Do You Remember

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Jungkook thrashes against Jimin's frantic hold with enough power to throw the poor boy across the room. Judging by how Jimin looks, that's already happened for more than once.

"Thank the Lord," Jimin's tight face crumpled in relief when his eyes meet with mine. "You're awake."

Taking the chance when Jimin's hold has relaxed, Jungkook flings him to the opposite side of the room, making both Tae and me flinch.

His nightmare looked severe, alright.

"Take me to him."

I say hurriedly, my hands already reaching for the shaking, asleep boy. At my gesture, Tae gives me a warning look.

"No, Lyr. You see how he is— he will only hurt you if you go close to him. See what he's done to Jimin." Tae says, motioning at Jimin, who's rubbing his sore back. "With his strength right now, he'll only do worse to you."

"No, Tae. Seriously, I can fix him. Just take me to him— right now." I add when he looks skeptical of my words. To be honest, I don't blame him when he doesn't want to let me go.

After all, what if Jungkook did hurt me? Then I might go unconscious again and nobody was ready for that to happen.

But I believe that he won't.

"Trust me," I promise, trying to make my voice firm and authoritative. "Put me down beside him, Tae."

Apparently it works like a charm because he wordlessly approaches the bed. I'd learned well from a certain boy having nightmares, because I hadn't expected it to work so fast and effectively.

With one last worried look, he puts me down on Jungkook's side.

And I hurry to lay my hands on his, enveloping mine tightly around one large, tensed hand. I had to work with both— or I would barely cover even half of the entire thing.

The effects are immediate.

Jungkook stops thrashing so fast that I hear Jimin intaking his breath in pure awe. Behind me, I can feel Tae's beaming gaze on my back.

Beast Tamer, I catch Jimin whisper to Tae. I told you.

Relishing the texture of his skin, I squeeze tightly again before laying my hands comfortingly on his forehead, sleek with perspiration from the nightmare.

My lips curved into a bright smile, I feel it becoming wider when his eyes slide open. Gosh, how I'd missed the beautiful colors of blue in his irises.

He stares at me for a second, which feels like eternity as I brace myself for whatever was going to happen next. Would he yell at me? Would he push me away? Would he smile at me? There was a million possibilities running through my head, and unsurprisingly, he chose the one that I hadn't even dreamed to think of.

"Hyung," he raises an eyebrow at Tae as he wraps his fingers around my hand even tighter. "She's burning up."

"I know. She wanted to see you the moment she woke. I'll get her back to her medication after, don't worry."

After that, I mentally thank Tae as he pushes a whiny Jimin out of the room and shuts the door behind himself. He's giving us privacy, and he has no idea how much I appreciate him right now.

"Lyr," He levels my gaze with his, burning with something I can't pinpoint. "I'm sorry."

"I know." Wrapping my arms around him, I tuck my head into the crook of his head and shoulder. "But it's not your fault. I chose my own fate, and you didn't make me do anything."

He doesn't say anything to that— he only pulls away from me only to pull me into a gentle kiss.

His slender fingers run through my hair, tracing each strand from the root to tip. A pleasant chill shoots up my spine as I fling my arms around his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine.

How I'd missed this.

It makes me so happy to be so near him that it makes me have a dizzy spell.

I don't even notice that something has gone wrong with my head until Jungkook's arm wraps securely around my waist, which is the only thing that's keeping me from falling off the bed.

"Lyr— you're still really sick." Breaking the kiss, he adjusts my body against him so that my back touches his chest, folding his arms on my lap. "But I won't let you go to V hyung yet."

"V?" I look up curiously. I don't know a V.

"It's Tae's nickname." He explains and I can't help but wonder why Tae chose a nickname like that when his name was already perfectly fine. Besides, that would make a total of three names for just one person.

"Are you okay?" I mumble, leaning back into his chest. "You're having really bad nightmares lately."

I can sense the smiling in his voice as he breaks my hair up into two strands and begins weaving them.

"It's going to be fine now, don't worry."

A sudden flash of pain through my head makes me purse my lips. For the last minute, I'd been so overwhelmed to notice the pain. But now that that moment had passed, it's like there's a hand squeezing on my skull.

And it's getting more painful by the second.

My forehead feels so hot that I feel like it's been dipped in lava over and over again. Now I understand how Jungkook had felt when he was at the height of his fever.

I squeeze my eyes shut to try to ignore the tight sensation, but it's near impossible to ignore pain, especially if you combine it with relentless heat.

Suddenly, the heat is replaced with coolness as Jungkook slides his palm over my forehead.

"Do you remember? This is exactly what you did for me."

As he speaks, he turns me around so now I'm facing him instead of my back. Jungkook takes off his palm from my blazing forehead and then touches them against my flushed cheeks.

It's so cool that I sigh in pleasure.

"I remember."

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