how it all began

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i fucking hate parties. why do my friends always drag me here and why do i let them drag me here. every year this guy mark always held a party at his house when his parents leaved annually. It was always on the last day of November. nearly everyone was invited and if you weren't then you knew you were either hated by Mark and mark barely hated anybody, an ex girlfriend or you were too much of a nerd or embarrassment. There was a notice board with all the information and posters every where at school. Mark would normally put a letter in your locker if you weren't welcome in and would have some guy at the door to make sure the people he said not to come in didn't. i was never given a note to say i can't come which meant i was dragged here every year. i hate it here. the smell of alcohol. teens dancing to shitty music that sounds terrible. all the stupid games that go on. people making out in the corner. people trying to talk to you when you can't hear them. the strobe lighting and just everything about it. My friends Brad and Michael lead me here. Brad loved to party and always did party and was the person who really dragged me here. Michael had learned a way to escape and would every year but Brad would never let me go. it was so annoying

Michael had gone and Brad was slightly drunk talking to this girl who was completely drunk. i had a bit of water with me. i sat at this table we sat at bored out of my mind. i looked around for an escape or something to do. i saw a door to a back garden. i once went out there and saw two people fucking. no body went in the garden because what's the point, the parties inside. i quickly jumped off the seat i was sat at and almost ran to the garden. i walked out and closed the door behind me and you couldn't hear the booming music. i sighed and looked for someone. i saw no one so i went to sit down and the bench swing. i sat down and took a breath of the cold night air that was so calming. i almost went to sleep until i heard a high pitch screech. my eyes opened rapidly to see someone in front of me. they were a shadow because of the lack of light. i sat in place slightly scared. i got my phone out of my pocket and turned on the torch. i shone it at the person. they shaded there eyes and looked away from my shining light.

"hey you trying to blind me?" an Irish accent came through. it was a guy as well. there was a slight chuckle from him.

"oh god sorry i guess i just panicked a little" i blushed hiding my face.

"hey can you shine you light at that wall on the right" the guy asked and i did as told and he ran and pressed a switch that made the big garden light up. "ahh~ that's better" he smiled. he came and sat down next to me. Mark had a lovely garden. this is why he was popular. he had lovely house and his back garden was lovely.

"hey why are you out here?" i asked curious

"i told myself i wasn't gonna drink for the whole of November and today is my last day and i don't wanna ruin it so i came out here to get out of the scene. i wasn't gonna come to the party at all but i couldn't let Mark down and not come" he explained "i am his best friend after all" he added "what brings you here?"

"i guess i just wanted to chill while my friend attempts to chat up some drunk girl. i'm not a party person and was dragged here by my friends just like every year" i sighed and he laughed a little          

"so you go to west wood high?" the guy with the dark green hair asked

"yeah why?"

"i have never really seen you before at school. that's weird" i cocked a brow at him because why would that be weird

"why is that weird. i see a lot of people i have never seen before come to this party. including you" i told him with a slight chuckle from him

"i don't know how i missed someone so cute" he smirked slightly. i blushed and hid my face looking down 

"thanks" i smiled feeling happy. he budged closer to me on the bench swing and made us swing back and forth slowly. was he sure he wasn't drunk. no ones ever called me cute before. I've always been Felix the guy with the Swedish accent and the guy who is the most English swede there is.  

"your also cute when you blush" he complemented making my face go even more pink. i'm so happy brad dragged me here

"you really think that ?" i asked all innocent and cute

"well yeah. look at yourself. your basically a small kitten" he flirted

"your not that bad yourself" i bopped his nose and we laughed together. after our silly laughing fit we sat in silence. right next to each other shoulder to shoulder. i liked this guy and i didn't even know his name "hey i never got your name" i looked at him, looking at the star filled sky. there were stars in his eyes making his ocean blues shine a little bit. his eye's looked like an actual galaxy.

"my names Sean but everyone calls me Jack. I'm Mark's best friend, 15 and Irish" he explained and looked at me for my answer

"my names Felix but you can call me fe. I'm Brads best friend, 16 and Swedish" i replied back. no one really called me fe u less the people i liked as a close friend or maybe had a crush on.  

"I knew it was Swedish. your accent anyway. i know this guy called Robin he's Swedish" he fist pumped and i laughed a little. we sat in silence again but it was a comfortable silence. Jack was leaning into my side but i was too. our heads inches away from each other. It was so quiet you could here our breath. My eyes started to close slowly and my head lowed onto Jacks shoulder making him jump a little just relax after and laugh to himself. i was warm by his side. even on this oddly cold night he was warm and nice to lay next to. i didn't fully fall asleep but it seemed like it.  i heard footstep but it wasn't Jack's because i had my head on Jack shoulder and he was sat down.

"Mark" Jack whisper shouted. it must have been his friend. the host of the party.

"who's your new friend" Mark asked. not in a 'who is this dirt bag' kind of way in a suggestive kind of way. which i don't know if i was relieved about or oddly scared about.

"i came out here for a breather from the party and met him and were friends i hope. he's pretty cute and blushes quite a bit" Jacks head turned to me and he kissed my head making me go crazy inside. Mark sighed when he kissed my head.

"anyway i was wondering if you wanted to play some truth or dare with us?" mark asked Jack

"who is it with" Jack asked

"with me, wade, Ken, this guy Brad i just met and you hopefully" Mark said cheerfully.

"I'll play if Felix can play" Jack requested

"yeah that's fine" Mark shrugged. Jack shook me lightly

"come on sleepy head. were going to play truth or dares" Jack told me and i just nodded. We walked through the party and people were making way for Jack and Mark and i followed right behind Jack. we went upstairs which was forbidden for everyone but Mark and his friends. we were leaded to Marks room where everyone is sitting in a circle. i, Jack and mark joined the circle.

"i'm going first" Mark announced "um...wade truth or dare?"

"truth" wade whimpered

"who has the nicest ass in this room?" mark asked with smirk and Wade looked lost. he had no idea how to answer. there was only guys in this room so it made it slightly more difficult.

"i dunno Jack because he's a jackass" wade shrugged and Jack sighed at the name i giggled a little bit. "anyway um Jack who's your friend?" wade asked

"Oh this is Felix we met outside when i needed a breather. Felix this is wade, Ken, Mark and this must be your friend Brad you were talking about" Jack introduced. i waved slightly suddenly really tired. i wasn't a bit ago but when i laid by Jacks side in a somewhat warm 'embrace' i have been tired.

"well it's nice to meet you Felix" Ken, i think his name is, smiled at me and i just nodded trying to stay awake.

"anyway my turn" wade said "umm...Ken truth or dare"

"dare. i'm not a baby" Ken announced

"i dare you to go to the stairs and shout ' i love fucking fat goats or is that my girlfriend'" me and Jack laughed so hard we fell backwards. Mark and Brad were slightly tipsy and laughed with a stupid hiccup. Ken went red in the face and wade had a smug look on his face.

"Ok..." Ken sighed. he went to the stairs and took a breath and we all watched "HEY EVERYBODY I LIKE TO FUCK FAT GOATS OR IS THAT MY GIRLFRIEND" and when he finished he ran faster than a cheetah to the room and all you could hear was manic laughter. after all the laughter from everyone had gone down we continued

-an hour of truth or dare later-

"guys i'm going after this one. i am so tired" me and Jack complained

"then can we all dare you two. so we need to think of a dare for you two" Mark suggested. he must have had an idea because you could tell how eager he was to say that

"yeah why not "i shrugged. i was ok with it. it would be something like to kiss or something. they all whispered between themselves and then all looked at us

"we dare you both to date for the whole month of December. if you make it we will book you tickets to go to the theme park of your choice. if you break up you have to drink a disgusting blended drink we made but have no idea what's in it" Mark told us. i went red in the face and Jack didn't seemed that bothered by it and slightly happy.

"challenge excepted. when the clock strikes twelve and were still together we win" Jack smirked at mark

"you two have to act coupley though" Mark told us. me sort of paralyzed and shocked Jack was so willing to do this 

"ok we'll do this easy." Jack spit in his hand and so did mark and they shook hands. i was ok with this well a little bit ok.  i hardly knew jack but he seemed nice enough and he wanted to do it so whatever

"your challenge starts now" Mark announced

"ok then. i better be going see you tomorrow Fe" he came up to me and kissed me on the lips passionately and smiled "love you". he stood up and left the room on the way home. Oh boy this is gonna be the craziest and weirdest December of my life.

 this is a playlist i made for this book. there the songs that either remind me of the book or what i listened to while writing it.

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