Dare 2

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Stage Face: alright troops, we gotta catch up on all these dares!!!

Louis: theres only two of us

Stage Face: Louis your doing the second dare

Louis: why!?

Stage Face: cuz Audrey's to busy playing Mario Cart

Audrey: ye-

Louis: BuT I wAs GoInG tO pLaY sEcUrItY bReAcH!!! (The game's not even out yet)

Stage face: does it look like I care?

Louis: why can't you do it

Stage Face: cuz I'm to lazy to, now get through that portal now!!

Louis: ugh, fiiiiiine *goes through portal*

Stage Face : finally I can watch YouTube in peace


Louis: okay, now I gotta...... Uh....... I ....... I don't what to do... ÓvÒ

*One eternity layer*

Louis: *covered in bandages cuz Stage Face was not pleased when their vines completion was inturupted* okay, now I gotta track Bash down, thankfully I got the tracker

*After tracking bash down down*

Louis: *breaks down wall*

Bash: um O-O

Louis: ArE yOu BaSh!?

Bash: yes, but um, why didn't you use the door?

Louis: cuz this is less time consuming

Bash: *confused*

Louis: also you gotta talk to pow

Bash: Kay

Louis: and maybe kiss her along the way (I'm getting to dares down y'all)

Bash: wha!? O///O

Louis: shhh, hush now child we must find pow

Bash: *G R E A T C O N C E R N*

*time skip brought to you by my laziness*


ouis: okay there she, now talk to her

Bash: why are you acting do secretive?

Louis: becuz I can (⌐■-■)

Bash: 'can I leave'

Louis: but no seriously talk to her

Bash: okay O-O *goes up to pow* hey pow

Pow: huh? Oh hey bash *and then they just talked*

Hyper: 'hehe, bet y'all weren't expecting me UvU' *appears behind bash* *pushes him towards pow* *appears behind pow and pushes him towards bash* *bash and pow just kinda, kiss?*

Louis: 'I wanted them to kiss but that was just awkward' Ó-Ò

Hyper: *yeets away*

Louis: *goes thro portal*

Audrey: oh hey your back! How was it?

Louis: weird and cringey

Audrey: it always is, wanna annoy stage?

Louis: Y E S

And then they annoyed stage for the rest of the day (and yes the image above is the new cover)

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