#48 Shock

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"So what exactly happened?" I ask.

The two girls glance at each other, and by the looks of it they were having an eye war, debating who should explain the situation to me. I sneeze suddenly, and the two girls jump.


There's another moment of silence, and when I turn around I jump when I see a gigantic apple in front of us. Odd how I never saw it when I woke up. I sit down, patiently waiting for the two to speak.

"Well, we were watching the news when you passed out." May sighs, scratching her head.

"And then what?"

"S-some guy came in and started shooting." Harper managed to whisper.

May comes over to her, attempting to give her a hug, however Harper turns away. A squeaky but muffled sob comes out of her mouth. For a second I stare in shock.

"W-what happened to the others?" I mumbled, not wanted to hear the answer.

"That's the thing...we don't know." May finished.

The world seems to darken and that very word, we don't know. I try to look around, slightly wanting it to be a joke and slightly wanting to hear something to make it all better. When I realize it won't happen I look down at Harper, still shocked. Never have I ever seen Harper like this, and that's saying a lot. I've seen her in the days when she was the most angry, happy and insane. However, I've never seen her this terrified and miserable. She looked absolutely wrecked.

"Are you okay?" I mutter.

I knew it was a very stupid question because of course not. How could someone be okay when they just witnessed practically all of their best friends being murdered in front of them.


Yep. Should I have known. I sigh, attempting to think of encouraging words that might help her. After some weak, but genuine smiles from May, I manage to think of something.

"Harper, I just wanted to say no matter what happens, we're going together."

~Authors Note~

Yes I know I didn't technically update last week (in case you didn't notice I just updating the last chapter again xD) I was still on the vacation thing. Any who, this the longest chapter here so enjoy <3

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