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The next day, the young couple left at two, containers of food rattling around in the back seat. And, in Jingyu's pocket, was a beautiful ring that was meant for only one person's finger.

That person was the man humming to a love song on the radio beside him. He glanced over at WeiZhou lovingly. He looked well rested and much happier than he did when they left Beijing. Jingyu decided that his only goal in life now should be to keep him smiling like this, no matter how many drives he had to go on to achieve that.

Right now Zhou was smiling, head tipped back slightly, eyes closed, feeling the car move, but also comforted by another feeling, the one that Jingyu was right beside him. That he wouldn't have to be alone anymore, not as long as Jingyu was there for him.

WeiZhou was like a child. To be happy, he didn't need expensive gifts or special surprises. He just needed equal amounts of love and attention, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now he had met the people who raised him. The loving cook and the stoic fisherman. He knew exactly what the next step was.

Jingyu suddenly pulled over to stop at the side of the road. WeiZhou paused the music quickly, looking at him in alarm.

"You alright?"

Jingyu nodded, his shoulders relaxing. He turned to look at the love of his life, smiling heartily at him.

"I'm perfect." Jingyu reaches out, stroking WeiZhou's cheek with a sigh. "You know I love you, right?"

"Of course." WeiZhou smiled. "More than anything."

Jingyu leaned in, kissing him over the console. "Do this one thing for me, then."

WeiZhou's brows knotted. "What is it?"

Jingyu reached into his pocket, feeling the old ring between his thumb and forefinger. He took it out, presenting it to WeiZhou, who gasped in response.

His eyes widened, welling up with tears. "WeiZhou. Love of my life. I now know that I can't live without you. You're my perfect match, my best friend, the person I turn to amid anything else." Jingyu smiled, wiping a tear from WeiZhou's cheek. "Baby, marry me?"

WeiZhou nodded, leaning forward and hugging Jingyu. He couldn't find any words to express how he felt that moment. Even though he knew it was coming, it was a huge comfort to hear it from the person instead of hearing it from the bathroom.

When they parted from the hug, they were both crying. Jingyu's tears fell stoically, soundless, an art he had perfected years ago. But WeiZhou sobbed, his breaths rocking his body as him and Jingyu gazed at each other. Instinctively, they both reached out at the same moment, wiping one another's tears away with gentle-ness and care. When Zhou stopped crying, Jingyu took his hand and slid the ring on. It fit perfectly.

"Jingyu." WeiZhou smiled, never being one for long speeches of love. "I love you."

Jingyu smiled. They sat in silence, staring at each other with glazed and glowing eyes, before they both leaned in at the same time, their lips meeting.

And the world faded.

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