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/short chapter/

Taehyung's pov_____

I watched her every movements as she made the coffee, I know she was living alone here, she was playing hard to get to me, the words I said before was making me curious why she was not falling for me, and what was the matter or fact that she hiding about her.Slowly I will dig all her secrets, I saw her running away after pushing me, I followed her to her house.Wihout saying to Jungook and Jimin who was still working in cafe.

I know some things are hard to get, we need to play along to get it, until it reach our hands like a lost soul with broken wings.

She came with the coffee.
Her eyes followed mine, she couldn't utter a word, I could hear what she thinking and mumbling on me in her mind.

"Nice coffee".
I said after tasting it in my lips.

There was an unwanted silence here, I broke it.

"Will you come to the party tomorrow night again at the same club of last day, if I invite?"

I asked smirking, I know she will come, she will come and make me more alluring to her feelings, that she unknowingly handling herown, even the tricks I played on her will not win, but I will try myown method after revealing my identity to her, she can't escape.

"You should come, others will also be there, because its the party of our cafe's one year anniversary ".

She nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I will come".

She stood from the wall which she leaned and talked.

"If you play something with me again".

"No I won't play, I should only make you fall for me".
I told very calmly handling her coffee cup, and making my way out.I could her her storming her feat on floor.

She yelled.


I waved at her and made my way into car, it was becoming night, I should make arrangements on club, and then close the cafe.It was almost 8pm now, I rush to the cafe, and saw Jimin star gazing at the front door leaning to the wall, putting one feet up and other on back the other leg.

When he saw me, he waved at me.

"Where you go?"


"Why can't you say?"
Jungook came sipping his banana milk.

"You will saw all things that I planned tomorrow in party for her".
I said while closing the cafe door.

"Whatever but I think she should know who we are."
Jungook said.

"Its right, but wait".

I heard door clipped opening and Namjoon and others.

"Waooh what a timing hyung ".
I  huged him.

"Hyung you should say earlier about party, and is she coming".
Yoongi asked.

"Yeah she was also".

"Hoseok give it its mine".
Hoseok snatched the banana milk and took one sip, Jungook shoot glares at him.

"You still like this, you and your banana milk".
Yoongi said.

"Yahh, are you kids, why you scolding him".

Yoongi bowed mimicking his apology.

"Clean the glass".
I yelled as I gave him a punishment.

I glared at Hoseok who was giggling like idiot.

"Why are you giggling,  go and wash".

He ran from there following Yoongi and started washing.

We all laughed and Jungook came and hugged me.

"That's my Tae".
He pinched my cheecks and pouts.

Ughh!This boy.

"Shop Taekook".
Jimin yelled and ran to outside by passing nearby I smacked his head.

"Don't ever ship".

"Hyung, why they still like this".
Namjoon asked scratching his chin.

I giggled.

"Should wait for party I can't wait for that".

Namjoon patted me and give a smirk.I gave a high five and he also.

Well who will win, will she lose or me.whatever happens she still like an angel, sticking and clinging to a branch of tree without falling, because she was scarred to lose herown wings.

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