Baby Sis's Question And Dare

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Hey guys! Leave dares and questions for me  to write about, until ya do, I have to be stuck with my sister's dares! DO ME A SOLID AND LEAVE DARES!! (Tay = Taylor)

Taylor runs into the room with everybody in it.

Taylor: Hey guys! What's shaking?

Everybody greets Taylor

Tay (sorry feeling lazy): I have a dare from...-checks ipad- oh wait...

Silver: What's wrong?

Taylor: Its nothing... back to the dare...and question

Sonic: Lets do the question first.

Taylor: ok... the question is for you Sonic.

everyone stares at Sonic

Sonic: Yay. Lucky me. -sarcasm-

Taylor: The question is

Me: Yeah that's right, child! This question and dare is from my baby sis. The question is why were you so jelly when Amy was with Dr. Eggman in her house?

Everyone eyes were on Sonic

Sonic: -blushes- I wasn't jelly!

Me: Oh yes you were!

Sonic: Oh no I wasn't!

Me: Yes you were!

Sonic: No I wasn't!

Me: You were

Sonic: I wasn't

Me: yes!

Sonic: no!

Me: Yes!

Sonic: No!

Me: YES!

Sonic: NO!

Amy: OK! Please Stop it already!

Sonic and me: Fine.

Taylor: We have com to a conclusion........... SONIC YOU SO WAS JELLY!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonic: -blushes-

Taylor: -giggles- Ok guys, time for the dare!

Taylor reads the dare aloud

Taylor: 'I dare you guys to play who would you kiss, date, and marry'.

Me: Hey! that's my sister's dare!

Shadow: Yeah, yeah. Whatever -shoves me out the house-

Me: Harsh much!

Shadow: STFU ( shut the **** up) -slams door in her face-

Taylor: _looks at Shadow_ Anyways....lets start with the guys.

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