Chapter 64: Epilogue

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10 years later.

It has been 10 years since Team Phantom graduated from Casper High as well as Danny proposing to Star when they became 18 and Sam finally realizing Christopher had feelings for her.
Tucker was happy for them and so were Danie and Paulina. For highschool it was something. Ever since the Disasteroid and telling everyone their identities the team gained a lot of popularity even from the teachers but despite this newfound fame, they all wanted to be treated the same

Here we see a house in Amity Park as we see a woman sleeping in bed.

???(Paulina): Honey, time to wake up. We got to take the kids to see the others.

We see the woman get up from bed as she lets out a yawn and turns as we see her face as she is revealed to be Danie.

Danie: Coming.

We see Danie get up and got dressed as we see Danie passing the hallway as framed photos were seen as we see a photo of Danie and Team Phantom in graduation as they were all together for a group photo, as the next showed Danie with Paulina, Star and Danny on a  double date at a restaurant. The next one showed a vacation to Hawaii and the next photo showed Danny proposing to Stae and her saying Yes. The next photo showed the wedding of Danny and Star and Pamela and Jeremy trying to stop it but Danie and Paulina were there as bodyguards just in case something like this happens as we see the camera pan over to photos of Selina, Daphne, and Sophia along with Danny and Star's kids as we see Danie slipped on the step but got caught by a girl who was seen flying.

Danie: Nice catch Daphne.

Daphne: Thanks mama Danie.

Danie: Anytime kid.

She then put Danie down as Danie then ducked to see a mana blast thrown by Selina.

Danie: Selina you know the rules, no mana blasts in the house.

Selina: Sorry mom.

Danie: It's alright kiddo, just be careful next time.

Just then a sneeze is heard as Danie dodged a lighting blast as she saw it was Sophia.

Danie: Sophia again?

Sophia: Sorry allergies.

Danie: It's okay.

Paulina: Hey hun.

Danie: Hey babe. *Kisses Paulina* Hope you enjoyed last night.

Paulina: *Giggles* It was amazing~.

Daphne: Gah! Stop! Children in the room here!

Danie: Oh right, heh sorry kids.

Selina: Oh it's alright mama Danie, we know you and Mama Paulina were just wrestling in your room like you do on the weekends.

Both Danie and Paulina blushed as Selina and Daphne could only facepalm at their twin sister's innocents.

Danie: *Blushes* Uhh… yeah wrestling.

Paulina: We were definitely doing that, after all we gotta keep up our strength in case any bad ghosts wanna hurt you three.

Selina: But why do you two always get really sweaty and red in the face every Saturday and Sunday morning?

Danie and Paulina: We'll tell you when you're 18!

Daphne: Hmmm, okay.

The three kids went to the kitchen to get breakfast as Danie and Paulina sighed in exhaustion as Rosie flew past them and into the kitchen with the kids.

Danie: Were our parents like this when we asked about… *makes sure the kids aren't listening* The birds and the bees?

Paulina: No I think they were way worse but then again we aren't any better.

Danie: Well nobody said parenting triplets with ghost powers was gonna be easy.

Paulina: True, but it was worth it.

Danie: Yeah, but for the record, you're gonna give Selina “The Talk”

Paulina: What why?

Danie: I gave “The Talk” to Daphne and Sophia last time twice, so it's your turn.

Paulina: I… okay yeah true true.

Just then there was a knock at the door as Danie opened it to see it was Dani, now older.

Dani: Hey Danie.

Danie: Dani hey, what's up.

Paulina: What's going on?

Dani: Nothing much, just came by to say hi. So what are you all doing?

Paulina: Oh you know the usual BenChez morning.

Dani: *Chuckles* BenChez?

Danie: It was my idea.

Paulina: And it's a good one too.

Dani: Anyways, how's it going with taking care of the kids?

Danie: Pretty well. Although we're having a bit of trouble giving Selina “The Talk”

Dani: For real? I'm a clone of Danny and you and even I know what goes on between a couple in their bedroom.

Paulina: We know, but she still thinks it's "wrestling" so we just went with it.

Dani: Really?

Danie: Yep, so how's living with your new err your biological family?

Dani: It's amazing, I gotta thank you for letting the Fetons adopt me.

Danie: Anytime, I know Wulf was looking after you and all when you were 12 but I figured it was time for you to meet your biological parents.

Paulina: And it was a nice thing you did sweetie, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Daphne: *Comes by* Oh are we telling how aunt Dani was adopted?

Danie: Yep.

Sophia: Well get to telling.

Selina: Yeah, please? Pleeeeaaaase?? *Gets her mouth covered by Sophia*

Sophia: Please, it's the only way to shut Selina up.

Flashback 10 years ago.

Here we see Danie, Paulina, and Danny at Fenton works introducing Dani to Jack and Madie, and explaining her situation and they were stunned when their son spoke to them after an hour of explaining things Vlad had done.

Jack: You... were... cloned?

Danny: I was…

At the same time, the clone in particular was being hidden from them. She was listening from the kitchen, tears in her eyes.

Jack: And... What happened to him after Vlad got lost in space?

Danie: She... has been homeless long since before then, but Wulf was looking after her.

Danielle listened in, feeling more anxious as this went on.

Maddie: What's her name?

Paulina:  Danielle. Her name is Danielle.

Maddie looked ready to sob. She covered her mouth in shock. Jack wrapped his arm around her.

Jack: It's okay…

Danny: Mom?

Danie and Paulina: Mrs. Fenton?

Maddie: That monster... that was my grandmother's name. It's what we were going to name you if you were a girl…

Danny: I didn't know that.

Their great-grandmother was already gone before he was born, but Mom was very close to her, enough to want to honor her memory in a way. It made what Vlad did even more despicable, since he probably knew how close Maddie was with her grandmother given how obsessed he was with her, but that was nothing compared to all the abusive and despicable things he tried to do to the poor girl. Maddie, however, was livid.

Maddie: That creep. I knew that he was scum, that he was a lowdown, rotten, conning, misogynistic sociopath who cares for no one but himself...but what he did...cloning...creating a living breathing thing...and using them like some tool and then trying to...trying to...I can't even finish this words are enough to describe how awful what he did is, and to someone who actually saw him as their father. I just can't fathom how any could...could… *looking angry and appalled that she can barely form words now*

Paulina: Mrs. Fenton… breath. He's gone now and he can't hurt her anymore…

Maddie however, still seemed troubled by something.

Jack: Mads?

Maddie: Do you recall that day where I couldn't help with the original portal because I had an ache?

Jack: Yeah.

Maddie: I felt like... something was wrong. So, I called Jazz and Danny's middle school... and found out they both caught a fever. I raced over.

Jack: Yes.

Maddie: So... if there was a fourth child out there... Why didn't I feel the same way like I did with Danie?

Jack: Maddie.. we didn't know about her.

Maddie: Even so.. she was brought into this world by a man who knew nothing of love... and never showed it to her... I can't... I can't just live with myself knowing she's out there. Even if she's not our child by birth... She never asked to be born this way. So... I say we'll take her in.

Upon hearing that, Danny smiled, relieved as he whistled for her.

Danny: Come on out, Danielle.

Dani remained in the kitchen for a moment, clearly nervous. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself and gathered the courage to take the first step. She walked until she was finally in the room, finally presenting herself to the Fenton parents.

Dani: H-Hi…

Jack and Maddie were both stunned to say the least. They saw a young girl, no older than 12, who looked just like their son, right down to the blue eyes.

Jack: *In his head* She's the spitting image of Danny when he was little. If he was a she.

Maddie: *In her head* She's exactly what I imagined our Danny as a girl would be.

After an awkward silence, Maddie finally began to move again, approaching the young girl. A moment of staring at each other ended when the mother pulled the child into her arms, embracing her.

Maddie: Hello...

We later see Danielle was before Jack and Maddie. She was nervous while the couple still looked at her in awe and growing fascination.

Dani: *In her head* They're gonna hate me... I just know it. *feeling nervous and afraid.

There was silence for a moment before the couple finally spoke up.

Maddie: You know, you have my grandmother's name… *looking at her with a rather scientific view*

Jack: You're the spitting image of Maddie from the family photos she showed me at that age.

Danielle felt wary around them, unsure how to respond to that.

Maddie: So, where are you planning to go tonight?

Dani:  I don't know... I just came because Danny, Danie and Paulina offered me something to eat.

Maddie: Well.. I have an idea.

After giving her a clean set of clothes and something to eat, they began to talk and gave her an offer.

Dani: What are you gonna do with me?

Madie: Where are you staying?

Dani: At a cabin at a camp with a ghost wolf, he's a good legal guardian, but Danie thought it would be a good idea to meet you guys.

Maddie: Well then... in that case... *stood up and held her arms out* You should live here from now on.

Danielle remained silent, looking stunned as Jazz came in and hugged her.

Jazz: Yes! I always wanted another sister!

Dani: "B-But I don't exactly have a birth certificate! How will you guys legally let me live here?" She asks.

Danny: Technically, many orphans have no birth certificate.

Danie: Plus, I bet Tucker can pull some strings while he's still mayor.

Jazz: Still?

Danny: Yeah... he's gonna be stepping down. Making miniskirt Fridays a thing for the whole town was not popular...

Jazz: I wonder why...

Danie: Well it wasn't a complete loss, *eyes Paulina* I got to see what Paulina would look like in a miniskirt, and it was amazing.

Paulina: *Blushes* *Giggles* Babe be serious. *Playful shove*

Danie: I am, your butt looked cute in that skirt~.

Danielle wasn't paying attention to that, thinking more about what she was offered.

A home.

Dani: Mr. and Mrs. Fenton...?

Maddie: Don't be so formal... you'll be living here now. Besides, in a manner, we are your parents, so refer to us as family.

Danielle was still processing this, unfamiliar with the idea of a mother. However, she was being offered something she wanted more than anything. A home with a family.

Dani: Okay... I guess I'll stay here... mother...

Flashback over.

Paulina: And that's the story of how your aunt Dani became part of the family.

Daphne: Wow… that's awesome! Uh not the abuse part, the adoption part.

Selina: That was very nice of them.

Sophia: It sure was.

Dani: Yeah, I wouldn't have a family if it wasn't for them.

Danie: True.

Daphne: But what I don't get is why Mr. Foley stepped down as mayor.

Paulina: He tried to make mini skirt Fridays a thing.

Daphne: Wouldn't it be easier to do it on Mondays?

Dani: That's… a good point. But either way he was just filling in until we got an actual mayor who didn't want to see girls in miniskirts.

Danie: Well I didn't mind seeing Paulina in a mini skirt.

Paulina: *Blushes* *Giggles* Danie come on.

Danie: Well I wasn't hearing you complain last night.

Daisy: Mom please! There are kids in the room here.

Danie: Okay okay.

Just then Danie and the others heard a car and saw the Fenton ATV as we see two ghost kids fly out as we see Danny, Sam, and Star come out too.

Danny: D'oh Jackson come on.

Jackson: Sorry dad I just wanted to fly.

Stae: Misty please get down here.

Misty: I'm with Jackson, it's boring in the car.

We then see another car come by as a young kid came out literally stretching out his legs.

Ben: Kenny come on, don't use your powers like that.

Ken: Aw come on dad, it was getting boring in the car.

Ester: Yeah Ben come on.

Ben: *Chuckles* You're lucky your cute Ester.

Danie: *Comes outside and walks to the couple* Trouble in paradise Danny.

Ken, Jackson, and Misty: Aunt Danie/Danie!

The kids tackle the female alien to the ground.

Danie: Oww… kids what did I say about tackling your auntie Danie?

Misty: Only do it when it's funny?

Danie: Exactly. *Gets up* *ruffles their hair* Nice to see you ankle biters again and you too Ken.

Jackson and Ken: You too.

Danie: So, Ben, what brings you, Danny, Star and *sees Sam* Sam here.

Sam: Still mad?

Paulina: You turned two of our daughters into half ghosts, what do you think?

Sam: Fair enough.

Misty: Mom, why are Danie and Paulina mad at you?

Ken: Yeah Mrs. Manson what did you do?

Selina: She gave me and my sisters ghost powers, remember?

Ken: Oh yeah.

Sam: Uh, well sweetie, mommy did a… bad thing.

Danie: Bad thing is an understatement.

Paulina: You could have fried our kids, just like Danny, or did you forget the first time he got ghost powers and you almost… un-alived him.

Sam: I didn't really-

Ester: Okay everyone let's just drop the past before we say something we might regret.

Danie: Okay let's just drop it okay, for our kids?

Star and Paulina: For our kids.

Danny: So anyone wanna do bbq?

Danie: Sounds good to me, and don't worry they'll be veggie Burgers too.

We later see everyone having a BBQ and eating while the kids are playing.

Danie: Kids remember, don't fly too far.

Kids: We won't!

Paulina: It's a good thing our kids are getting some exercise and using their powers.

Star: For their own gain, but yeah. Ever since Misty and Jackson discovered their ghost powers they've been wanting to be like their dad, which I say is a bad idea for their age.

Danie: Weren't we teenagers back then when we decided to hunt ghosts like Danny's parents? *To Danny* No offense.

Danny: None taken.

Sam: Well Star is right, I mean they're young, inexperienced, wild, uncontrollable…

Star: Gee who does that remind you of?

Sam: *Realizes* Oh yeah…

Danie: And come on, if we're not around someone's gotta be the heros to protect this place.

Ben: She makes a good point Sam someone's gotta protect Amity Park from ghost attacks and aliens too.

Sam: Fair enough. So how are the triplets doing with their powers?

Danie: Pretty well actually. And their powers don't make them unique, they make them equal.

Paulina: *Notices Ken isn't wearing the Omnitrix* Hey Ben, what happened to Ken's Omnitrix?

Danie: Yeah I thought Ken was following in his dad's steps err watches.

Ben: Oh I had to bench Ken from the Omnitrix.

Danie: What? Why?

Ben: He was being too reckless with it lately so I had to bench him. He can have it once he shows he can be responsible.

Danie: Reckless? Uh if I'm not mistaken, you were just as reckless as Ken was when we were kids, especially when you were 11 and when we were teens.

Paulina: Yeah I say let him have an Omnitrix. He can learn from his mistakes.

Ben: Girls Look, I get it. I did the exact same kind of dumb stuff when I first got the Omnitrix, too…

Ester: You did that same kind of dumb stuff last Monday.

Ben: Not the point. The Omnitrix can be a dangerous tool in the wrong hands and I just wanna protect Ken.

Danie: But it's just like when you found the Omnitrix, What would you have done if somebody tried to take it from you?

Ben: That's totally different! For one, I couldn't take off the Omnitrix, and number two, Ben Tennyson doesn't go around wrecking stuff!

Ben was met with disbelief by everyone, including Ester, Danny and several bystanders who overhear (including Mr. Baumann and Pakmar who are known for having their property damaged/destroyed by Ben)

Ben: Oh come on!

Ester: Sweetie it's okay everyone can get reckless sometimes, we all make mistakes.

Ben: I guess. Maybe I should start training Ken on how to use the Omnitrix.

Danie: That's the spirit Ben.

Danny: So Danie, how's the retirement going?

Danie: Pretty well, I mean sure me and Paulina stop an occasional ghost or bank robber but it's nothing we can handle, right hun?

Paulina: Right. *To Danny* So how's fame going for you?

Danny: Eh, you know, same old, same old.

Danie: Trophies, magazine covers, and I'm guessing shameless promotion?

Danny: You know it. Plus we get all the stuff in bulk, *holds up a bag of Fenton Jerky* Fenton Jerky?

Star: I'll pass.

Danie: Speaking of, how's the art studio going Star?

Star: Oh it's been booming, a lot of people like drawing Danny-boo.

Paulina: Still calling Danny Danny-boo?

Star: Oh like you're one to talk, sweet-potato.

Paulina: Touche. *To Sam* So Sam, how are things with you and Chris?

Sam: Oh things have been going good, we stopped some poachers and some eco-terrorists a week ago.

Paulina: So where's your eco hubby now?

Sam: Well right now he's in Palestine, building homes for the homeless.

Danny: That's nice of him.

Danie: So you guys don't have any kids yet?

Sam: No, not yet unfortunately, with how busy Chris is I'm not sure if he wants to have kids or not.

Paulina: Hey don't say that, I'm sure he wants to have kids just as much as you do, I mean you two care for the environment, why not make an environment for yourself.

Sam: Hm true, thanks Paulina.

Paulina: Anytime.

Danie: Well if it makes you feel better, I got some meat sticks in the pantry if you want.

Sam: Pass.

Paulina: Don't worry there's some beyond meat ones too.

Sam: There's no such thing as beyond meat!

Paulina: Seriously? After 10 years you'd think you'd believe it's real.

Sam: Well I refuse to believe that there is such a thing as plant meat.

Paulina: Oh this coming from the unique goth geek who thought it would be a good idea to change the school menu into what animals eat and all just for herself.

Danie: You could have just put a salad bar like we did, but no.

Sam: Okay so that wasn't a good idea.

Danie: And the other ideas too, turning the opt center into a radio station, freeing the frogs, and many other things too.

Sam: Okay so most of my ideas were bad.

Danny: Heh, yeah they were.

Sam: Et tu Danny?

Danny: Oh come on we were in highschool back then.

Paulina: He's not wrong.

Danie: Speaking of highschool, I hear Veronica became the new principal of Casper High.

Sam: Really?

Danie: Yeah, ever since Principal Ishiyama and Lancer retired, Veronica became the new principal and she's been doing pretty well.

Danny: Huh neat. Speaking of wonder, what's Tucker doing?

Just then we see another car show up as we see Tucker and Valerie come out and show up.

Tucker: Hey guys how's it going.

Kids: Uncle Tucker!

Valerie: Hey kids good you all.

Dani: Val, hey what's up.

Valerie: Nothing much, we were in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by.

Danie: *Sees the wedding rings* So you and Tuck got hitched huh?

Valerie: Heh, yeah… one thing led to another and well…

Tucker: We got married.

Danny: Congrats dude.

Tucker: Thanks man.

Paulina: So any expecting techno geek bundles of joys?

Valerie: *Blushes* No! Well… not yet. We don't have the results yet.

Tucker: Were not exactly sure.

Danie: Well either way, it's nice to see you two again.

Danny: Yeah the gang's all here.

Misty: Wait, aunt Jasmine isn't here.

???(Jazz): It's Jazz sweetie.

Everyone looked to see it was Jazz, Kwan, Trixie and Star.

Paulina: Hey guys. *See's Trixie* What's she doing here?

Jazz: Relax, I'm allowed to bring my wife.

Everyone(Except Star, Kwan): What?!

Danie: Wait, Jazz, you're married to Trixie? How? When?

Jazz: Ever since Trixie got into Yale she's been one of my best students. Plus, after some self discovery and some exploring, I've discovered I'm bi.

Danie: Wow, congrats Jazz.

Trixie saw how Paulina was looking at her, still angry about what she's done before and back in highschool.

Jazz: *Puts a hand on Trixie's shoulder* It's okay, say it.

Trixie: Right, *to Paulina* Um, Ro-... Paulina about what I did back when we were in highschool and when we were together… I'm sorry for constantly hitting on your girlfriend now wife, and being a total jerk to you and everyone else…

Paulina: *Thinks about it* Do you really mean it?

Trixie: I do, being in Yale changed me, Jazz changed me, the old me is gone and I feel happy with her. So, am I forgiven?

Paulina: *Smiles* Yeah you are, hermanastra (Step-sister)

Trixie: Thanks sis.

Paulina: Anytime. So did you and Dash actually date?

Trixie: Yeah, the worst mistake of my life. And I only did it because he wouldn't stop hitting on me. And trying to get Danie jealous.

Danie: Which didn't work by the way.

Danie: So just to be clear, you're not into me anymore right?

Trixie: Yes, Danie I'm married to Jazz, she's all the woman I need.

Danie: Oh thank goodness. *To Jazz* You're gonna have your hands full with her.

Jazz: *Chuckles* I already do.

Danny: *Chuckles* Never thought I'd be married to a former A-lister.

Ester: A-Listers?

Paulina: Popular snobs back in Casper High.

Danie: Danny come on, we're not in highschool anymore.

Just then we see a ship come by as we see Rook along with Gwen, Max, and Kevin come out.

Rook: Greetings Ben, nice to see you.

Ben: Hey Rook.

Paulina: Rook hey, heard you got promoted to Magister.

Danie: Congrats man, also you're late. Just like Ben.

Ben: Yeah I- hey!

Rook: Why am I not surprised.

Ben: So you ready to fill Grandpa Max's shoes?

Future Rook: I do not believe an exchange of footwear will be required.

Ben: No, Rook, That's a figure of -- *sees Rook is joking* Oh, you got me again.

Danie: That bit never gets old.

Rook: But it will be a challenge to perform the duties of magistratus as well as your grandfather has.

Max: Nonsense, Rook, You're gonna do just fine,

Truth is you've been the topman for years.

Rook: That is kind of you to say, magis--

Max: Ah, Call me "Max," Might as well get used to it.

Danie: Finally going into retirement Max? Space station won't be the same without you.

Max: I know just make me proud, Proctor Benton.

Danie: *Smiles* I will.

Future Kevin: *Walks by* Tennyson,

Ben: Levin

The two stare down each other until they both smile.

Ben: Ha, So, you're taking over Rook's old job, huh?

Kevin: Hey, somebody's got to keep the rooters in line.

Ester: And, Gwen, I hear you finally completed your second doctorate.

Gwen: I know, I know, Seriously, I would have finished a year ago if I hadn't been named high magus

Danie: Yeah, but it is nice to have  the gang back together again, the whole gang.

Sam: We'll always be together, Danie.

Dani: Yeah no matter where we are, we'll always be there for each other.

Paulina: Neat.

Just then we see a limo show up as everyone sees Kwan and someone Star is all too familiar with.

Star: Colette?! What are you doing here?

Misty: Mom, who's that?

Danie: That's Colette.

Jackson: The snobby french girl who used to flirt with him back in highschool?

Sam: *Glares at Colette* The very same.

Kwan: Hey guys, it's nice to see you all again.

Paulina: You too Kwan.

Danie then looked at their hands and saw wedding rings and immediately realized that they're married.

Danie: So you two are married?

Collette: Qui that is right, Mon Kwan is not as bad as I thought he would be.

Star: What?! W-wait hang on, you two are married?!

Kwan: Yeah why?

Star: Why didn't you tell me? Or Danny? Or any of us?

Colette: Este-... Star, we all had different things going on in our lives, and this is mine. And we didn't invite you and Danny because I… *Kwan holds her hand* We thought you wouldn't approve.

Star was still baffled, how could her step sister, the girl she and everyone hated be married to her ex-boyfriend from highschool.

Star: Well… you two… look happy.

Jackson: Wait if she's mom's step sister and Kwan is her husband, does that mean they're our aunt and uncle?

Danny: I guess so, but I guess it's nice to see them after 10 years.

Star: Danny boo you can't be serious.

Danny: Starlight come on, it looks like Colette is actually happy with Kwan, plus we can't deny our kids from seeing their grandparents.

Misty: Yeah mom, how come you never told us about Aunt Colette and Uncle Kwan?

Star: *Sighs* Because your aunt Colette was an evil shrew trying to steal your father from me.

Colette: That was in the past!

Star: Oh yeah right, you just came back here just to steal Danny from me admit it!

Colette: Even if I wanted to, why would I steal him now? He's married to you is he not!?

Star: Well yeah but-

Colette: But nothing, I have no interest in Danny since I'm married to my Mon amour Kwan.

Star: Yeah right you-

Danny: Okay hang on, Collette, what's the real reason you're here?

Collette: *Looks down* Father… has left mother and passed away today.

Star: …What? You mean Jean-Pu err Luc is… *Colette and Kwan nodded solemnly* O-oh when's the-.

Kwan: We were there, they… already buried him… and we visited your mom, she's still sad about it.

Star: What? Why didn't mom tell me? Or-or dad?

Colette: They were trying to protect you Estelle, they didn't want you to worry, they know how much you hate him, as did I… even though he was a lousy Father.

Star: But… but that doesn't make any sense at all, if mom and dad were hurting they would have told me.

Colette: Well she told me, and who do you think had to take care of mama when my father barely gave her the time of day to pay attention to her, who do you think took care of Pierre when you and Danny were too busy huh?

Star: You and Kwan…?

Kwan: Exactly, me and Colette helped your mom and your baby half brother.

Star: That doesn't make any sense at all if things were that bad then why didn't mom tell me?

Colette: Because she was protecting you! Just like everyone else.

Star: And why didn't you tell me?

Colette: Because I was protecting you too! Do you think it's easy living with a father who had to remarry every time he saw a more beautiful woman, no of course it wasn't easy. *Sighs* and I was no better than my own father.

Danny: Step moms? As in plural?

Danie: Ohh mommy issues huh?

Colette only nodded a yes while looking sad.

Star: So that's why you never cared about mom? Or your other moms?

Colette: What is the point, they never spend time with me, even if they promised and even if they do care, they don't stay and leave because of my now dead father. And I do not want to turn out like him… not now… not ever. *Kwan hugs her and she hugs back*

Star was surprised by this, her step sister, her mortal enemy, now changed is actually sad, even Sam was surprised by this.

Valerie: So… that's why you were always so… you?

Colette: *Looks away* …Yes….  And for everything that I have done… I… I'm sorry… I'm sorry for everything…

Sam: Yeah right, you expect us to forgive you after everything you've done to Danny and Star?

Danie: Well it's not technically her fault she was like this, her father pays little interest in her outside of supplying her materialistic needs and her biological mother Suzette left them due to his infidelity. This, along with Jean-Luc's constant remarriages, may be part of the reason she acts the way she does, as well as explain her need to be showered with attention and expensive gifts and how she developed her shallow, cynical beliefs on love. Colette also seemed to be sincerely attracted to Danny in some way due to being the first boy she met who has resisted her advances, as she does admit that she finds him cute and more interesting than the rest of the boys who vie for her attention, but has become fixated with him over time.

Danny: Huh?

Tucker: She was into you because you were the first guy that wasn't into her.

Danny: Wait *To Colette* That's why you were into me?

Colette: Yes, boys always threw themselves at me just because of my looks, do you have any idea what it was like to be liked for what you look like and not who you are.

Paulina: I can relate. *Hugs Danie* And there was only one girl who loved me, for me and that was Danie.

Danie: Aww thanks hun.

Star: *Sighs* I guess I can… forgive you for now, but that doesn't mean I completely forgive you. Plus I can't deny my right for you to see your grandchildren.

Colette: Thank you Este-... I mean thank you Star.

Danny: So what do you guys do for a living?

Kwan: Oh we own a flower shop down the street, Pierre is watching over it.

Star: Oh that's nice.

Sam: You guys sell flowers?

Colette: We all have to make a living Samantha, ulike you who leached off her grandparents wealth for a piece of plastic he made for a toothpick.

Sam: Hey!

Danie: Well she's not wrong there.

Sam: Oh come you too Danie.

Sophia: Haha Mrs. Manson is a lazy bum.

Danie: Sophie that's rude you do not call Sam that.

Sophia: Oh sorry, she's a gothic lazy bum.

Danie: Better.

Jackson: So does this mean we can hug Aunt Colette?

Star: Hmm… sure.

Jackson and Misty: Auntie Colette!

The two kids tackled Colette to the ground as they hugged her.

Collette: Ow…

Danny: You okay?

Colette: *Sits up* Qui, they have their father's strength, so are they-

Danny: Half ghost too? Yep.

Colette: But how?

Star: They were born with Danny's powers and believe me when they were babies it was not easy taking care of them.

Danny: And baby ghost proofing everything.

Danie: I can vouch for them, it's true.

We later cut to a montage of everyone enjoying themselves, talking about what's going on in their lives and pretty much just enjoying their new lives.

Later that night we see everyone has left as we see Danie, Paulina and Rosie alone in their room and the kids are asleep in their room

Danie: It was nice to see them again.

Paulina: Yeah it was.

Danie: You know, I'm actually kind of glad you and Trixie made up after 10 years.

Paulina: Same here, sure she was a huge jerk who constantly flirted with you, and sent the occasional nude selfie, but she's still family. And I'm glad Star and Colette made up too.

Danie: Yeah, life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Paulina: Too true. *Yawns* I'm glad I met you babe.

Danie: Me too.

Kiko: *Squeaks*

Danie: Well let's get to bed, who knows what the future holds.

Paulina: Well whatever it holds, we'll face it together.

Danie: Together. But can we have some… fun~.

Paulina: *Feels Danie's hand* Eep! *Giggles* You know how to rev my engine.

Danie: Dang right I do.

We then see the duo proceed to have their "fun" as Rosie went to her bed and put some headphones on and their kids went to bed with headphones on as the camera fades to black with "Careless Whispers" playing in the background.

Danie: *VO* So, until next time, this is your friendly neighborhood alien gal saying... I'm never gonna dance again... the way I danced with you.

(A/N): Thanks to @Freelancer1337 for reading my chapters and approving them. Couldn't have done it without him.


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