Stupid and Cold

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I can only hope that the cool breeze might help to cool his fever down a bit because there's nothing I can really do in this situation.

The only thing I can do is to sit cross legged beside him and wait for him to wake up.

At least he's getting some rest this way, I think with a smile.

I win.

Silently giggling, I cross my arms and lean against a tree trunk behind me. It's the one that I climbed, and it still gives me chills as the rough surface of the bark touches my back.

It was just a while ago that I was stuck on the top of this stupid tree, and my stupid brain won't let me forget the experience.

Ignoring the subject entirely, I distract myself by locking my eyes on Jungkook's face.

He really looks like he's sleeping, when he's really not.

Throwing my head back, I close my eyes against the cool whistling of the breeze, brushing past my ears like the soft glance of a smooth finger.

I don't know how long I stayed like that.

But when I open my eyes, the skies are darker than black, rumbling with something that sounds like thunder. Jungkook is still unconscious against the grass, and the temperature has gotten much colder since I dozed off.

"Oh gosh," I quickly get to my feet shivering from the chill, goosebumps lining the surface of my exposed arms. I hadn't expected to be such a sleepyhead.

Running my fingers through my tangled hair, I kneel down besides Jungkook and shake his body nervously. The storm is coming— the distant groan of thunder had gotten closer now. I could already feel a couple  raindrops land on my face.

"Wake up, Jungkook. I'm actually serious this time." Chewing on my lip, I grip his upper arm as I look up into the angry skies above.

Lightning sparks through the thick gray clouds as thunder follows after. When I turn my head in all directions, I can tell this storm is not just a storm— it was going to be a disaster. The gray masses, dotted with the occasional spark and the vicious rumble of thunder, stretch for what seems to be miles and miles of pure sky.

And worse, Jungkook is starting to go through one of his nightmare phases. That usually signals that he won't wake up anytime soon, which makes me purse my lips in worry.

I don't care about me getting wet, but if he does, then his fever would get worse.

"Gosh, this is going to be so bad if you don't wake up, Jungkook." To calm his rough breathing, I take his still hand into mine and squeeze comfortingly. Over time, I'd found that touch to work pretty well.

A fat raindrop hits me on the head, and I bite my lip as more follows soon after.

Yup. Not good. Not good at all.

I'm just in a short sleeve shirt after tucking my already soaking cardigan over Jungkook's chest, and he's in nothing but a long sleeve. I should've brought out my cloak when I came out into the garden. And now it was too late— I wasn't about to leave him for even a second to get my cloak in the opposite room of the Palace.

The rain gets heavier by the moment, drenching everything in the matter of seconds. My teeth chatter violently as I reach out a hand to cover Jungkook's closed eyes.

Not that it helps, but at least I'm trying.

Would this be better? Trembling like a leaf, I pick up my cardigan and draw it over his head like a tent. Even though it still drips water because it's completely wet, it's not as much as the downpour so I conclude my efforts as a success.

His rosy lips were turning a stark blue from the cold, and I was pretty sure it mirrored mine as I draw my legs to my chest to keep even a tiny bit of warmth.

Does this stupid world hate me or something?

The rain pours so relentlessly that I can barely see three feet in front of me. Jungkook's features get blurred from the amount of water in my eyes, and even though I blink every second to remove the water, only more would come to take its place.


And cold.

Really, really cold.

My head feels like it's on fire— even though the rest of my body feels like ice. I can't even make a single sound because I would stutter so much that the word would sound like a foreign language.

I swear, Jeon Jungkook. You owe me so much for this.

Even though technically he'd already  saved my life more times than I could count and I'd probably never be able to pay him back for what he's done for me, I conveniently lock that thought away in the back of my mind.

Being in pain and a pool of blood beats being cold and in a pool of freezing water by a mile, and I'm speaking from experience.

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