Chapter 3

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"Nico! Hey man just checking on you. By the way your sister and Reyna almost slaughtered me when they found out you left." He says and I snort and sigh

"'re not gonna believe this.." I start

Time Skip 30 Minutes Of Explanation

"Wow..." Percy says and I nod and he shakes his head

"Look so far they seem great and I'm gonna be joining their school until I can find a way to get back." I say and Percy hesitates

" haven't been to school since the 1930s, plus your dyslexia that you haven't ever tried to overcome." He points out and I hesitate

" isn't that bad is it?" I ask and he sighs

"It is challenging, but it if I know you. You'll be fine okay? Maybe explain to one of them and they can help you." He says and soon Bakugou comes to mind and I blush and I shake my head

"I think I'll be okay...tell Hazel and Reyna I'll be okay also I'm sorry." I state and he nods

"Nico...are you sure you'll be okay?" He asks and I hesitate and then swipe through the Iris Message

I don't know Percy

I get out of my binder and change into the spare PJs I brought and lay down in bed

Please tell me it's not that bad...

Time Skip

"Alright guys turn to page 70" Mr.Aizawa says and I wanted to slam my head on the desk

Dammit...this is hard...the last piece of schooling I was taught was elementary school basic mathematics and that was like 75 years ago plus I can't make out a single word on here

"Midoriya please read from the top." Aizawa said and I sigh quietly

Atleast I can hear him speak the text

The bell rings and I sigh in relief as it was the end of the day and Mr.Aizawa looks up at us

"Training starts back up tomorrow. Don't forget to finish tonight's homework and turn it in first thing, you are dismissed." He says and everyone gets up and rushes out except a few people

I grab my bag and I go up to Mr.Aizawa desk

Maybe he can help me out

"Do you need something Mr.di Angelo?" He asks me and I hesitate and shake my head

"No...nevermind." I say and walk out and I felt his eyes on me and someone else's as I walked out

I walk outside and soon I hear a voice I turn and it's a Iris Message again

"Percy Jackson I swear you can't Iris Message me anytime you want..." I deadpan and he smirks

"Yeah whatever, how was school?" He asks and I groan

"Your right I can't read anything with my dyslexia. And everything is so advance since the last time I was in school!" I exclaim and run my hand over my face and he looks sympathetic

"Sorry man, Annabeth would help you but she isn't here right now she is on a small quest to Camp Jupiter." He said and I sigh

"Its fine. I'll just go to the library and see what I can do...see you later." I say and he goes to speak but I swipe through and head over to the library

I walk in and start quietly looking through books and I see a few on mathematics so I make sure to grab those and everything else was difficult to read that I just decide to go to the table and open those up

Kill me now...

I suddenly feel someone sit next to me and put a book in front of me and I look up and it's Bakugou

"Overheard you talk to your friend. This book is suppose to help people with dyslexia" He explains to me and my eyes widen and I take it carefully

"Uh...thank you." I whisper taking it and he shrugs

"You seemed you were having a very fun time today." He snorts and I roll my eyes

"I'm a Greek demigod, our dyslexia is a way so we can read Greek. I can't understand most books unless their in greek." I say and he taps his fingers on the desk before getting up and going to the librarian and speaking to her and she gets up to go see something and then pulls out a book and he bows her head to her and comes back to me

"This is the text book we are using in class, Greek translation" He says and my eyes widen and I take it and it is dusty

"This shows how much their used." I snort and he smirks a bit amused

"Theirs a whole Greek section over there." He say ad I look at him

"Why are you helping me?" I ask and he shrugs

"I don't know, I was an asshole as you've stated from the roof. And decided to help you out." He says and I think back to the roof incident and blush lightly and look back to the book

"Well...thanks."I say and he shrugs and opens the book on dyslexia

"Let's take a look at this you still need to learn to read properly." He says and I roll my eyes

"You should also tell Aizawa, Kaminari has learning issues and Aizawa works with him." He says to me and I sigh

"Yeah but I haven't been to school since I was 10 years old." I state and his eyes widen on that

"Why? Isn't that illegal?" He asks and I groan a bit

"Yes. But...I was born in 1932. Before the big 3 gods decided to stop having kids my father had me and my older sister Bianca with our Mom which pissed off Zeus and he tried to kill us by striking our house with lightning my father got me and my sister but couldn't save our mom. He wiped our memories and and put us in the casino that halts time and my sister and I were in there for 70 years, before he took us out. And after that a lot of stuff happened and I've beening fighting monsters and wars I kinda didn't have time for school." I say and his eyes were wide a bit

I kinda realize I just dumped that on him and I sigh putting my face in my hands

"I'm sorry" I mumble and he shakes his head

"Its fine, but you should tell Aizawa that, but I'll help you Zombie Boy." He says and I sigh a bit

"I know." I mumble and he flicks my forehead

"Hey idiot. As someone who very much hated asking for help. Trust me it isn't that bad." He says to me and I look at him and Jason flashed in my mind as I remember the cupid situation

He tried his best to help me there...

"I'll tell him okay." I say and he nods and goes back to the book

"Alright back to this." He states and I smile a bit

We worked for atleast 2 and half hours of this and he was surprisingly patient with me

"We should head back." He says looking at his phone and that reminded me

"Actually one more thing..." I said and I pull out my phone and he smirks amused

"You really that old?" He says to me and I blush embarrassed

"Shut up, demigods can't have phones because they attract monsters so this is the first time I have ever had one." I explain and he smiles a bit

"Give it here Zombie Boy" He says shaking his head taking it and I watch him turn it on

Yeah that took another hour...

Time Skip

We walk outside and it was almost dark outside as we start walking back towards the dorms

"So do you like the camps?" He asks suddenly and I look up at him and look down as I pull Jason's coin out of my pocket fiddling with it

"They're okay...but I was leaving the camp though when I got brought here." I mumble d

"Why?" He asks and I flip the coin and catch it tightly in my hand

(By the way, he can't activate Jason's coin since he isn't a child of Zeus.)

"Its complicated, I found out I was a demigod when I was 10, and because of something...I stayed away and only intervened when I had too. When they were in danger. Then uh decided to stay for a little bit after the last war but recently something and I decided I should leave and find somewhere else." I said and and I look at the coin in my hand

"Damn and I thought Deku had issues." I hear him say and I look up confused

"Deku?" I ask and he chuckles

"Izuku, don't tell him I called him that. I made that nickname up for him as a kids. We grew up together....I wasn't the nicest to him either he uh grew up with out a quirk and I bullied him for it. Said some things I regret but we are good now though he is like my brother and that nerd...he made it his hero name." He said and I smile a bit

"Well as someone who also done things that a friend of mine shouldn't had have to deal with but forgave me. I relate." I say and he looks at me surprised

"Did you apologize?" He asks me and I nodded

"He never was mad at me, but he blamed himself for a situation that I of course know wasn't his fault and I never hated him but I held a grudge, hated myself for it but I finally apologized awhile ago and now we've been close. Like brothers." I said quietly and glance at him

"I never officially hated Deku...I just envied him because he had better qualities for a hero then I did but never had a quirk until recently....uhhh he got it later then any of us. But finally I got my head out of my ass and realized to get those qualities I need to learn so him and I became friends again. He never was mad at me and I have not brought myself to apologize, I've been working on it though." He explains as we walk up into the dorm doors

"Well...maybe to him there was nothing to forgive but hearing it might make him feel a lot better and erase any doubts he has." I tell him and he nods

"I know...thanks" He mumbles and I smirk

"Was that a thank you I heard?" I say and he flicks my forehead

"Shut up asshole." He says as we walk inside and speak of the devil

"Hey Kacchan." Midoriya comes up and so did Kirishima

"Deku, Shitty Hair" Bakugou acknowledges taking his shoes off

"Hey Bakubro! Hey di Angelo where have you guys been?" He asks

"Bakugou was helping me with the homework...I needed extra help." I admit and Kirishima rubs his head for some reason

"Oh yeah? How did that go?" Deku asks nervously

"Good he helped a lot. Patient too." I explain and they both looked shocked and looked at him

I frown confused and look at him he is looking off to the side

"Okay then...that's good." I see Kirishima get a smirk and it confused me more

"Anyways...I need to go but good night." I say and they wish me goodnight

"Oi Zombie Boy." I hear and I turn and he walks up and hands me a book

"Don't forget this." He says and it was the book to help me with dyslexia

"Oh thanks. Good night" I smile a bit and he smiles a little at me and I run off

I hear Kirishima whistle but I ignored it and I head up to my room thinking about today

I go to my room and and change out of my binder and clothes and into my PJs

That night as I fell asleep only one thing kept circling my head

Katsuki Bakugou...
Wow! I think Katsuki is warming up to Nicoooo

And I think Nico is relaxing more but I wonder when Nico will come out to anyone? Or will something happen and he is outed.

Guess we will find out soon lol

Anyways thank you all so much for reading I appreciate it all. And I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Love you all so much!


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