#5 No please

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The attic was dark and creepy. Not to mention old and dusty.

"Okay. If you want to beat stupid Stephanie in this bet, then here's the plan. Be. Like. Old. Natalie." Harper said slowly.

I nodded slightly scared. If Harper asks you to do something,you better do it. She was like Fangirl forcing you to ship something. And trust me, you don't want a fangirl to force you to ship something.

"Good." Harper replied. "Now, let's go shopping tomorrow. Okay?"

May and I nodded. May probably nodding because she loves shopping, I and was sacred to say no.

*the next day*

"Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali! Wake up wake up wake up!" A random squirrel screamed.

I groaned. I was in an orange tent.

"Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali! Wake up wake up wake up!" The squirrel repeated.

A large rock fell on him and then he died. Suddenly, a cold waterfall fell on me.....and I woke up from my crazy dream.

"Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali! Wake up wake up wake up!" The squirrel (May) screamed.

Harper was pouring a bucket of ice cold water, which I found out was the cold waterfall in my dream.

"Ugh!" I muttered. "I had the weirdest dream ever!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, tell us later!" May said. "Go change and get in the car loser!"

"Oi!" I shouted, annoyed.

I fell of the bed. Luckily the floor was soft. I looked in my bag. I saw a dark blue short with a white heart design. Next to it was a folded dark blue top with white stripes. Inside the bag was smaller bag full of rubber bands and accessories. I went to the bathroom and put on my clothes. Quickly, I brushed my hair and put a dark blue hat in it. I went downstairs, and saw Harper's mom making waffles. May was texting her friend while Harper was putting on a headband. It was white and sparkly.

"Breakfast time!" Harper's mom shouted.

I heard someone fall off the bed.

"Mom! Dad fell of the bed again!" Harper yelled.

I tried not to laugh.

"Ugh! Coming deer!" Harper's mom shouted.

I went to the table and sat down. May and Harper sat next to me. I looked at the plate in the middle. On it was a gaint pancake for us to share. It had some butter on it and two strawberries.

"I call the top of the pancake!" I yelled.

"I call middle!" May shouted.

Harper groaned. As we ate, we talked.

"Hey! Let's go to the mall!" Harper yelled after we ate.

"Yeah! We need to do the plan!" May agreed.

"No please...." I muttered. I was tired.

"Yes please!"

I sighed. I couldn't say no now.



This was going to be a long day....

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