#18 Dreams

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I open the door again.


I scream and punch pretty much any shelf I see. Instantly I fall down to what seems like a forever. Finally, I land face first on the ground. I looks around and shout. The place was actually nice. The sky was a deep blue and the clouds looked stunning.


I look in the distance and spot a small school.

Being the idiot I am, I ran to it. Seconds later I realize it's burning. A cackle fills the air, and I immediately see kids run to a small forest. Just as I'm about to run with them, I get whacked in the face.

"Wake up Allison!" A familiar voice yells.

I wake up to see an angry Alexandra.

"What time is it?" I groan.

"You were dreaming, Alli." She growls. "It's 9 am."

"I had the weirdes-"

"Save it." She mutters. "Now get changed.

I fall off my bed and change into a soft pair of sweat grey pants and a silver sweater. I then go to my bathroom and brush my teeth. Minutes after getting ready, I relax a bit.

My phone rings, and I quickly pick it up.


"May! What's up?"

"Nothing." She sighs. "You think we could chill somewhere?"

"Why don't you just come over. I need to-"

"Okay. Bye!"

"Wa -"

Too late. She already hang up. I groaned.

After convincing my mom to let May come over, I finally decide to relax.

I looked around and spotted the exact thing I was looking for.

A map to the same book store in my dream.

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