darius x camila

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camila talk with raine and eda lilith darius eberwolf
as camila a joke tell

eda:hahah good joke

camila:haha thanks ^^

darius look 5 min to camila
he can't not stop to think

lilith:hey you ok 0-0 you look always camila

darius:huh ofc not –_– lilith i listen to camila ok

lilith:mm ok

raine:oh someone post oh my titan how sweet


raine:derwin and katya

camila:how long his the both together

raine:mm 1 year

camila:aww sweet

darius:huh yes

camila:how are hunter

darius:good he date with willow

camila:oh i think hunter and willow date is 2 day

darius:you had right

both laugh

hunter is ok he is with gus


is was quet

raine:ähm ok 0-0

camila look other side and blush a bit

camila think:what wrong with me
why was is red a but
but how oh my god hh

darius:ahem i think i go


eber growls:raine eda you daughter amber is amazing

darius:eber say amber is a great stuendt

raine:awwww 🥺
amber say you are a great mentor eber

eberwolf:thx ^^
i and darius go bye guys

eda and lilith raine:bye

darius:oh ähm hey camila

camila look darius

darius: thank you for everything watching my son hunter and helping

camila blush a bit :heh np ^^

darius and eberwolf go

lilith and eda raine was confused

lilith:ok i and edalyn visted at us family


eda kiss raine
raine kiss back

eda and lilith:bye camila raine


raine:you ok camila

camila:i i dont know raine

raine:ähm is was a but weird or sometimes

camila:you had right raine
i think i have new feel

raine:really that is good right

camila sad:you know i love my husband but he is diead
as luz little was
i want not that luz sad is
she want hate that i a other peron love

raine:oh cami
hey say me where is the happy


raine:oh can i guess
the human world

camila:ähm no 0-0

raine:oh 0-0

camila:ok say you're kids not and you're wife and lilith and the other too
promes raine

raine:fine but why

camila:ähm is d..darius

raine:whaaaat :0

camila:i know but hh i don't know ok
i cant not believe that i  a new feel had

camila talk spanish but raine understand go to camila
raine hugs camila

raine:hey that happen so

camila:no raine you don't understand

as luz and amber back is but the hear the both

camila voice:you know luz hate that

raine voice:i understand for you
is heavy for you camila

luz:oh god mom had a new love :0

amber:is that bad

luz smile to amber

luz:come amber
i love my mom and dad but
he stay always the number 1 😌 and is too cool a stepfather to have

amber: awww luz esto es tan lindo ( awww luz this is so cute)

luz:si (yes)
What ever can you help me

amber:sure wait where is 0-0

luz and amber look the both palisman

both:awww 🥺

darius go back home
he think always
he know that camila always his husband miss and he know that luz his dad miss

darius:stupid feel

hunter:hi dad you ok

how was you're day little prince

hunter;good and look my new palisman he is a wolf
i know i miss flapjack but he stay alway my heart and memory

darius:awww hunter

hunter:thx i go sleep gn

darius:gn boy

as camila back is

vee:mama :)

camila:hola vee

vee:how was rembre you masha

masha:hola camila

camila:oh you spreak spanish :)

i learn

camila:masha sweet you have to not
and you both his months togther


masha:come vee let go ^^

darius call raine

raine voice:hello

darius:raine we have to talk now

raine voice :ok

darius:so ähm is a bit crazy

raine voice:mm talk

darius:is ähm ähm

eda voice:oh say now darius

darius:ok fine is camila

raine and eda voice:ohhhhhhhhhh

darius:yes i know
i know she miss husband and i know that luz hate

raine voice:luz hate you not

darius;that meant i not raine
raine raine hello

derwin voice:hi darius
sorry but nini is with mama

darius think:ofc is they

darius:thx derwin a nice day

derwin voice:thx and you too ^^

darius hang up

darius:hh titan help

next day

luz:gm mama ^^

camila:hola luz

masha:mrs noceda can vee to me come

camila:i don't know masha

masha:don't worry

so luz how are you

luz:good mama you know
ähm hunter dad rembre darius deamonne

camila:yes he is a friends from eda lilith raine eberwolf


luz:ähm so ähm 0-0
how do you like

camila;eda is cool and kind but too funny
lilith is too ok she is cool
and raine me like that raine spanish spreak and they can good music
eberwolf is ok i don't understand what they say but darius tell us what eber say had
darius is a kind tpys and look good i like how he takes care of hunter and others

luz;ah i see is he ähm i don't know

camila:luz wha you meant

luz:ah nohting  ^^

camila:ok always i visted the other bye


vee:what titan name
was that

luz:i want like knew
i have hear what mom about darius

vee;ah i see you want that the both no way
but luz :( what is with you're dad

luz:i know i miss him and my mom miss him too
as i hear what mom say had
i want not that mom so hurt i want that she happy is

vee:you want that he and she happy is


masha:awww cute

camila go portal
the portal is closed

raine:hey you back ^^

camila:hi ^^

eda:soo raine had me all tell

camila:raine you say promes

raine:yes but eda had a look
trust me

eda:hh don't worry darius know not

camila:ah good ^^
wait min 0_0
know lilith

the look lilith
lilith read a book

lilith:what 0-0

camila:had eda and raine you tell

lilith:no idea i have me so long ingored
the both

raine:wait you had not to list


eda:you had too not hear
that camila crush on darius is

lilith:yes waith what 0___0

darius voice:had someone my name call

camila 0//0

the look darius as Darius pure come

darius:why his you so quet –_– and what
have i what hair 0_0


darius:ah cool hi camila nice see you again

camila:s..same ^^ heh

darius ^\\\^

lilith and eda raine 0___0

lilith whispers the both:see at you too

both:oh shut up –_– lilith


eda:how i say luz and amity had a date

camila:awww sweet ^^

darius:hunter had want willow ask a date he had no plan

so ähm

amber go to raine and whiper to nini

raine:mm ok ah ok  thanks amber ^^

amber go

eda:what had she say

raine whisper to eda

eda whisper to lilith


camila:what had you talk

camila:ah nohting

darius:you bored me again  –_–
i am out

bye sister and raine and camila 😌

lilith stand up and go


lilith:darius what wrong 0-0

darius:i have forogot

darius want knock but as he hear

camila voice:no idea why that new feel
i can't not say ok
when I say Luz gets hurt

raine voice:spreak with she
ok derwin had too probelm but he miss his mom
and look derwin call eda always mom

camila voice:aww cute
i think thx raine

raine voice:np ^^

darius think:i knew it hh always

hooty:raine eda darius is here


darius:ähm i have forogot to say
1 hunter need you for bard
2 amber had training for tomorrow at eberwolf

raine:ok thanks ^^

darius:np so ähm, a nice day for you


eda:i have that feel he had hear



2 day later is was Friday and is too night
camila had to go outside for a walk

luz:mama where are you go 0-0

camila:a walk ^^ mija
say eda and lilith raine


camila go forest but it was too quiet someone is here and hears a sound
camila take a stick

camila:where are you
come here and show yourself

camila see this peron and hurt him

a voice:outch


camila take flashlight and turns on the flashlight


darius:grrr camila

camila:oh my god i am so sorry are you ok

darius:yeah i am
why are you alone

camila:i need fresh air

darius:let me guess eda and raine talk always


darius:ofc and lilith read a book
and she go home

both look lilith
lilith fly away

camila:oh 0-0
why are you here

darius:i have to katya dress give
i know that she black and purple and yellow like so yep

camila:i understand
and sorry again

darius:it's ok
i ask me always where is eberwolf
they go always so and come back home and make dirty

camila laugh

camilo:i go back

darius:same let go

both go olw house

luz:darius :) thanks you that you my mom found

camila:but mija 0_0 i know where that owl house is
but i am fine ^^


darius:where is katya

katya voice:i am here

darius:i hope i am not to late

katya:ah it's ok
darius so let me see what you make had

darius:here 😌

katya:oh my titan my dream is real :D


katya:yes 😌 i think is a lie but i have my oracle use

darius:i think she is  bard and a illusion

raine:she is :) but she can too a oracle
always katya go now

katya:ok ^^

darius give katya that dress

darius:plz pay attention

katya:sure 😌

katya go

eda:so camila 😌 why had you to long make
i and rainestorm have worried make

camila:oh i sorry

raine:it's ok glad me that darius here is right

darius think:titan help

camila: I was outside briefly but when I hit Darius on his face

eda laugh

raine:ohhh you ok

darius:yeah but don't worry ^^

darius look camila

darius 0//0:i think i go bye ^^

darius go

camila:so ähm i go home

raine:good ^^
ah hey ähm we make tomorrow a a great day ^^
i tell darius ok


eda:great :D

camila smile and go portal

luz:you had a plan right


eda:but are you sure luz

luz:i am i i want not that mom alone is
i know she had me and vee
i have hear at raine and my mom talk and spanish talk


luz:i miss my dad really but
he stay always the number 1 😌
derwin say always the say always us heart


luz:oh and i help you ^^

luz go too portal

as the portal closed

as darius home go

daisy voice:hi my boy

darius:ah mama 0_0

daisy:i have you wait son

darius:ähm is hunter home

daisy:my grandson sleep
he hugs my palisman cute right ^^


daisy:1 ask this human woman

darius:what is with she

daisy:nohting she is pretty
i was at gwen and
eda and lilith was here and she how is name ähm camel

darius:name is camelia

daisy:ah i see why are you to red

darius:so ähm nohting 0//0 she is kind and ähm a good friends

you had feel this human woman

darius:hh yes but she had a daughter name is luz noceda
and camila had a husband and he died when luz us tell had

daisy:that is sad

darius:yes so i say not ok

daisy:you want as friends make


daisy:fine but what want you really say

darius: she will hate me and luz will be sad
luz want no new dad
and hunter is not sure

as hunter:hi

darius:little prince why are you wake 0_0
had you nighmare

hunter:nono dad
i want water plz

daisy:go –_–
i want not stand up i am old 😌

darius:hh come son

hunter follow father

as camila room go

camila:night vee and luz

vee and luz voice:night mama

as camila sleep
she dream what



camila think:this voice knew i wait

camila turns around and look darius

camila 0///0:darius

darius:hi listen i know is heavy for you camila and

darius take camila hand

darius:i want with you together and i make all

camila:oh darius i 0///0

as someone name call


camila wake fast


luz:you ok

camila:ähm yes i had a nighmare ^^ heh always why are you here are you ok

luz:yes ähm can we talk about you and darius

camila 0///0:what oh ähm me and darius i not ok
we his just a friends
we his his ähm no idea

luz:1 year

camila:si ^^
but why

luz: I see that you and darius are very close and understand each other well I heard too how you and raine talk


camila blush a bit

camila:luz listen darius is a nice tpys and a good friends for me he pay attention his son hunter and his friends and family

luz:oh ok
what i say

camila:ok ^^ i sleep time 😌
go sleep

luz:ok buenas noches mamá (good night mom)

camila: buenas noches mija ^^

luz leave the room from mom

camila:oh god
what am i doing now

as camila sleep

luz and camila fly with derwin

camila;so ähm can you me again say

luz:how i say mama is a supried :)
you wnt not that supried broken right :3

camila:right mija

derwin:hey we are there

camila:huh weird
where is raine and eda

luz:ähm 0-0

derwin:mom and my nini ^^
visted my grandmothers ella and blue

camila:ah ok and lilith


camila:oh ok

luz:bye mama we see us later :3

camila:luz noceda what had you now make

luz:nohting 0_0
hey darius is too here


darius talk always to his son

darius:you can like make son

hunter on growl pone:thx dad ^^

gus voice:hunter come you

hunter voice:yes so bye


darius and hunter hang up

darius go to camila
as luz and derwin away fly

darius:hola camila

camila:hola darius

darius:i think raine and eda go with you

camila:what 0-0
but the both visted his family

darius think:wait min –_– they made a trap for us and they want me to talk to camila alone ugh you guys are dead

darius:grrr titan snake

camila:ähm you ok

darius:yes i am

camila:lilith come too not
she had a work

darius:she had no work work is monday - friday

camila:oh my god

and that –_– ugh bored

camila:so i say pretty

both laugh

darius:come camila
i have a idea


darius use palisman

darius: come on up camila i promise i'll hold you

camila:i trust you think i

camila sits next to darius
darius holds Camila tight

camila blush a bit
darius blush too

darius:ahem sorry let go

the started to fly later

camila:the his so pretty


darius tell camila about Boiling Isles, Demon Realm



camila:i am glad that luz here is and she go this ähm

darius:hexside for school

camila:mm yes and she had too good friends and too a gf sweet

darius:she is a good child camila
you had she good make

camila:yeah yeahnyou had right
huh i see that rain come


darius look at the gray cloud

darius:we have to fast make
my house is not far


both fly fast and go darius home

darius make the door open

darius: lady first

camila:haha thank
come you

darius:go pure i come min back

camila go pure


darius is done and go too pure
and closed the door

camila:nice home

darius:thank ^^

camila look that photo
hunter his first day at hexside

camila:aww i see that hunter so happy is


Camila realizes that Darius is too close and turns and looks at Darius

camila and darius 0///0

darius:i sorry

camila:nono it's ok
it's ok darius

darius:you you are really pretty camila

camila 0//0:t..thanks darius

the two notice holding hands

darius stroking camila's right cheek
camila notice that darius warm is to warm

darius:you ok

and you

darius:the same

both laugh

darius:come with

darius take camila hand and go
the go darius room
darius make the door closed

camila go to darius



darius:listen i i like you really and you are cool and kind and nice
and ähm i know that you you're husband miss

camila smile and go to darius

camila right hand to darius cheek and strokes

camila:me too but

darius:but what

camila:i can't because i want not luz me hate
luz hate a new father and i don't know how
and i like you too darius you are kind and nice and is too sweet that you hunter help

and i know understand for you i have all hear what you say had
i want you not hurt

camila:i know i know that i my husband love and you too
he stay always heart
and a memory

what make we now

camila smile and go to darius

camila:no idea but we found a
what we make

camila kiss darius
darius kiss camila
as the always make
they are bed and cuddles

darius look to camila

darius:you ok cami

camila:i i make worried

darius:hey don't worry ok


darius kiss camila head

darius:gn cami

camila:gn darius

darius hear message an look pengrams

raine had what writt

raine.day:darius is camila at you


CHILLY.LILY:titan say me she is ok

darius:she is ok she is at me i bring she to you and you his death

raine and eda 0__0


darius:you too lilith clawthorne

lilith 0_0

darius:i am glad that eberwolf not make had

RAISEDBYDIREWOLVES:heh sorry brother ^^ the same


RAISEDBYDIREWOLVES:awww 🥺 i love you bro

darius:ugh leave me alone gn

the hang up

eda cuddle always raine

raine:ähm think you that a good idea i think we have to camila sorry

eda:come on rainestorm

luz had hear

katya:girk sleep time now –_–

luz:ok ok
i have a bit hear what the both talk
always gn


darius:hhh titan

darius hear what and look to camila
camila had bad dream

darius:cami wake up


darius:you ok

camila cry:no
i i cant not i sorry

darius:it's ok camila



camila:gn purple

both sleep as next day

as camila wake up and noctie that darius always sleep

camila smile a bit and go
later go

camila go kitchen

daisy voice:ahem

camila look the old woman

camila:oh ähm hi

daisy:you are camila
my son had me so long about you tell

camila:son 0-0

i am daisy deamonne

camila:camila noceda

daisy:so camila you're daughter luz right
she is really good

camila:ah i know

darius come to

darius:ähm good  morning

daisy: Buon giorno (good morning)

darius:mama how had you

daisy: I picked up my grandson

darius:ok good
oh ähm that is camila

daisy:ah i see 😏
camila how long was you here

camila:oh ähm 0-0
as i wake up

daisy:ah i see
always i go byeeee

daisy go ä

darius:hh titan help
sorry my mom she is ähm yep

camila:it's ok darius ^^

darius:hey ähm listen what that happen is i sorry
as we kiss and ähm you know

camila:yeah but it's ok

darius take camila hand

darius:i want you not hurt ok and i want not that daughter you hate
she is a good girl

camila:i see
so ähm we his friends right

i want not cry ok i promes

camila:you have to not ok

come i bring you back

at olw house

hooty:hoot hoot raine eda she and darius his back

eda and raine come out

luz amebr and katya derwin king look window
derwin make window open

darius:ähm we see us

darius hugs camila
camila hugs back

darius go and fly palisman

luz was a bit sad

luz:i think is my fault

amber:what no :(

katya:girl you want she help

luz:you had right heh

the hugs luz

as camila to raine and eda go
camila is not angry on the boths

raine:camila we we we -

camila hugs the both


camila:thanks you i know that you me help
but ähm hh

raine:so you and darius his you always friends

camila:si is a yes eda

eda:ok come plz pure

camila go pure

as darius back is

darius make a eat for hunter

hunter:dad you ok

darius:huh yes i am fine don't worry

hunter:you can me say father come on

darius:hhh oh hunter i don't know what i say
i wait that you big are

hunter:oh okey why

darius:luz mom was here because the rain

hunter:oh right
where did you sleep them

darius:i have she my room sleep and yep

darius tell hunter

hunter;oh wow 0-0

camila tell raine and eda
the kids have not heart because silence spell use
the both was :0

camila:yep that is happen is

raine:oh wow 0-0

camila: I didn't want to break the heart

raine:i understand for you

eda:ähm raine

raine look luz
luz want pure go

raine use magic again that the not pure go

luz –_–

luz take derwin pengrams and writt raine

raine look message from derwin

derwin:here is luz
i want my mama talk is not bad ok plz 🥺

luz give derwin back


raine make the magic out

raine:come all pure you kids

luz:hi mama :)

camila:hi mija you ok

luz:yes vee had worried make

camila:oh no

luz:i have she say she is ok

camila:good girl

luz:i know

luz look mother

luz:mama i am so sorry

camila:what you had not make mija

luz:yeah but ähm

katya:luz want you help
that you and darius together his

camila:what wow waith what
explain everything to me

luz explain to mother
hunter willow gus lilith eda raine and the batts join

camila was shocked

luz:ok say 0-0

camila:oh mija

camila hugs luz

camila:i am but i had afarid you to say

luz:i have all hear
for me it's ok darius is a kind tpys


raine:but too stupid

eda laugh

but are you sure luz

luz:i am sure you need a new i know that i dad miss
and that you him love


raine:derwin can you too what say

derwin:ofc nini
my mama is his 5 year diead
as nini and mama eda married
have i his week alway eda say now say i mom

eda:awww that is my big nerd

eda tousles derwin's hair

derwin:mom not my hair

camila smile

luz:love you him always


luz:say him now
call him

camila:i think


week later

at hexside

hunter:my dad but sad

willow hugs hunter

hunter:i am fine but i make worried

willow:i understand for you my sunets

hunter and willow kiss

luz:my mom had me all tell we have to a plan make that you're dad and my mom talk

hunter:are you sure

luz:i am


hunter:i am home


hunter:hey ähm can we walks go plz


camila go with raine eda lilith

lilith:are you sure

camila:i am not sure

raine:hey don't worry ^^

so follow me

the follow, luz

camila:why his we here

raine:as i and eda date had was so pretty
so yep 😌


darius voice:hunter why his we here

hunter ingored his dad

luz pushed mother


luz pushed camila again

camila:ok ok i run

luz:cool ^^

camila go but as camila

camila:ugh my head



darius:are you ok

camila:y..yes 0//0

darius help camila stand up

camila:look luz daughter and the other but the was min away

darius notice that son too away is

camila:ähm hi


camila:listen ähm i have luz talk
she say ok



camila tell darius all

darius:ah hunter had so two weeks house arrest

listen darius

camila take Darius hand

camila:i want with you again make ok
hunter had me tell how you cry had and i too


camila:darius do you want to be with me

darius:yes cami

both kiss

luz and hunter:yes

eda and lilith raine make hugs five


luz:oh come on mom :(
plz i have a date with amity 🥺plz plz

camila:you had me the truth say

hunter:dad you can me not make
is not my fault is luz

darius:so talk you not youe stepsister 😑 hunter

hunter:ugh man but but

darius:no but
i have youre grandmother talk
she training with you and luz
is that ok so

camila:mm yes

luz:wait what is with vee

both look vee

camila:you sister had not make


both:ugh man

vee:awww that mama and dad darius ^^

vee go

1 months later

the go human world is rain

camila:come on darius is not dangerous
come on


darius go out

is a bit weird

camila:i understand for you darius

week later someone door

darius hidden his ear

as camila the door open is

camila:oh not you

darius:where is that

Jacob Hopkins:listen 0—0

darius:give is a probelm sir –_–

camila:hh darling that is the tpys i you tell had

darius:ah i see stay away my daughter

Jacob Hopkins:but

darius:no but
i give no demon and witch you need really a therapy

camilo:he had right 😌
so go now
i have a shoes my hand

darius:go now we call the police

Jacob Hopkins:that think i not


camila call the police
and min later
arrested Jacob Hopkins

police: he abused a child and now that

camila: he should rather stay in prison years later

police:sure a nice day

both:thanks you

vee and luz hunter come,out

darius:don't worry vee
he come not back

vee:thanks father 🥺

the cool stepdad

darius:haha thanks

vee:i go my partner is here oh and they knows about you all
and me 😌

masha:can we vee


masha:wow you're dad is really cool

vee:i know 😌


vee:bye love you


months later
visted the dead camila husbands and luz dad

darius:i promes that i youre family pay attention and you're wife glad



next day go the a family meet at darius home
darius mom tell a aventuer

daisy:and boom

hunter luz and vee :0

camila:wow really had

darius:yeah trust me

daisy:now tell i you 😌 about you dad a embarringe

darius –\\\–:MAMA NO

daisy tell

hunter luz vee and laugh
and camila too

darius:i swear mama


darius: why are you so

daisy:i am so born and i am old 😌

a bit year later his the married
noceda demonne family

(so the noceda family come not ok
camila want not that happen)

luz and hunter glad that they a family his

next day

darius help his stepdaughter and his son to help at learn

camila read a book that she eberwolf understand

darius help she always

week later
is was night
vee and luz his at olw house
hunter too

darius and camila his alone and make a plan

camila:is a bit long alway the portal closed or on

darius:you had right cami

darius kiss camila
camila kiss back

later as the sleep
and next day visted at lilith eda and raine
and yep

the end

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