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1. In a Western society, such as the United States or Canada, that has many national, religious, and cultural differences, people highly value "individualism".

2. Look at the school system, and you will see "the social structure" and "the values of its culture".

3. In 1917, it requires education to be free, "compulsory" and "universal".

4. To reach this goal, students have to go through "examination hell".

5. The students who had had strange health problem went to doctor  for treatment a number of "symptoms" such as tiredness, sore throats.

6. 'Sick buiding' It means a "buiding that creats its own indoor air".

7. Recent studies have shown that air inside many house, office building, and schools is full "of pollutants": chemicals, mold, bacteria, smoke and gases.

8. Sick -building symdrome most often includes symptoms similar to those of the flu and "respiratory infections" such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

9. They use products made of "particleboard", wich is an "inexpensive kind of board made of very small pieces of" wood held together.

10. In some house, "carbon monoxide" from cars in the garage can enter the house.

11. In many areas, the ground  under the building might send a dangerous gas called "radon" into the home.

12. Most modern office building are "tightly sealed".

13. In many buildings rain has "leaked" in  and caused water damage to walls and carpets.

14. Workers probadly need to take out carpets, wallpaper and ceiling tiles in order to remove "mold and bacteria"

15.NASA was trying to find ways  to clean the air in "space station".

16. One scientist which NASA discovered that "house plants" actually remove pollutants from the air.

17. There are "wrowds" of people everywhere, the mass transit system is especially "crowded".

18.Most people know about "air pollution" in big cities but they're just beginning to learn about the many "pollutants" that we have uniside buildings.

19. The government has spent "billions of dollars" to try to clean up the air.

20. The air was full of "pollutants": chemicals, mold, bacteria, smoke and gases.

21. One way that advertisers persuade "us to buy" product is by targeting our dissatisfaction with ourselves.

22. In a similar way, "adverstisers also take advantage of our need" for a good self-image our desire to app attractive successful and even exc...

23. "Although" it's irrational- impossible to explain reasonably- they buy the cigarettes because they want to be like the Marlboro man.

24. At most banks, borrowers must meet three neccessary conditions: "character, capacity and collateral".

25. What happens to the woman who doesn't have any "collateral"? 

26. But we continue to spend money on mouthwash breath freshener, and breath mints. Our fear of offending people "outweighs" our dentists logic.

27. Advertisers persuade us that if we don't buy their "mouthwash", we'll have bad breath and offend other people.

28. "Marketers" use their knowledge of psychology to market their products. They hope that consumers will buy their goods, "consume" them, and soon feel the need to buy more.

29. That "violent" TV commercial was "offensive" to many people. They were offended by it's violence and didn't see the need for it.

30. Advertising is a kind of "information" that has a strong "infiluence" on consumers ; it should not only influence people to buy products, but also inform them.

31.This organization has been "successful" in  solving some serious social problem in that  "society". Their success is due to hard work and the cooperation of many people.

32. It self-fulfilling prophecy is a situation in which "people cause a prediction to come true".

33. We don't want to buy products because of some strange compulsion-"some irrarional desire that we can't control".

34. Twenty years ago, in many countries,  people could choose their "livelihood" but they couldn't usually choose to change from one profession to another.

35 Many people with "temporary" jobs would prefer "more permanent" post.

36. Workers in these days need to "upgrade" their skills to find a new job.

37. Because technology changes fast, workers need continuing education if they  want to "keep up with" the field.

38. When they lose their job, they also "lose their self- confidence or belief in their own ability"

39. In many professions, " telecommuniting" is now possiple. People can work at home for some-or all-of the week and communicate by computer telephone and fax.

40. It's difficult for some people to focus on work when they are at home. The refregerator , TV, and their children often "distract" them.

41. There is an advantage to technology: customers and clinents have access to bisiness people at any time and anywhere. However, there is also "adrwback": many businesspeople don't want to be available day and night.

42. There are advantages and disadvantages to "globalization", and we are all affected by at.

43. Technology " is making work life better for everyday".

44. All workaholics have problems with "stress".

45. Job hopping "is a new  trend" that causes stress but can also creat a happy into good work experiences. If they learn new job skills.

46. "The world ecomony, globalization, and technology" are causing many changes in the way people work today.

47. "Workaholics" are as addicted to their work as other people are to druge or alcohol.

48. People with factory jobs in industrial nations lose their jobs "when factories move to countries where the pay is lower".

49. Workaholics "are as addicted to their work as other people to drugs or alcohol".

50. "Job hopping" is a new trend that causes stress but can also lead people into good work experiences If they learn new job skills.

51. Jobs in these fields usually require "specific skills" but you need to find out exactly which skills and which degrees are necessary.

52. In Canada and the U.S, "high school  and college students" often have access to free vocational counseling services on campus.

53. Some people think that "online job hunting" is only for people in technology fields,but this isn't true.

54. More and more employers are advertising "job openings" on their computer websites.

55. These days, "urban lifestyle" seem to change very fast.

56. A fad lasts "a very short time and is not very important".

57. "Trendspotting" is the ability to indentify a trend at an early stage- an extremely important skill in the business world.

58. However, there is also a "countertrend"- a trend toward voluntary simplicity.

59. In "aromatherapy", floral scents and the smell of such things aslemon, pine, and mint are used to make people feel better in a variety of ways. 

60. Some "thrill seekers", people who want more and more excitemont and danger, have created new 'extremecuc sports'

61. He looked through the "classified" ads and hoped to find his dream job.

62. When I began "job hunting" last year , I put in my application at the "personal office" of many companies.

63. A poor woman has an idea for "a small business" to lift herself anf her  family out of poverty.

64. In marketing, a successful "advertisement" persuades consumers that a product works well, their belief causes them to use  the  product in such a way  that it does work well.

65. The truth, that with their increasing knowledge of "what goes on in the human brain", marketers might have more power over us than we realize.

66. "How many plants are" necessary to learn the air in a room -one or two or a whole forest of plants?

67. "There are" crowds of people  everywhere.

68. These pollutants are causing a group of unpleasant and dangerous symptoms that experts can 'sick- building "syndrome"'. Syndrome= "combination of symptoms".

69. In many building, rain has "leaked" in and caused water damage to walls  and carpets. Leaked in= "come in accidentally".

70. The bankers  soon learned that urban programs were not as successful as "rural ones".

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