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"I'm glad Shirakawa-san, finally saw things my way."

"He just wants to keep the city safe. That's why he agreed."

"Right, right. Well that's fine by me as long as things get done." Dazai smirked as he sat at his desk.

"He said he'd arrive within the hour with Amon." Chuuya stated. "Boss is very well with time, so be prepared."

"Papa I'm thirsty!" Noah complained.

"Okay... Okay. Mind if I go to the kitchen?"

"Not at all. Go ahead." Dazai said waving him off dismissively.

Chuuya scooped up Noah in one arm, and he opened Dazai's office door and carried Noah down the hallway to the elevator. It was about a minute ride before they arrived to the hallway leading to the kitchen. Chuuya walked down the hallway and opened the kitchen doors, he put Noah down and smiled.

"Alright bud, what kind of juice do you want?"

"Mnn. Apple juice!" Noah said excitedly.

"Apple juice it is." He smiles. Chuuya opened the fridge and scanned it for apple juice. He picked up the container. Grabbed Noah's sippy cup from him and he started rinsing it out. Then he added ice and filled it with apple juice.

"And then snack!"

"Right, right. A snack. Got it." Chuuya said handing him his apple juice and looking for a snack.

Noah started sipping his apple juice, and curious and bored Noah started roaming the hallways. Noah giggled as he ran down the hallway back and forth, and he jumped on the colorful tiled floor, skipping a few tiles each time. Noah heard a loud bang and he got startled. "Samu...? Saku...?"

Noah went towards the sound of the noise. And he stopped where he had heard it. He observed the wall for a minute and noticed it seems uneven. He pressed in and the wall slid back and to the side. Noah was a bit frightened seeing how dark it was, but curiosity was getting the best of him. Noah walked down the dark and cold stairs. One by one carefully until he reached the bottom.

"Hello...?" Noah walked around looking. "Hello...?"

"Noah, Come get your snack." Chuuya plopped a grape into his mouth and he turned around. Chuuya didn't see Noah and he walked out into the hallway. "Noah?" Chuuya started walking down the hallway. "Noah!" Chuuya rounded the corner and Noah bumped into Chuuya.

"Papa! There's a man! He's hurt!"

"Woah, hey hey. Slow down. What man?"

"There's a man!" Noah grabbed his hand and lead him back to where he came from.

"Noah... hey. You shouldn't be spying." Chuuya stated. "Noah we should-" Chuuya and Noah stopped and Chuuya looked up and he gasped, tears filled Chuuya's eyes.

"Oh my god... Oh my god...! Tsumiki!"

"C-Chuuya...?" Tsumiki looked in disbelief. "You're here..."

Chuuya started crying. "Y-Yeah... I'm here..." Chuuya used his ability to break the chains holding up Tsumiki. Tsumiki fell forward into Chuuya's arms. Tsumiki was panting heavily. "I've got you. I've got you..."

"Papa is he okay?"


"Hm, I guess you're right Dazai. Well it seems like my hands are tied. Let's sign the contract hm?"

"Don't sign anything! He's a liar!" Chuuya yelled as he held Tsumiki up.

Dazai and Shirakawa eyes widened.

To Be Continued...


Sorry guys I just wrote a short chapter to kind of bring the story back and give a cliffhanger. :) Regardless I hop you enjoyed.

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