X-mas and hanukkah speacil

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Me: deck, the halls with a bunch of foam, chainsaw kitties, are adorable!
Max: that's not how the song goes.
Me: who cares! It's Christmas!
Max: don't forget about Hanukkah!
Jade: presents!
Me: and dares!
Grojmens: ughhhhhh!
Me: anyway, oh look! Corey laney, look above you.
They look up to see a mistletoe and blush.
Corey: well, if we have to, leans down and kisses laney.
Everyone: awwwwwwww!
Me: ok, anyway! Girls, let's get dress for this special chap!

All girls except Jade maddy Cheshire and R.

Jades outfit.

Cheshire and R's outfit.
Then there's the guys.

Everyone but me and max
Aist: come on out maddy!
Me: no!
Katie: why not?
Me: cause I don't want to, I look ridiculous wearing a matching outfit as that baka!
Max: hey!
Jade: that's it, come on Ruby and karlee! Let's get her.
Me: noooooooooo!
Shows Cheshire and R holding me by my feat and Jade holding me by my hands as I squirm to get out.
Me: fine! I give up! Just put me down!

Me and maxes outfit.

Me: blush. I hate you all, anyway, the first dare is by Julia! She dares us to allow her to scratch Max and give her a kitty meow meow sword! I'm cool with that!
Max: what!
R: well a dare is a dare!
Cheshire: I'll go get the sword!
Max: why! It's Christmas for crying out loud and you want her to kill me?!
Me: yup.
R: you got it.
Cheshire: I don't really care.
Jade: what's your name again.
Jaden: don't worry bro, I'll attend your funeral!
Corey: so will I!
Max: I'm doomed.
Julia: kitty attack! Scratches Max and hits him with her kitty meow meow sword causing a kitty to appear on his head. What the? Ohhhhh so that's what the sword does.
Max: ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Screams in fear of the cat killing him but then stops. Awww! Your so cute.
R: this is boring, can we get onto the next dare maddy....... Maddy?
Me: kitty......... Oh right! Heh heh! Anyway, this is my own dare for all of us to make cookies and feed the guy of our choice cookies!
Laney: dibs on Corey! Feeds him chocolate chip cookies and kiss him.
Carrie: well I get larry! Hands him a oatmeal cookie.
Kim shoves a sprinkled cookie in Kins mouth as konnie gives kon a cheese cookie.
R: well, since I don't have a guy, here you go karlee! Gives Cheshire a frosted cookie.
Cheshire: and here you go Ruby. Also gives her a frosted cookie.
Aist and Katie eat there cookie.
Jade: here you go Jaden merry Christmas. Pecks him on the cheek and gives him and Oreo.
Everyone stares at me and Max.
Me: for crying out loud this book is suppose to be about grojband and the newmans! Not about my fanfic life! But anyway, here. Hands him a sugar cookie.
Max: thanks maddy!
Me: whatever! Anyway, girls. All the girls walk away from where the guys are as r holds a remote.
Me: what are cookies without some, MILK!
R presses the button and buckets of milk fall all over the guys!
Jade: merry Christmas Or whatever you celebrate!
Me: anyway, time for the next dare, I dare the boys to light the first candle for Hanukkah!
Katie: how is that a dare.
Me: cause Max is the one who will light it with all the guys around him.
Max: pffffffft, it's just one candle, what's the worst that could happen?
10 seconds later, all the guys x-Mas hats are on fire.
Kin: ahhhhhhhhh! Get it off get it off!
Larry: I'm to young to die!
Kon: sniffs the smoke in the air. what's cooking?
Jaden: what's the worst that could happen, I don't know? You light our hates on fire!!!!
Max: sorry! It was an accident!
Shows the girls eating popcorn as aist walks up to them with a fire hydrant and sprays every guy except Max and jaden.
Guys: ugh!
Me: ok, two more dares to go, one is secret Santa! To the extreme! Everyone ready!
Girls: yeah!
Boys: help us.......
Me: ok, aist you start!
Aist walks over to kon and hands him a gift? He opens up and melted cheese explodes on his face.
Kon: it burns!
Aist: your suppose to say thank you.
Kon: thank you?
Aist: your welcome. Plays on her phone.
Me: hey Kon, why don't you give someone your gift?
Kon: ok. Hand Carrie a gift.
Carrie: oh, cool..... Is this a grojband shirt?!
Kon: your welcome!
Carrie grabs a litter and burns it to the ground.
Me: uhhhhh, ok, Carrie, your turn.
Carrie throws a gift at Laney who catches it. She opens it up to see a necklace in a heart shape that says corney.
Laney: what does corney mean?
Corey: yeah?! I here everyone saying it all the time!
Everyone except corney: ugh!
Max: even I know what it means! And I'm a idiot.
Jade: no argument there.
Max: hey!
Me: whatever, it's just one of the greatest ships of all time.
Laney: wait.... CorNey core-ney Corey...... Me.......
Me: exactly, here, want to read a fanfic about you two!
Laney clicks on a corney lemon, a minute later she blushes madly and breaks my laptop.
Me: hey!
Laney: it was evil.
Me: what ever, just go!
Laney shrugs and hands R a gift.
R: suicide squad comic book! This is awesome! Ok, my turn! Pegs a present at larry!
Larry: ahhhhhhhh! Ducks as the present hit the wall. He opens it to find a brick with lipstick tapped to it. Seriously?! I'm a boy!
R: liar. Now go, it's your turn, or else I'll kick you wear the sun does not shine.
Larry: ahhhhh! Runs over to Corey and hands him his present.
Corey: a orange Christmas hat?
Larry shrugs.
Larry: what else am I suppose to get you?
Corey: ok, my turn, gives Kim a bracelet that has a charm that looks like the letter K
Kim: thanks Corey. And here you go konnie! Hands her some cheese.
Konnie: and here you go Kon. Hand him a grilled cheese sandwich.
Kon: yay! Cheese! Throws a present at Cheshire.
Cheshire: new head phones! Sweet! Hey Kate! Catch!
Katie catches the present and hands another to Jaden.
Me: your not going to open it?
Katie: knowing my sister, I should probably wait to open it at home.
Me: ok.
Jaden: holds up a video game controller. Sick! Hey, Aist, here you go! Hands her and iTunes gift card.
Aist eyes widen as she grabs it out of his hands and starts to buy stuff.
Me: ok, since aist can't give someone a gift I'll give mine, Jade.
Jade opens it and gasp.
Jade: a fairy tail did with one of Erza's swords! This is awesome! Thanks mads! Smirks. And I have a gift for you two, but I first have to give my gift to Max. Hands him a hat with something tied around it and pushes him towards me. Put it on if you want to live.
Max: ok, thanks Jade, and here maddy hands me a black kitty with blue eyes and a red bow on its collar. Merry Christmas!
Me: awwwwwwwww! Thank you! Smiles, then looks at him and smiles disappear as I glare at Jade. I hate you.
Jade: love you to!
Max: what the? Looks up to see a mistletoe hanging from his hat. Ohhhhhhhhhhh!
Jade: that's my present for both of you! And you got to do it!
Cheshire: it's a Christmas tradition!
Me: ugh, fine. Kisses Max and walks away. And my final dare, every girl host on the stage, time for s performance by #awesomeness!
Shows everyone with a mic.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

( I'm in the middle, up right is Jade, up left is Cheshire, down right is R and down left is aist.)
Me: merry Christmas everyone! And happy new year!

Hey guys merry x-mas! Anyway! I want to thank everyone for reading my book and all my host, I already plan to stop this book after my 100 chapter, and this is my 79th. Only 21 more chapters to go! And I can't wait!
Merry Christmas, or happy Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate!
This chapter goes out to my host! rubic1234 Gamerkitty1234 Jadedragon13 and Corriequeen thank you so much for all your dares and how much you guys inspired me! Your books were my favourite when I first went on wattpad, and it was amazing knowing you guys heard of my book! Anyway! Happy holidays!

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