Drunk and Crazy

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The Main Hall is filled with women and men alike, either drinking themselves drunk or flirting with each other with pick up lines that are making me cringe.

I can barely hear myself over the loud music as I'm forced to yell to try to be heard over the sheer volume of it.

"Is it always like this?"

Leah nods her head, her nose wrinkled in disgust. "While the Heads of each Palace have a meeting in a more quiet place, the others party out here in the main ballroom. When they're done, the Moon Dance is initiated, where each Head is matched up with a chosen partner to dance a duet."

As someone hands the two of us a platter filled with tall glasses of alcohol to serve, Jungkook suddenly grips my wrist. His doe eyes are narrowed as he tightens his hold on my skin.

"Don't get drunk, Lyr. If I see you drinking even a sip of alcohol than I won't be as merciful as I have been to you these past months. And,"

The flashing lights from the ceiling shades his sharp jawline a color so somehow, he manages to look more intimidating than he normally is. His voice is significantly lower and menacing as he continues.

"If any of these lowlifes look at you, speak to you, or touch you in any kind of way, then tell them that you are my slave. Tell them you are mine, and mine only."

At his demands, I nod in assent and only then, he lets my wrist go and lifts Shadow up into his arms. Then he disappears into the crowd like a snap of a finger.

Here one moment, gone the next.

Leah giggles next to me. "He's really possessive when it comes to you, isn't he? I think I hardcore ship the two of you."

Punching her arm lightly, I make a face at her and leave her behind to serve the drinks I have in my hand.

As I weave between drunk, dancing people, I can't help but think about what Jungkook had told me, and then what Leah had said.

Possessive? Him?

Towards me?

A small smile tugs at my lips when a shout breaks my thoughts. "Hey! Slave!"

When I look up, a man waves at me. Nodding quickly, I approach the man and the woman sprawled over his lap, both drunk and disgusting. With each step I take, the revolting reek of alcohol only grows stronger.

"Give me one, slave."

He drawls at me, eyes shamelessly traveling over my figure. And he already has a woman wrapped around his finger.

Even though I finish handing them their drinks, his blatant exploration of my curves don't stop. I'm starting to have an urge to pour his entire glass of martini over his head when his eyes go down.

So I decide to try out the method Jungkook had taught me.

"I belong to Jeon Jungkook."

It works like a charm, the results so immediate I'm surprised that just his name has this kind of effect upon people.

The man's eyes instantly go wide with fear as he quickly moves his gaze somewhere else. It's pointed anywhere but me as I walk away, struggling to keep my bubbling laughter inside.

This is fun.

Through the night, whenever men quite out of their own heads start to violate my privacy, I tell them off with Jungkook's name. Even hearing the first J of Jungkook sends them scurrying away somewhere else.

He must be a really feared presence here. But he had such a soft side. Did people not see how delicate his heart really was?

When another man waves me over, I take up my plate of drinks and head in his direction. How long did I have to put up with this? It already felt like hours since I'd last seen Jungkook. Maybe more.

As like all the other men I'd seen, he's completely drunk and has several women draped over him like a prize. Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

"How can I help you?" My voice is stiff and snappy as I speak quickly. I want to get out of here as fast as possible— and it's not just because he's half naked and girls are touching his skin in all places I didn't want to see.

He has this strange look in his eyes, and I don't think it's anything positive for me.

"A drink and your body, pretty slave."

Sighing mentally, I continue with my speech that I'd used on these kinds of revolting species the whole night.

"Sorry, but I belong to Jeon Jungkook."

But then his lips curve even deeper into a smirk, and he shoves all five of the girls off of his lap. Then he advances towards me, and I start to panic. Did it not work?

"So I've heard, sweetheart. You've been quite the talk tonight."

Plan B— Run.

Spinning on my heel, I turn to escape when I realize that I'm blocked from all sides with dancing drunk people. This wasn't going to end well for me—

His clammy arm wraps around my waist, jerking me back roughly. "Don't even think about escaping me, dear. I will chase you to the ends of the earth."

Grimacing in revolt, I throw back my elbow with all the strength I have, hoping to knock him out cold on the ground. But he swats my fist away, pinning both of my hands behind my back.

His other hand lands on the bare skin of my leg, and I suck in a breath of pure panic and anger.

"Let me go. If you don't, my master will rip your head clean off of your shoulders. I'm not even joking if you think I am."

But he ignores me and starts to trail his hand upwards. Screaming as loud as I can, I thrash and struggle against his large figure when suddenly, his hands are wrenched off of my body so quickly I nearly fall to the ground.

I can feel an aura of fury all the way from here as a terrified scream resounds from the man's throat, making me look up to see what was happening.

"I believe she told you that she was mine."

Jungkook shoots me a vicious look to not follow or else as he lifts the man up by the neck and disappears out the back door.

But of course, I'm famous for my stubbornness. And Jungkook should know that by now.

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