Eyes and Galaxies

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You have to admit— it's way easier when someone is carrying you instead of you wandering around the huge place for hours with dysfunctional vision and a weak, bloodless body.

"I heard about your blood transfusion," he tells me. "He healed faster than usual— I wonder if your blood was the reason why."

Surprise marks my eyes.

"Who told you?"

"Tae. We sat down, talked it out." With the look he has in his eyes, I can clearly tell they did not sit down and talk it out, but I keep quiet anyways. I have enough on my mind already, like why Tae hadn't told me about this. I thought we were friends— were friends supposed to keep stuff like this from each other?

When Suga opens the familiar door to the infirmary, I realize Tae had dozed off on the couch. His head is tilted back to face the ceiling, and the blue light from the windows slant on his sculptured face.

You have a lot of explaining to do once I wake you up, Taehyung-ssi.

And on the bed beside him is Jimin. Signs of bandages poke out under the blanket, wrapped around his side. At least he looks peaceful, in the embrace of sweet, nightmare-free sleep.

The same couldn't be said for Jungkook.

His face is drawn taut with tension, his breathing faster than normal— the familiar signs of the usual nightmare. My shoulders slack a bit at the sight, my lips turning downwards. I had hoped maybe it had stopped, but of course not.

When did something I hoped for ever come true in reality?

"Can you put me down next to him?" I ask timidly, my skin already itching to touch his. When Suga does that, something I can only describe as want bubbles in the back of my mind. But one of Jungkook's haunted groans bring me back from that daze, and I mentally slap myself.

Focus. How many times do I have to tell you?

Breathing in and out, I stretch out my clenched fist and touch the palms of it to his forearm. The skin is cool, even though I'd expected it to be hot and burning with strain.

"Come on, Jungkook."

I can feel Suga's gaze on me as I calm Jungkook's nightmare, something that I'd always been able to do, and never know how I manage to do it in the first place. But I was thankful for this gift— if it helped Jungkook, then it helped me.

He doesn't wake up this time, to my dismay. But I understand, and I don't push my luck. Jungkook needed his rest, like everyone did. Even if he was literally good at everything, I had to accept the fact that he was still human, with emotions, exhaustion, and desires.

I just wish he'd accept that too.

After calming him, I shift myself off the bed. The dizziness had subsided for a bit, and I don't know if it was the sleep that did it, but my body feels lighter somehow.

But Suga still has to grip me from falling when I stagger to the right, unable to keep my balance for long.

Flushing, I lean against the armrest of Tae's chair. That had been embarrassing— I didn't expect myself to lose control so fast. After I nod a quick motion of gratitude to Suga, I curl my index and my thumb.

Then I flick Tae's forehead as hard as I can.

He jerks awake, an unnaturally animalistic sound escaping his lips as he nearly falls off the chair. I barely have time to clap his mouth shut with my hand before he yelled something unpleasant out.

"Shh, sleeping beauty." I whisper sarcastically, my hand still firmly clapped against his mouth. His eyes shift violently from me to Suga, and I almost laugh at how confused he looks.

"It's okay, we're not here to kill you."

Suga mutters a disbelieving snort and I shoot a glare at him to keep quiet. I didn't want to wake Jungkook and Jimin when they were so fast asleep.

"Uh, did you guys make up?" Tae looks at the two of us, obviously surprised that I'm not trying to strangle Suga with my bare hands right now. "You told her?"

Suga nods, and Tae's face relaxes in understanding. The corner of my lip turns up at Tae's casual smile.

"I'm not done with you yet, V." His nickname grabs his attention immediately— he's used to me calling him by his name, or the shortened version of it. "Why did you leave me in the dark? You saw how upset I was."

"It was Suga's secret to tell, not mine."

That's...... true.

I'd prepared a whole speech for this moment, but it all goes to nothing with a single sentence.

"Oh. Okay."

Tae smiles at me as I acknowledge his words, my tone and gesture bleeding gallons of awkwardness. Judging by his knowing smile, he was probably aware that I had been excited to lecture him.


A soft rasp echoes behind me, weak and barely audible. But that voice. I'd hear it anywhere, even if I was surrounded by the noisiest crowd and he was a million miles away from me.

"Jungkook!" An excited shriek tears from my throat as I spin on my heel quickly.

It turns out I'm too excited, and in result, I spin too fast than I really should be. And by that I mean I should've made sure of my balance before turning so rapidly like that. And even worse, the sudden speed brings another nauseating wave of painful dizziness.

The stormy blue of his eyes widen as the ground tilts underneath my feet, throwing me off balance. My mind is too slow to catch up with reality as it struggles to clear the thick fog over my body and mind.

Even though he's just gone through a nightmare, had been severely injured with a knife, and had lost several quarts of blood, Jungkook's reflexes don't leave him.

One of his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me onto the soft bed to break the fall. Surprisingly but also unsurprisingly, he's the first to react before even Tae and Suga.

My vision dives into water again, blurring lines and angles into nothing but a colorful mess of smudges and streaks. Pain stings my head like a needle, but it seems like the dizziness overwhelms the sense by a mile.


The voice seems a thousand eternities away, but I know who it belongs to. Even if it's faint, I can sense the worry and panic laced into the call.

Focus, Lyr. You're worrying him. You're worrying everyone.


My thoughts are scattered all over the place as I carefully pick each one up, piecing every little bit together back into the fragile thing I call a mind.

But no matter how glasslike it is, it still works. Reality comes back to me again like the sun dawns on night, and my eyes flutter open to meet a pair of shining blue ones.

The stunning colors are so close to me I can spot silver speckles, embedded into the deep shade of sapphire. I could examine every star in its galaxies for an eternity, and I still wouldn't get bored losing myself to each shining speckle.

Seeing Jungkook's eyes so up close, I can't help but shrink a bit from the vulnerability he makes me feel. I know my eyes are a plain brown, on the edge of being considered raven black.

I also know that while I find entire galaxies in his eyes, he won't find a single star in mine.

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