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I'm feeling sad so everyone must suffer!!!!hahahaha 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

Dark's pov
I sit on my bed with my legs under the blankets as i wait for anti to get home with my phone beside me. It rings showing anti texted.
Anti:Hey dark.
Dark:hey. Where are you?
Anti:At a friend's house
Dark:Oh ok well im waiting for you
Anti:I'm on my way.
Dark:Ok bye love u
Anti:Love ye to😘
I put my phone away then i wait for him to get here. I look at all the pictures of us on the wall and smile. I hear the door open and see anti walk in with his hair messed and hickeys on his neck. "Hey babe" . He says. "Why do you have hickeys on your neck??" Ask. "There bite marks" . He says as he sits next to me on the bed.
"I'm not stupid there hickeys". I said. I can tell he's pissed. He gets up and looms at me and Crosses his arms. "I'M FUCKING CHEATING ON YOU OK?" He yells. I feel my heart shatter. "WHY ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?? WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU??" I yell as tears roll down my face. "BECAUSE YOUR A GAY FUCKING ASSHOLE WHO DOESN'T CARE ABOUT NO ONE BUT HIMSELF AND YOUR FUCKING USELESS TO ME!!!! He yells as he leaves. My heart was completely broke. I see Darkney come out her room and sees me. Then she gets on the bed and hugs me. "Don't cry dad I'm here to make you feel better" . She says. I hug back. Then anti comes in with a gun. I move her off of me. "Anti what are you doing with that??" I ask. Then he shoots me. "DAD!!". I hear her yell. My vision gets blurry. Anti walks out and Darkney is hugging me like there's no tomorrow. I hear the neighbors come in with the police and ambulance. The ambulance takes me. I smile at her. "I-I l-love y-you" . I tell her. My vision goes black and all i heard the sobs of my daughter......
Three months later ~
Darkney's pov
Ever since dark went to the hospital my sweet neighbor has been taking care of me. I truly appreciate him to be honest. "Darkney!!" I hear Wilford say. I go downstairs and see him. "Come one were going to pick up dark" . My eyes lighten up. "Really?!?!" . I say.
"Yep now come on." He says . "I take his hand and walk to the car with him. The whole time Wilford was talking to me about how much he missed him and everything. We arrive and walk in and wait. "Wilford and Darkney dark is ready to see you" . A doctor says. Wilford picks me up and we walk to the room that dark was in. We see dark on the bed waiting for us. I run up to him and hug him. "Hey Darkney" . He says. "Hi dad". I said. "Come on were going to start a new life without him ok". He says as he picks me up. We walk out and go to McDonald's.
Oh my God!!!! BITCH I'M IN TEARS!!! anyway if there's any spelling errors then I'm really sorry this was rushed.

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