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(Im not good at writeing fighting scenes so i'll just put who wins...is that ok???...k i'll do it anyway i al the author of this journal!!!!
WHUAHAHAHAHAHAHA...dont even ask)
So this is a dare from aqua!!!!!!yay!!!!!!!!!!whom i like to call rainbowco.... Why are you reading this?... Are you still reading???? If you are...GO READ NOW!!!!!!

Aqua: the first match is
Dipper vs Bill ((i dont know how to decide on this one...))
and the winner is.......... Dipper!!!!!!
((He gonna beat him in wierdmagedon so why not???))

Aqua: next match is... Marco Vs beastboy
....the winner is Beastboy...

Aqua: next up is Robin Vs Cyborg
The winner is Robin!

Aqua: next is our favorite stars ...Starfire Vs Star....... ((You guys decide who wins))

Aqua:next is Raven Vs Aqua... Oh wait that me!!!!ok Raven go to your best!!!

(((After some beating and bloody knuckles and all that........ .-. .-. .-.
You guys gonna kill me but.... IT IS A TIE!!!! is that right tie or did i spell that wrong?????..................

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