chapter 13

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darius:ok hunter i go to mark need you what son

hunter:no dad :)
i go to daisy she help me
she is a great fly

hunter:can you me teleport to  grandma daisy

darius:sure bye

hunter:bye dad love you

darius:love you too little prince

flapjack fly to hunter and darius teleport hunter and flapjack to daisy


darius go mark and as he a voice hear

eda voice:let she go

darius think:eda
she need help

as the music com

darius go to eda

later eda and darius have the batts and the leader the batts save


raine:don't worry guys she a old friends and the abomination too a old friends


they go back basis

darius:as i and eda pengrams see have haha have to i laugh

raine:ugh shut up –_– you know i have stage fright

darius:so how are you

raine:good oh you knew too amber

darius:ah right hi amber

amber:hi mr.deamonne

darius:amber plz say darius ok

amber:ok darius haha ^^
how are hunter

why was you not hexside

raine:she was mission darius

darius:ah you bring your kids the mission

raine:katya is not my kids but she is how a daughter for me
always how are you both

eda:ähm good heh


derwin:amber no
nobi amber make again

raine:amber whispers

amber:what –_– he had my cake eat

derwin:i have your not eat

amber:ah where

katya whistle

amber:katya –_–

katya:what 0-0 i whistle

darius:i forgot always that your son derwin and my son the same voice had

raine:ah i know ^^

eda:need you what

raine:mm yes

darius:i and eda we can you help


we see us come not to late

darius:don't worry
come eda


both go to owl house

luz:hi darius ^^

darius:hello luz and hello little demon
i hear you make a win


king:and live to go my dad

darius:good luck


luz whisper to darius

darius:what that is great you both

eda:what is great

darius:ähm great is give they both good luck 😌

eda:ah ok

darius:bye you both

luz:eda come you too

eda:yes i promise ^^

both go

darius;hey you ok edalyn

eda cry:i ugh
darius i cant i want not that luz and king leave
luz go back mom and king

darius:hey hey look me edalyn
you had king 8 year pay attention
you have to him take he stay always at you and luz too
luz is ähm

eda:his months here

darius:mm trust me ok

eda:ok thanks darius

darius:np come let go

back to basis

Eda: Well, there you have it. Homemade maps of every nook and cranny in the city.

Raine: Okay. Here's the situation. Emperor Belos wants every wild witch in a coven before the Day of Unity.

Derwin: He's trying to steal as much magic as possible. We don't know why.

Raine: Right now, we're just focused on helping those he's captured. And the next raids take place here, here and here. [Raine points at three different locations on the map that have a circle with an X inside them.]

Katya: At the same time? What do we do?

Eda: Don't worry, kids. Mama's got a plan.

Amber: You're not our mom!

Eda: [The camera changes to Hexan Road. Two Coven Scouts and one Guard Captain are arresting and escorting cloaked witches into a gold and white vehicle with the sigil of the Emperor's Coven on it. Amber hides in a corner with her flute in hand as one of the Coven Scouts closes the back door to the vehicle.] As the first team is rounding up witches on Hexan Road, Amber will sneak in and take 'em out.

Amber: Ugh. Fine. [Amber plays enchanting music with her flute in the corner and puts all three coven members to sleep.]

Eda: [The camera changes to Derwin and Katya. In Skinford Avenue, Derwin and Katya jump onto a pillar and play their respective instruments, a bassoon and a tambourine, to distract the second team of scouts. As they both jump off of the pillar, two scouts begin chasing them.] Before anyone calls for help, Derwin and Katya will distract the second team by Skinford Avenue.

Derwin: That we can do.

Amber: And... the captain? [The camera switches to the Guard Captain of the second team of scouts looking around.]

Eda: [Raine plays one of the strings on their violin which causes the captain to become trapped in their cowl.] That's where Raine comes in.

Raine: As long as I don't have to make any more speeches. [Raine then steps forward and takes of their mask, smiling. They proceed to look in Eda's direction and then give her a thumbs up as a signal.]

Eda: And if everything goes well, I'll be guiding the escapees outside Bonesborough. Belos has less reach outside the cities. [Eda opens the back of the van to let the cloaked witches out. The scene changes to the sewer pipe outside of the city, where Derwin and Katya are leading the witches out of the city through the large sewer pipe. The camera pans upward to show Raine and Eda on a balcony, sitting next to each other. As they both look at each other, they look away, Eda blushing.]

[While the group is walking back to their base, Amber steps in a puddle of water. By the time the BATs return, it's morning. Derwin has fallen asleep, so Katya's carrying him.]

Eda: [Groans.] I can't believe it's already morning.

Amber: I'm not tired yet.

Katya: Amber, you've gotta calm down.

[Everyone chuckles. The group walks back into their base.]

Amber: We did it! Eda, you're amazing!

Katya: We actually helped people this time.

[Raine lies down on their pillow on the floor. They sigh.]

Eda: Rainestorm.

Raine: [Chuckles.] Haven't heard that in a minute.

Eda: Oh, you've gotten so strong. It's incredible. [She chuckles.] But how'd you become Head Bard with your stage fright?

darius leave the both alone and go other side

katya:why spy you the both

i see that eda crush in eda and raine crush on eda

girls:whaaat :0

katya:oh my titan new fanticon :0
thanks darius


amber:that is so cute

derwin  voice:oh swear the titan that i
amber and katya freeze make or sleep magic

both:hey –_–

katya:i think you sleep

derwin:i am

eda voice:hi darius come you or stay you at raine

darius:ah i come with
bye raine and you batts

eda:call me you us need

amber:bye mama eda and darius

darius:awww she say mama eda sweet

eda:heh yeah

both go back home

next day
darius go to hunter and mom

hunter:hi dad

daisy:hi darius

darius:hola mama and hi hunter

hunter:so i am done you are a great teacher mom

daisy:ah i know
your son can teleport :)


hunter:yes look :D

hunter teleport


daisy:i know right so how was your day

darius:good i

darius look message pengrams

derwin:raine need you and eda
eda is here and we wait on you now

darius writt ok

darius:ähm mama can hunter

daisy:sure he stay 1 week at me

darius:ah right 0-0 bye


hunter:weird right

daisy:yeah –_–

darius teleport to basis

derwin give darius the mask

darius:have to very

raine:yes and take stupid mask my son derwin had make

darius:ok fine he can good sew

derwin:aww thanks you :)


Katya, Amber and Derwin are suddenly waist deep in abomination goop. Eda and Raine darius  run off and hide as someone appears.]

eberwolf cousin : That feels better.

Raine: It's Head Witches eberwolf cousin

Eda: So that means?

Raine: We fell for their trap.

raine look darius

raine:darius can you

darius:i have the three teleport they are basis

back to basis

katya:hey :0 here is my pen

derwin:seriously –_– katy



eberwolf cousin

eberwolf cousin:raine whispers and my cousin eberwolf

eberwolf grolws:hi sup

raine and eberwolf fight

as eda and darius back go

luz and king tell the both
as eda live stream make and king talk dad
and king want apotive

Eda: [Shakily.] Is that what you wanted to tell me this whole time? [Sniffs and grabs the papers.]

Luz: [Pulls out a pen.] And, if you sign here, it be official. [Eda starts to cry.]

Luz: Eda, are you okay

darius:eda stop cry
all the best


darius:i teleport you

luz:where is your shoes

darius help eda stand up

darius:i think we tell you next day ok


back to eberwolf and raine

Kikimora: Emperor Belos was rather upset to learn that you had a hand in the recent raid incidents.

Raine: Guess I can look forward to my own petrification, huh?

Kikimora: No. It'd be too much of a hassle to find a replacement.

[Kikimora activates Raine's coven sigil, which begins encasing them in a vine cocoon.]

Kikimora: The Emperor needs you alive and well the Day of Unity. But until then, [Waves.] night-night.

eberwolf cousin:what had you the make
raine and cousin eberwolf talk

kikimora:come you

cousin eberwolf:sure

cousin eberwolf tear eyes think:forgive cousin eberwolf
and raine plz

the go back castle

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