chapter 9

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hunter:hey dad listen ähm i and my friends and the class go zirkel castle and

darius:no hunter
your friends and the class can go
oh and amber stay too home she have to what make
had raine me say

hunter;oh ok

later hunter and darius look crystal
but is give message


hunter:eda we have to she save now

darius:you had right but we can not make
i sorry

hunter;huh dad look :0
they owl lady and lilith king are free

darius:yeah and lilith is a traitor
come hunter we go

hunter: we visit

eda is my old friends and lilith too


at owl house

darius hugs eda

darius:i am so glad you ok edayln and you too lilith

lilith:thank darius


hunter:is luz here

eda:she is room

hunter go to luz

darius:lily i am glad that you this zirkel leave and too glad that you with your sister talk 😌

lilith:heh ^^ np

darius:so you had no magic

both:yep we are curse

darius:edalyn can you me say who had you curse had plz say


darius:ok knew you ladys hh i i have belos nephew kinapped

both:what :0

my mentor had me tell no idea what belos plan is

darius tell eda and lilith

eda:oh wow but you are good father

darius:i know

hunter:hey dad can we


hunter:we see us luz :D

luz:same hunter

lilith:i want with darius alone talk

darius:ok 0-0
hey little prince go back to luz again

hunter:ok 0-0

hunter go to luz

lilith:i i have eda curse

darius:you had what
lily is that joke

eda:is no joke had your sister curse lilith clawthorne
you had eda life broken

lilith:i know i sorry

darius:i cant not believe
what want raine now think


darius:raine and eberwolf come always to me
but i tell raine and eber not
lily I'm disappointed in you

eda:raine had me break up

lilith:i i sorry

darius:i forgive you but good that you your sister help

i have a room you can sleep

lilith:thanks edalyn

lilith hugs eda and hugs darius

darius:gn lilith

lilith:gn ^^

lilith go


king:he sleep

darius go to hunter and carry hunter

darius:a good night

darius teleport to home

darius  bring hunter room

darius:good night little prince

hunter;gn dad

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