2-family first

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go to this site http://www.pronouncenames.com/pronounce/malte your gonna need it unless your German, Danish or Swedish or know how to say the name 'malte'. (what i'm about to say in italics has nothing to do with the story and i just explain why there is a lot of speaking instead of loads of description about the scene. if you are interested in why there is more speaking then read on if not just scroll past my huge rant thing to the actual chapter that is the story) i have also noticed how much i add speaking and this is because i can imagine these scenes in my head like there actually happening because one of my best quality's is i can play out every situation i'm being told or that i think of in my head and that's probably why there is loads of speaking. this also explains one, why i want to work in movie making and why my dreams are so real. my dreams are slightly realistic. in normal real life situations there is no narration. there is no voice saying. i picked up my school bag and walked off to school, and that's why there is a lot of speech and not much explanation of the situation. what i'm writing plays out in my head and if there's no speech it's either silent or there noises you make like when your walking around you can here noises. so yeah i just wanted to say that. carry on (rant over now on with the story)

16:38 on the 3rd of December 2016

i was just in my room playing watchdogs 2 just messing around. i was kind of bored and had no idea what to do so i just resorted to playing a game. i heard a faint knock at my door that was closed. "Felix," my mother called "can i come in" she asked. i paused my game and looked at the door

"yeah mum you don't need to knock, you can just come in," i told her and she came in. "what do you want?" i asked smiling

"i just wanted to tell you that uncle malte and auntie Iris and there son Hugo are staying in England for the holidays because a lot of family are in Brighton and the only family still in Sweden are uncle malte and his wife and kid and they want to spend this Christmas with there real family. they landed in Brighton yesterday and they'll be coming over tonight at around six and we are gonna have dinner with them and just have a good time" she told me. i hadn't seen malte in years. i also haven't seen Hugo or Iris in ages. it would be awesome to see them again. Hugo is thirteen now and i saw him last when he was nine so i can't wait to see how he has grown.

my mum was true though. all my family lived in Brighton and that's why we came. well my family are scattered around England for some reason. i moved here two years ago. i am from Sweden originally and so is most of my family. Malte decided to stay in Sweden for whatever reason and was the only Kjellberg family in Sweden (related to us anyway). They would normally just spend Christmas by themselves or with friends but this year they were gonna come over and spend it with the whole Kjellberg family.

"that's awesome mum" i replied smiling genuinely

"ok then. i want you to be on your best behaviour and i want you to look presentable in front of them because you know what uncle Malte is like when it comes to looks and things like that. remember to use your manners. if you have other things to do or are doing things with your friends you can go and do whatever you planned to with them because you are sixteen and deserve freedom, but i would appreciate it if you stayed to see your family," she told me "do you have plans with any friends?" she asked slightly worried. she probably thought i would go off with Brad and Michael, who have been giving me the cold shoulder lately. i'm not sure why though. well Brad's giving me the cold shoulder and Michael is copying Brad but you can tell Brad is making him. it's weird.

"no. i'm free all day," i told my mother and she looked excited and smiled very brightly, happy i would be here

"that's great! you better be ready by six so set an alarm or something like that. alight i better go make dinner" my mum got up and left the room and rushed off down stairs not closing the door. i sighed and went to close the door.

i went to sit down and carry on playing but my phone vibrated and i had got a text from Jack. i wonder why he texted me

(smexy bean is Jack and fefe is Felix. smexy bean is what Felix calls Jack. fefe is what Jack calls Felix)

smexy bean: how ya doing fe

fefe: good actually what do you want

smexy bean: there's this party i really want to go to and i want you to come too.

fefe:when is it

smexy bean: it starts at five but i'm going at six because it won't be much of a party when it starts

fefe: did you ask Mark to come

smexy bean: yeah but he said he was busy helping his mum with something. i know you don't like parties and that's why i asked Mark to come first . i was gonna ask you as well if Mark was coming or not but he's not.

smexy bean: it would be lame on my own and would be ten times better with you. it always is better with you ❤

oh shit. what should i do. why does he have to be so nice and cute and say i would make it better when i already have plans.

'you should go with Jack. you want to impress him don't you. you need to be with him. he might go off with someone because you didn't go with him. remember what Fanny said. you have to listen to him to even have a chance and you have a chance but only if you listen to him'

'on Thursday you said Fanny was wrong and that made him loose friends' '

'i was just giving an example. when your dating someone they like it when your with them and listen. it was just an example'

'whatever you know nothing'

'says the person who never gets listened to' "SHUT UP!" i shouted. i held onto my head and pulled my hair slightly and the voices went silent.

i heard running and my mum came in running through the door, red faced and out of breath "Felix are you alright? what was that shouting? are you hurt?" my mum threw questions at me panicking (at the disco) and ran to me. she looked at me worried as well. she put her hand on my cheek like mums do and looked at me directly. i took her hand away politely trying not to seem rude.

"mum calm down. i'm fine. i was just shouting at my game" i told her

"are you sure your ok?" she asked again sighing because i said i was ok. well i'm not sure if that was a lie or not but whatever

"positive mum" i smiled at her and she got up from kneeling down to look at me and left my room but before she left she turned to talk to me again

"tell me if there's anything wrong ok. i am your mum. i'll understand" she told me

"i know mum" i said acting like a teenager and turning to my game. she laughed a little at my fake teenage behaviour and left my room closing the door this time.

these voices in my head are really starting to piss me off. do other people have them or am i crazy? probably not everyone has voice's in there head. i told myself "what was i doing again...oh yeah i was talking to Jack" i looked back at my phone and then remembered i was choosing if i go to the party with Jack or not

'come on Felix. think right for the first time in your life. do the right thing be a good boy and be a nice son and family member and stay and meet your family who have come from Sweden to see family.do the right thing. don't disappoint your caring mother'

'Felix go with Jack. it will be way more fun. are you gonna be like Fanny and just ignore every fun opportunity there is or are you gonna live a little. it'll be fun. anyway Felix is always a good son'

'no Felix is a fake son. he acts all cute and nice but if you follow the other voice's advise your gonna become a hated son. do what's right'

'don't listen to them Felix live a little. live while your young'

'Felix you hate parties and we both know you'll hate it. Mark's party wasn't that bad because you met Jack and got drunk so you have no clue what happened but this time your gonna be with Jack and get drunk and probably do something you'll really regret. you can party any other day but you have no idea when your gonna see your uncle auntie and cousin again. be good and listen to me damn it for once in your life do the right thing. it may not be the exciting option but i am the right option

fuck...what should i do. fuck it i need to do what's right i'll just piss off my mum 'suck it devil'

smexy bean: you coming or not?

fefe: i can't. Family is coming over and there coming from Sweden. i'm sorry

smexy bean: aww. i won't go then

fefe: you should still go. you'll make me feel bad if i stopped you from going

smexy bean: no it wasn't you who stopped me. honestly i haven't asked Mark i just wanted to hangout with you and my plan was to just go and see you because i miss you and i just got invited to a party and i thought i would take you there and we could ditch the party and sit on a swing

smexy bean: i understand if you have family who live far away coming round. Felix family is more important ok, you have a fun time with your family Felix and i'll see you later love you fefe ❤

god he's so cute and so nice. i wanna see him now. i wanna hug him. i wanna kiss him but i also wanna see my family. wait i know

fefe: are you available all afternoon and night?

smexy bean: yeah why

fefe: if my family get boring you can come over and we can just hug on my bench swing that's on my porch

smexy bean: you sure like bench swings

smexy bean: are you sure. won't your mum get mad you left the family gathering

fefe: no my mum is super chill when it comes to these kind of things. she wouldn't mind. all i have to say is 'can i have some fresh air' and she is ok with me going to take a breather

smexy bean: wow your mum is so kind.

fefe: yeah she's awesome. what about your mum

smexy bean: she's pretty awesome too. my dad works constantly so she's a bit like my only parent but it's cool. i have my brother and my sister. so i'm good

fefe: what are your brother and sister called

smexy bean: my brother's called Malcom and he's the oldest. my sister's called signe (i have to add signe in some way) and she's in the middle so you could say she's the second oldest and i'm the youngest

fefe: do you get along

smexy bean: yeah actually. Malcom isn't home much and he's always away doing whatever he does. Signe is the best and we hang out sometimes but she is always with her best friend Amy but when were all together were definitely something.

fefe: that's awesome. i haven't seen my dad in years so that sucks and my mum is just like your average mother and my sister constantly tries to either get me in trouble or ruin my life in some way or anouther. she always lies to me and it's not the best but there family so i make the most out of them

smexy bean: awww fe. hey atleast you got a family

fefe: true

"Felix get dressed Malte will be here in half an hour and i know what your like when i comes to picking what to wear" Fanny told me pushing the door right open making the door bang on the wall scaring me and making me jump

"asshole" i shouted scared out of my skin

"why'd you call me an asshole" Fanny asked offended

"you scared the shit out of me" i complained trying to calm down.

"just get dressed" she almost growled and left my room

fefe: i better be going. i need to get changed. maybe see you later love you

smexy bean: ok, love you

i put my phone down and got up and went over to my wardrobe. now i had to choose if i wear what i normally would or do i wear something that would probably impress Malte and by that i mean. do i wear a flower crown, a pink jumper with my pink lighthouse shirt under like i normally wear or do i wear a black shirt and black jeans and nothing else.

"FANNY CA-" i was gonna shout for help but she already answered my question

"ask mum i don't care about what you wear" she replied. how did she know. i sighed at my sister and ran down stairs and ran to the kitchen and went up to my mum. i tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around a little startled by me

"Felix you better get dressed Malte will be here soon" Mum asked really rushed. she walked past me and went to set the table. she was rushing around getting forks and knifes and plates and just setting the table.

"yeah i know mum i came to ask. what should i wear. what i normally wear or what i don't normally wear?" i asked and she probably wasn't listening

"wear whatever Felix now go get dressed and when your done come down and help me set the table. FANNY COME HELP COOK" my mum called for Fanny not helping me at all. i would ask her again but she would just say the same and send me to my room to get dressed. i just left the room and went upstairs. i fell back on my bed and tried to think. normally my weird ass voice's would voice there opinion but now they decided to shut up and not say anything which bothered me a whole lot. when i wanted them to fuck off they were always talking when i actually needed them they were silent. whatever 'they' were. all i could think of doing is texting Jack

fefe: i have no fucking clue what to wear

smexy bean: do you have no idea what to wear or do you have some idea's but not sure which one to actually wear

fefe: my problem is. my uncle Malte is coming and lets say he has high standards. he always dresses nice and always has the best stuff and always wears the best things and my mum always needs to impress whoever's coming over.

fefe: so i have no idea what to do. do i wear what i normally wear or wear something that he will probably like. everything i own isn't the best and he probably won't love anything i own but there are some things i could wear that he would think are ok but then there's what i want to wear and i don't think he would approve

smexy bean: damn that sucks. have you asked your mum or sister

fefe: yep and they didn't help at all. my mum's in too much of a rush to give a shit and my sister didn't even want to help me at all so i'm fucked

smexy bean: not really

fefe: how am i not fucked. i have twenty minutes to get changed and i don't know what to wear and Malte will probably be here early because he's always early

smexy bean: show me what you want to wear and i'll judge what's best

fefe: great idea

i jumped out of bed and got out what i wanted to wear


fefe: here they are

1) i hate this but Malte would like it

2)again i'm not keen on this but Malte got it for me

3) ( i got this off his recent video about Christmas and his tattoo) i love this jumper it's my favorite but i don't think Malte would like it

4) this is meh

he was taking a while to reply and i was getting worried. did he think i looked weird. did i look weird in any of the pictures or was he doing something.

smexy bean: wow. you look so good.

smexy bean: you look so nice in option three. that pink jumper really suits you Felix. you should wear that at school. why don't you wear it at school?

fefe: i don't want people giving me bullshit

smexy bean: when i'm with you, you won't have to worry about them. i'll protect you from all the meanies and make sure my little fefe is always safe and if someone would lay a finger on my cutey then they would regret every thing they said and did

god that sent chills down my back. he's the nicest person in the world. how could you hate him he's so nice and kind

fefe: 0///0 senpai made me blush

smexy senpai: your so cute

fefe: your smexy

smexy senpai: what does that mean

fefe: not so sure. to me it means smooth and sexy and i think them two words fit you perfectly

fefe: anyway i better get going. my mum asked me to help her after i get dressed so i better go help her. love you see you later bye! <3

smexy senpai: love you two Felix <3

i put my phone down with a small blush on my face and went to get changed. i put on my pink lighthouse shirt and put my jumper over and pulled up my jeans and i ran down stairs to see an unamused mum in the kitchen looking at me and Fanny on the sofa on her phone.

"Felix what took you so long!" my mum almost shouted walking up to me with a disappointed look on her face. "i wanted you to help me set the table" she complained

"I had no idea what to wear so i had to get...a friend to help me" i told my mum who was still disappointed

"why didn't you ask me or your sister" she asked me

"i asked you but you just said wear whatever now get dressed and come and help. you didn't help" i retorted

"what about Fanny" she asked seeming less stressed and agitated than before

"i asked but she told me instantly to ask you and that she didn't care at all" i told my mum and she looked at Fanny instantly

"Fanny why didn't you help your brother" she marched over to Fanny and i laughed to myself amused i got Fanny in trouble. My mum shouted at Fanny and i just watched, happy i got her in trouble for once. Felix three, Fanny zero. mum left Fanny alone and went back into the kitchen and when she was out of sight i laughed my ass off. i went over to Fanny who was sat on the sofa. she turned around and looked at me with such a salty look i could taste the salt.

"i hate you" she spat

"you too" i wiped away a fake tear from laughing "Felix three, fanny zero" i said aloud and she looked at me confused.

"what do you mean?" she asked confused

"on Thursday i won by playing the i met someone card. i just got you in trouble"

"and the third?"

"you said Jack was a cheating ass hat and you were wrong" i told her and she rolled her eyes

"the first two are pretty true but Jack is still an asshole and no one's 'won' there. like i said Jack's not all kind and cute, like he comes off as. give it a few days and he'll start ignoring you, constantly trying to make out with you, making you do bad things, getting you drunk every night, trying to *whisper* fuck you and worst of all he cheats on you behind your back. he'll make up loads of bullshit excuses and then use his smooth skills to make you love him again" she told me "I'd just break it off now before you get hurt" she told me. there she goes again, being all sincere and sounding all truthful

"yeah right. why should i believe you when all you do is lie to me" i told her bitterly looking away slightly

"Felix i lie to you for your own good. i don't just lie because i can" Fanny looked at me with eyes that showed truth

"whatever Fanny" i just rolled my eyes in disgust and walked away from her and she just sighed behind me. the house was silent and it was weird. we may be a small family but there's always some kind of noise in the house. the sound of footsteps even but now there just silence. i was just staring at the wall and Fanny was just sitting in silence and my mum was in the kitchen doing whatever.

then there was a loud knock at the door that echoed through the house. My head and Fanny's head looked at the door and my mum rushed into the room. we all looked at the door and then at each other. we all ran to the door and took a breath and nodded at each other. my mum opened the door slowly and it was Malte, Iris and Hugo.

"Hi Malte, Iris and Hugo it's nice to see you come in" my mum smiled and how she said that it was like she had rehearsed it. they all came in and Malte looked strait at me. we were the same height now and he looked at me confused and slightly disgusted and then he put on a fake smile and put his hands out for me to shake and i shook his hand politely

"nice to see you Felix" he said through his fake smile

"hi Malte" i said back feeling awkward tension between us

"you guys can all sit down on the sofa over there while i go check on dinner" my mum announced and rushed off to the kitchen. we all went to sit down and i was on the big sofa in between Hugo and Malte. Fanny stood up and Iris was on the arm chair. there was an awkward silence between us all and Iris and Hugo were looking at me oddly.

oh god

this is gonna be a long long night


(that means words. i wanna at least write more than 1500 words because to me that's good enough. if it's shorter than 1500 then i'm either tired or desperate to get the chapter out or the chapter idea is short. so yeah love ya. bye;)

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