Chapter~ 9 'Karaoke?'

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Chapter~ 9 'Karaoke?'

"And then we're like Na Na, then we're like yeah yeah yeah. Always like Na Na Na. Then we're like yeah yeah yeah. So, we can't make up our minds, 'cause when we think-"

GroaningI forced myself out of bed to answer my ringing phone. My sight was blurred, so instead of checking who the caller is, I pressed the answer button without a second thought.

"Hello?" I answered in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Or should I say, good afternoon!" I was taken back by Louis' loud voice that I had to pull my phone inches away from my ears.

"Good afternoon, Lou- wait what?" Wide-eyed, I took a quick glance at the time. 

It's twelve in the afternoon.

Oh dear.

"I'm late for work!" I yelled, running into Jessica's room. "Jessica!"

"So, I was wondering, if you can-" I rudely interrupted Louis.


"If you can come to-"

"Jessica you annoying sleepy butt!"

"If you can go clubbing with us tonight?" He hurriedly asked in a barely noticeable way.

"Yeah, okay whatever. Jessica!"

Okay, that's it. She was ignoring me and I was a hundred percent sure of that. I know what my next move is.

Revenge, baby.

I made my way to the bathroom with an evil smile plastered in my face. Then, I filled a glass of cold water and went back into her room.

She was going to pay.

"Great! We'll pick you and Jessica up at eight, okay?"

"Yeah, okay, whatever. Bye!" I hung up and spilled the water on Jessica's poor head.

This will definitely wake her up.

"What the?!" She immediately shot up from her bed in alarm. "Isabella Martin, you are now officially dead!" She jumped out of bed.

Uh-oh. This is bad.

I took off, running as fast as I can, dodging each and every pillow and slipper coming my way.  I knew better than talking to her face to face, so it locked my bedroom door and texted her instead.

Before you think of killing me, look at your watch. PS: Have I mentioned how hard it is to wake your lazy butt up?


Oh my God. It's 12:15. We're late! PS: That doesn't mean you wake me up by throwing ICE COLD WATER on me!

I'm going to kill her.

And why the hell would I wake you up if we weren't late, you idiot? Go dress up! PS: I had no other choice!


Whatever. Just be ready in 5.

With that said, we got ready and were both headed to work. Once our shift was done, we had lunch at McDonald's and exhaustedly went back home.

Just a few minutes after tiredly plopping down on my bed, my best friend entered the room, smiling sweetly at me.

"So, what's up?" She asked as she bounced on my bed.

"Nothing much. I'm kinda tired so I might have a nap."

"Yeah, me too. See-"

"And then we're like Na Na Na, then we're like yeah ye-"

"Hey, Lou!" I answered the phone after checking the caller ID.

"Hi, Izzy! I just wanted to remind you about clubbing today."

"Clubbing?" I questioned. Jessica's eyes lit up, excitedly.

"Earlier today, I asked you if you wanna come to the club with us and the girls, remember?"

"What? No. I never said I'm going to the club. I never went clubbing." 

"Oh, come on! I already told the lads and the girls that you guys are coming. Besides, it's anything but my fault that you weren't listening to me earlier."

"Louis, I don-"


"But Lou-"

"Please?" He pleaded. It seemed like he wasn't the only one looking forward to it, for Jessica was looking at me with pleading eyes as well.

"I ca-" I continued to argue.

"Please!" He yelled.

"Fine! But we're not staying past midnight, understood?" That's when Jessica fist pumped the air, whispering a 'yes'.

"Yes! We'll pick you up at 8. I already told you that but-"

"Yeah, okay, whatever. Bye!"

"That's what you said when I asked you to-"

"Louis! End. The. Call. Now.

"Okay!" That was the last thing I heard him say before the line went dead.

"We're going to a night club, baby!" Jessica jumped up and down on my poor bed.

"Unfortunately, we are. And I swear if this bed breaks, you can consider yourself dead," I threatened, giving her my infamous death glare.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, girl!"

"You have to be ready in 45 minutes," I ordered like a boss.

"Okay!" She hopped all the way to her room.

I got up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom to take a quick warm shower. I wrapped myself with a towel and walked to my closet to choose my dress for the night. My eyes immediately lit up once they were laid on a very special dress. It was pink and it had sparkles and glitter all over it. It has always been my favorite ever since my sixteenth birthday. The pink dress was a gift from my ever so lovely mother. And luckily, it still fit me. This was definitely the perfect time to wear it.

 I ran my hand on its sides, soothing it. I looked at my reflection at the mirror and admired its beauty.  I smiled at the thought of Mom. I missed her terribly, along with my annoyingly adorable sister, Maya. I snapped out of my deep thoughts and decided to finish dressing. I wore my white high heels and added very light makeup. When I was done, I curled my hair locks and sprayed it so it'd stay like that for a while. Finally, I wore my necklace and earrings before grabbing my pink purse.

"Are you re- whoa." My best friend stopped immediately after the sight of me.

She looked beautiful. She wore an extremely beautiful red fiery dress that fit her perfectly. A belt was added to her dress, which made it look even more stylish than it would have been. Her hair was styled to perfection and I undoubtedly knew that any guy would fall for her beauty right then and there. 

"Dang girl, you look stunning!" I complimented her.

"You look stunninger! If that's a word. Girl, is that the sweet sixteen dress? It still fits you perfectly! I'm jelly."

"Yeah, Merci." I blushed and bowed down.

"Hey, hey. Don't act all French on me!" We both laughed a bit too hard.

"Anyways, what time are they picking us up?" She asked me, clearly excited.

"And then we're like Na Na Na-" I looked at the caller ID.

The Bradford Badboy.



So many countless bodyguards surrounded us from every corner. Fame is hard, I see.

"It's too loud in here!" I yelled loud enough for them to hear me.

"That's why it's a club, you now!" Zayn commented in the same volume I had.

So, I think this is how it works. We should yell for people to hear us, alcohol is everywhere (which sucks 'cause you rarely find normal drinks), and you dance, which is something Jessica would gladly do, but I wouldn't. I absolutely suck at dancing.

I want to go home.

"Now what?" I yelled.

"Dance!" Jessica yelled back.

"I can't dance!"

"Just sway! It's not that hard!"

By now, everyone was dancing as a couple. Louis and Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie and Harry and Delilah.


Liam, Niall, Jessica, and I were left there standing awkwardly. And guess what? Jessica left me and went to dance with Niall.

"May I have this dance?" Liam asked me.

The butterflies erupted, dancing everywhere. My cheeks defied me and blushed a deep red color. It was hard to reject his sweet offer, but I knew better than to embarrass myself with my dancing.

"I don't know how to!"

"Same here! So join!"

"Never in a million years!" I yelled and I heard him chuckle.

"You watched that?!" He yelled over the music, referring to the Best Song Ever music video.

"Only a million times!"

"Please?!" He pleaded. I looked around again, finding everyone dancing. 

Why not?


Little did I know that I would have endless fun.


"Have a drink!" Niall yelled.

"I told you, I don't drink."

"Fine, don't. You're missing out a lot though."

'Who's up for karaoke?!' A male's voice yelled through the speakers. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Although we were at the corner of the very back of the club, we can hear everything clear and loud. 

"What are you waiting for? Go!" Delilah told me.

"Karaoke? Nah, I'm fine."

"So you don't dance or drink and now sing? I'm sorry, love. You're not going to refuse everything we ask you to do." Louis literally dragged me to stage.

"No, Louis!"

"Oh, yes! Ladies and gentlemen, this girl right here is going to sing. Prepare to be amazed!" Louis' voice boomed through the microphone.

My heart started beating and I had nothing else to do but glare at him. However, I had no other choice but to sing. So, I chose the song Titanium by David Guetta and featuring Sia.

I took a deep breath and started.

"You shout it out

But I can't hear a word you say

I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

Cut me down

But it's you who has further to fall

Ghost town, haunted love

Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones

I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium

I am titanium

Stone-hard, machine guns

Firing at the ones who run

Stone-hard, those bulletproof glass

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium"

 The crowd started roaring. The boys that I always adored and the girls that are now my sisters stood up and cheered. For who? For me. I can't believe they're giving me a standing ovation. The view was magical, miracle and . . . it's just a dream come true. What if this the first step of the track? I'll keep going until I reach the dream.

Yes, I will take the chance.

Author's Note: Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it! =)

This chapter is dedicated to @AsmaaMohsen. Thank you so much for reading every chapter update the second it's out <3

Question: How is the story so far? What is your favorite chapter?

I love each and every one of you guys <3

~HG xx

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