a little quiz for me!

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Ok so I got tagged by my freind
So I have to do the quiz thing now!!!!
Hope you read it I know some people sometimes don't really care to know me!...read on!!!!

Real name: Victoria ( you should already know that if you took time to read my description if u followed me)
Nick names:tori, Vicki, bubbles (from my lovely teacher O'black! :3), teddy bear (yeah people say I give good hugs and it makes them feel better)
My fav band/Artist: Melanie Martinez, maroon 5, fall out boy, bea miller (kinda, not fully but still good),Imagine dragons.
My fav colors:blue, purple,yellow,magneta, green bluish
Fav subject in school:science (got all A's. Just saying *giggles),
ELA (B's and A's for the most)
Hobbies: reading (soooooooooooooo obvious),drawing ( I have a deviant art), doing a mile everyday(for fun I just like the wind blowing in my face moving freely *I'm weirdo ain't I?*), and being on YouTube most of the time!

Extra: I'm so bubbly but people get me as a weirdo that got me depressed once but hey I have moved on someone told me that's what makes me different and for all of I who think life is gray don't think that life is wonderfully full of color no one else could give you the gift to live 2 we only got one life so live it and for all of I who say I'm a freak (not to I guys but school mostly....but not involving my friends in school they love me)
I got a news flash for ya I'm a being of our bubbles and happiness so live whit it!

That is it

Tagged people(sorry if get tagged you gotta do it):

Ok sorry again! *giggles*

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