor as it is revealed to be Danie, along with Paulina and their kids with Paulina holding the orb.

Spanner: Ah! Who- *sees Danie and the others* Danie? Paulina? Hey… what's going-

Danie: Don't lie to me, young man, we know who you are.

Spanner: What? What are you- *sees Sophia, Daphne, Selina* Oh crud.

Sophia: Seriously, messing with time again?

Selina: Have you lost your marbles dweeb?

Spanner: Hey I'm helping Ben and Kai here!

Danie: Helping them? Ben is with Ester, you can't just force two people to be together just to assure your own existence. And we know who you are Spanner.

Just then we see Ben and the others come in.

Ben: What the heck is going on? Spanner?

Kai: *Sees the Orb* The orb! But I-I don't understand if the orb is here then what do Subdora and Exo-Skull have?

Danie: Don't know, don't care.

Sophia, Daphne and Selina: Hi Ben.

Ben: Wait, how do they know me?

Danie: Isn't  obvious Ben, they're my and Paulina's daughters, from the future.

Ben and the others: What?!

Rook: Congratulations ladies.

Paulina: Thanks.

Spanner: Any chance of you letting me go?

Danie: Not a chance Spanner, or should I say…

Danie takes off Spanner's helmet revealing his real face to everyone.

Danie: Ken Tennyson.

Ken: Wh-what, you knew?

Danie: The first time we met, you talked about how you knew Jimmy Jones,  said he was the greatest reporter of his time.

Ben: Okay hang on, can someone explain what the heck is going on?!

Danie: Ben come on, isn't it obvious?

Kai: Not to Ben it isn't.

Ben: Like you know what's going on?

Kai: Touche.

Ken: Danie please don't-

Danie: He's your son Ben, your kid from the future.

Ben and the others: What?!

Ester: He's… Ben's kid?

Danie: From another timeline from the looks of it. *Gets off and helps Ken*

Ken: How could you possibly know I'm from the future?

Danie: Dude, future tech, talking about how Ben and Kai should be together, it was too obvious.

Ben: Okay I know he's from the future but he's my kid?

Paulina: Yep.

Ben: Soo… who's the mom?

Ken sighed seeing there's no way out of this and looked at everyone.

Ken: Kai is my mom.

Kai: What?!

Ester: Soo Ben and Kai are… together?

Danie: Yeah, in another timeline.

Ken: Okay Danie, what are you talking about? What other timeline?

Danie: The prime timeline, when you time traveled from the future where did Paradox tell you to go?

Ken: The past.

Danie: He didn't say which past.

Ken: Okay I'm confused.

Danie: Look, time is like a river, it flows like a steady stream and goes through different directions. Maybe you took the wrong direction in the time stream.

Ken: What? No, I couldn't possibly do that.

Selina: That's what we've been trying to tell you dufus! Check the coordinates.

Ken checked the time coordinate and Selina was right.

Ken: *Sheepishly* Oh wow…uh… would you look at that…

Sophia: Typical… when we get you back to your timeline you are so getting busted, again.

Ken: Aw man…!

Ester: So uh, who does Ben marry?

Daphne: Sorry Ester, the less you know about the future the better, no spoilers.

Selina: And it was nice to see you mama Danie and mama Paulina.

Paulina: Aw thanks girls.

Daphne: Anytime, now let's go before-

Just then we see another portal open up as we see two people come out and everyone sees its future Paulina and Danie.

F.  Paulina: Girls there you are.

F. Danie: Do you three have any idea how worried we were?!

Danie: Uhh… hi there.

Future Danie and Paulina looked to see it was Team Phantom, and their past selves.

F.  Paulina: Um, hi there.

Danie: Well it's nice to see our future selves.

F. Danie: I can say the same for you past me.

Danie: Yeah, so why exactly did we move to Bellwood?

Future Danie and Paulina: Because of Sam.

Paulina: Figures.

F. Danie: Because of what she did, we got a restraining order on her, honestly that girl will never change.

We then see the future Danie open a portal to the future.

F. Paulina: It was nice seeing you young me.

Paulina: You too future me.

We then see future Danie and Paulina along with Selina, Daphne, Sophia, and Ken.

Danie: Well that happened.

Paulina: Yeah, but at least we know the future is okay.

Danie: And Dan phantom free.

Kai: Dan?

Danie: Evil Danny Phantom.

Kai: Oh gotcha. Well thanks for getting my orb back.

Danie: Eh, no biggie but word of advice maybe keep it somewhere safe where no one can steal it.

Kai: Good call.

Later that night, we see Danie, Paulina, and Kiko are in bed.

Paulina: You think we'd actually get a restraining order on Sam?

Danie: Hm, I mean not really unless it was a last resort thing.

Paulina: Yeah, I don't get what her deal is, I made peace with her and all she could do is act stubborn and occasionally think I'm still shallow.

Danie: *Hugs Paulina* Hey now that's not true, you're a nice person now, you changed and come a long way. Plus that's only Sam's opinion, you can't let it bother you that much.

Paulina smiles after hearing what Danie said about her.

Paulina: *Smiles* Thanks sweetie, you always know just what to say. But on a completely unrelated note, did you see the shorts future me was wearing.

Danie: Yeah they looked pretty good on you.

Paulina: Aw thanks sweetie.

Danie: Anytime, now let's go to bed.

Next: Chapter 59: Blukic and Driba Go to Area 51

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