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Me: heyo!
R: what's the dare?
Katie: and before you guys guess and it's wrong, again! It's jade!
Jade: yup, and btw, it's time for a hilarious dare!
Me: after the first one!
Everyone: awwwwwwwwwwwww!
Max: what's the first dare?
Cheshire: well, it says I dare everyone to say there otp's in this book!
Jade: and it can be the host!
Everyone but aist Jadden and jade: oh no!
Aist: this will be good!😄
Jade: yup!
Jadden: this won't end well for me, will it?
Jade: yup!
Me: who's up first?
Cricket sounds!
Me: ugh, FINE...... My OTP is............. Foam Chain saw kitty x laser puppy!
R: oh no!
Cheshire: oh no what?
R: her other book! She has an army of foam chain saw kitties! And laser puppies!
Everyone but jade: oh hey no!
Max: run for your life's! Runs into a wall! Ow!
Me and jade: HA!
Me: now Max has to go! Then jade!
Max: uh Maddy, is blushing madly! Can I not say my OTP!
Me: nope! Unless if it involves me!
Max: no, it's-whispers it in my ear! And start laughing crazy! What?
Me: say it! Say it! Ha ha ha ha ha-
Cheshire: what's so- I whisper it into her ear and she starts laughing to! Really? Already!
R: calm down g- Cheshire whispers it into her ear! Then they start cracking up!
Katie: calm down! Guys, whatever it is it-
Max: I ship jadedden! Covers his mouth!
Jade: WHAT?! Wait..... Takes a sip of  ice tea spits it out! WHAT?!!!!?
Jadden: sweet!
Jade: you should run now! Or you'll feel something in the morning, for many many years!
Me: NO! Everyone stares at me! I mean....... Uhhhhh...... It's time for jades OTP! Then Jadden!
Jade: well I ship....... MADDAX! Everyone but me starts laughing!
Me: wait, MAX! Why are you laughing! And also, if you laugh again I will use my foam army! On all of you!
Everyone but jade and Max: gulp!
Max: oh come on Maddy, they were just-
Me: FOAM ARMY! Oh, and of course my foam sword!
Max: gulp! Ok, ok mads!
Jade: meh.
Everyone gasp!
Me: meh.
Jadden: well that was unexpected! Well I ship ........ Uhhhhhh......... I don't know?! Maybe corney.
Corey: thanks dude!
Carrie: you talk! Ha!...... Wait...... Face palms!
Me: Corey then Carrie!
Corey: we'll....... I guess me and lanes!
Me: you can't-
Max: let him be Corey.
Me: sigh, fair enough.
Carrie: well me and lar's!
Me: but-
Larry: I second that!
Laney: and I second corney!
Jade: but guys! You can't second?!
Max: they just did!
Me: I agree with jade! You can't-
Katie: I ship corny of course!
Kevin: whispers, kevie!
Katie: wait, what was yours?
Kevin: I ain't telling!
Cheshire: laughs! Now that's-...... Wait a.... Face palms!
R: you talked karlee!
Karl: so did you!
Ry: and so did you!
Andy: all of you talked!
Aist: ok, this is getting ridiculous!
Me: just go in the order! Cheshire?
Cheshire: fine, I ship corney!
Karl: I ship...... Who knows.
R: corney of course!
Ry: uhhhhh..... Maybe corney?
Aist: Corrie!
Carrie and Corey: what?
Andy: she said corney!
Corey Laney larry and Carrie: ohhhhhh......
Me: ok, enough!
Max: well plz ask or dare us!
Me: and sorry it took so long to update, I was working on 6 other fanfics! Bye!

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