Chapter 5

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"Back again Nico di Angelo?" I hear a voice echo around me

"Who's there?" I ask and laughter circle around me as I look around

"Join us..." I hear and Shigiraki appears and I glare

"You found a way into my dreams didn't you? You found out what demigod dreams mean" I state

"I see you are clever. Come on this will all stop if you just join our side." He says and shifts to Bianca

"You can do it me." She says and I cover my ears

"You asshole you accessed my memories!" I shout and Bianca turns to Jason

"Don't do it Nico!" He says and my eyes widen and suddenly it shifts back to Shigiraki

"Damn, your memories they took over that personality" He scoffs and I smirk

"Jason had strong morals unlike you, my sister did too but she let her feelings get in the way." I state in defense

"No matter...but if you don't join me...this will be your reality..." he says and the scene changes again and it's Katsuki on the roof and he screams and jumps off and I reach for him and suddenly a voice surrounds me




I jolt awake and sit up quickly taking heavy breaths

"Hey hey you alright?" Katsuki asks me and I nod slowly taking heavy breaths

"Sorry..." I mumble embarrassed and he rubs my back

"Its fine, but what happened?" He asks and I shake my head

"Demigods get crazy vivid dreams are usually nightmares... oh gods I wasn't screaming was I?" I ask and he shakes his head

"No you were just moving around and looked scared." He says and I sigh and rub my hand over my face and I feel my face heat up with embarrassment.

This is exactly how to not impress a guy Nico.

"Why are your dreams vivid?" He asks and I look out the window

"Our dreams can predict the future kinda, a lot of the time their riddles and weird things but my dreams are usually nightmares because of something I went through but recently it's another reason" I explain and he raises an eyebrow and looks around

I notice we were still on the bus so I must have had like been asleep for 10 minutes or something

"What are in these dreams?" He asks and I hesitate

Nothing much just Shigiraki trying to convince me to join him and you jumping off a roof.

I look down and shake my head

"I'd rather not talk about it." I said quietly and he seemed like he wanted to push that but he decided against it

"Nic-" he gets cut off as there was jerk from the bus and a bang on the back of the bus causing people to scream and the bus stops immediately

We jump up as Aizawa run to the back of the bus and I see Todoriki meet him half way

"The tire popped causing the bang. No one was hurt it just startled us sir." He says and Aizawa sighs in relief

"Okay. Everyone stay on, All Might come with me." He says and practically drags All Might out of the bus seat.

I look out the window and frown confused and I glance and I see Aizawa yelling at All Might and gesturing around

"Guys if we were suppose to go to a museum...why are we on a mountain side near the woods?" I ask and every looks at me and rushes to the window

"Also....why is All Might laughing?" I hear Deku ask and we turn and see All Might turning into someone else

"Step back it's that psyco bitch from the League!" Katsuki yells and pulls me behind him as he blasts an explosion out the side of the bus and we all start jumping out

"Perfect timing." She laughs and we see the purple portal and suddenly Shigiraki appears out of it with the other members of the League appear on top of the bus

"Good job Toga." Shigiraki says and she jumps on the bus

"Well look what we have here. Now Nico di Angelo I'll give you one more chance...or things will get very hard." He says and I scoff

"No way. I'd rather jump into Tartarus again." I snap and I hear Iida and Yaoyorozu gasp

"Interesting....hey didn't one of your best friends die a few months ago?" He asks and I tense as I feel eyes go to me

"Keep Jason out of this." I growl and shadows start coming from me and the grass goes dead under my feet

"And how about a sister a few years back?" He says and the ground cracks a bit

"What does Bianca or Jason have to do with this?" I snap stepping up and Katsuki stops me

"Well if you don't could lose another best friend...someone you looked up too and care about" He says and one of the League members toss a pearl looking thing and when the corpse guy caught it a person appeared and my heart stopped

"Percy.." I whisper and he looks up looking exhausted and his eyes widen and he tries to go to me but corpse guys has a hold of him

"Nico ignore him!" Percy said and suddenly another pearl is tossed and he catches it

"Or...another sister" Shigiraki smirks and Hazel appears in his other hand unconscious and this time I really try go up there but Katsuki and Kirishima grab me

"Your choice di Angelo, join now or they die." He snaps and I see Percy slowly reach in his pocket carefully and I smirk

What dumb head idea do you have now Jackson?

"How about I get a say in this?" Percy says and pulls out riptide and uncaps it and swings at corpse man who jumps back letting go of them I shrug out of my school jacket Katsuki and Kirishima were gripping on and jump up on the bus and grab Hazel

"Nice button up." Percy comments and I roll my eyes

"Nice job getting captured." I retort and he shuts up and Shigiraki shouts

"I thought deweaponized them!" He says and Percy laughs

"My weapon appears in my pocket anytime I lose it." He smirks and and charges at him and Toga jumps at Percy and suddenly Katsuki blasts an explosion at her and he stands up and looks at Percy

"Move it Extra take Nico and go!" He says and Percy looks taken back and I roll my eyes

(A/N I couldn't stop laughing when I wrote this part. Just imagining Katsuki calling Percy an extra just makes me laugh)

Suddenly everything around us starts shaking and I look up and a bunch of rocks start coming down the mountain side

"Run now!" Aizawa yells and the portal guy opens and the league jumps in and disappear

Katsuki grabs me and Hazel and Fumikage grabs Percy and we jump off the side

I screamed and held Hazel and clinged to Katsuki as he uses his explosions to blast us away and Fumikage is following us and I see a passed out Percy in his arms

We land somewhere in the forest and Katsuki places me down somewhere gently and I take deep breaths

"You okay he asks me and I nod and look down at Hazel and hold her close to me

"Here give her to me, we're trained in first aid." He says and I hesitate but not and hand her to him

Fumikage lands next to us and puts Percy down who groans

"I don't do flying." He mumbles and I snort a bit

"Ya think? If we were in our world Zeus would blast us down for being in his domain." I say and he chuckles a bit and looks at Fumikage

"Thanks man." He says and he nods his head at Percy and Dark Shadow gives him a thumbs up

"A friend of Nico's is a friend of mine." He says and Percy looks at me

"Making friends? Good job" He jokes and I kick his shin

"Shut it Jackson. How did they get you anyway?" I ask and he sighs

"I was on the beach setting something up and they just appeared. And as I go to fight back  corpse dude is blasting fire at me and I start going at it with him and I didn't notice the amount of members there were because that crazy chick comes up behind me hits me with the hint of her knife knocking me out." He states and I frown and look at Hazel

"And her?" I ask and he sighs looking guilty.

"I wasn't there with Hazel when it happened...I'm sorry Nico" He says and I know immediately what was going threw his head

"Hey, don't start. It's not your fault." I state and he looks at me and shakes his head

"I know." He mumbles and I sigh and go back to Hazel

"She's fine just a couple scratches, she put up a fight " Katsuki says and I smile

"I bet she did." I smile and suddenly her eyes open and she immediately backs up and and I jump in her view

"Haze Haze it's me." I say and her eyes widen and soon she is tackling me in a hug

"Nico! Your okay!" She says and I smile and hug her back

"Yes I am" I reassure her and suddenly she sits up

And punches my arm

"That's for leaving and not telling anyone!" She scolds and I wince and rub my arm

"I told Percy." I said and she rolls her eyes

"Percy doesn't count he found out as you left" She said and I sigh

"We'll talk about it later." I said and she sighs and looks around

I glance at Katsuki and he was smirking amused and I shake my head

"Well from where I stand. We are lost in the woods. I can fly up and see how far we are and go back to the land slide and make sure everyone is okay." Fumikage says and I nod

"That's a good idea. We'll stay around here" I say and he nods and soon he is flying off

"I like bird dude." Percy says and I snort and I look to Katsuki

"Do you think he'll be able to make his way back?" I ask and he shrugs

"I don't know honestly right now though we should make this a camping area for now and not wonder far." He says and I nod

"I agree maybe we should gather supplies, Percy and I can find water if you guys want to find food or something and maybe we can make a fire?" Hazel suggests and I nod

"Yeah but we don't want the fire, we don't know if those villains came back or not, fire might be a good way for rescue to find us but the Villains also." Katsuki states and Percy speaks up

"Nico told me about your world most people have powers called quirks. Those villains what are their names and quirks?" He asks and Katsuki sighs

"Psyco bitch, the blond with buns in her hair is Toga, if she ingests your blood she can shape-shift into you. Corpse look guy, his name is Dabi? He has blue flames. Uhh their leader with the hands. If he touches you with all 5 fingers he can disintegrate you. Skinny guy with the mask, they call him Mr.Compress he makes these pearls that capture people. The lizard guy I guess is stealth? I'm not sure. The purple mist guy they call Kurogiri, he can teleport." He says and Percy eyes were wide

"Oh...uh okay...your quirk is explosions right?" He asks and Katsuki nods then looks back at me

"That's another reason it was better for Birdbrain to fly, his flying is quieter then mine is or I wouldn't went." He says and I nod

"I get it, let's just work with what we got." I say and he nods silently

Why is he trying to keep his cool? He usually has some smart ass comment or something

"Nico? I'm gonna go with Percy to get water. I have my canteen on me so we'll have some water to bring back." She says and Katsuki grabs his backpack

I forgot he was able to grab his backpack before we flew off.

"I have another waterbottle and my pocket knife here." He says and gives them to her and I raise an eyebrow about the knife

"Not a fucking word to Aizawa." He says and I put my hands up in defense with a smirk

"Okay rule breaker." I say and he snorts flicking my head

"Be quiet Zombie Boy" He says with a soft smile and I hear Percy cough and I look at him and he is smirking a bit then looks to Hazel

"Ready Haze?" He asks and she giggles looking at us and nods

"Thanks for the knife. We'll be back" She says and they walk off

"Atleast Percy has riptide, he is the best swordsman and fighter at camp. He also doesn't give up that's why I'm so okay with Hazel going with him.: I say and Katsuki looks at the direction they went in

"He seems strong, I sense it. It's very much there." He says and I nod

"Him and his girlfriend Annabeth went through a lot together if she was here you could tell just by looking at them...oh gods Annabeth...she is gonna flip I hope Percy Iris messages her soon." I say and Katsuki snorts but has a relieved look on his face

Why did he look so relieved?

I shake my head and snatch his backpack

"Anything helpful?" I ask and and I see a spare hoodie a blanket and books

"Why the blanket?" I ask and he smiles a bit

"I go on night jogs. Don't tell Aizawa and if I find a good spot I'll lay the blanket down and lay there and study. It's nice actually." he says and I smile

"I like that maybe I can join one night." I say and I froze saying that and a blush rushes to my cheeks

I did not just say that.

He chuckles and reaches over and brushes my hair out of my eyes

"I would like that." He states and I blush more and we hear a stick break and we look up.

"Uh...we found water." Percy says with a big smirk and Hazel was fanning her face

I clear my throat standing up and brush myself off

"Good good. Uh is it far?" I ask and Katsuki snickers and I shoot him a look and Percy laughs

"No just a little bit down from camp, I filtered too so it's safe to drink." He says and Katsuki looks confused.

"How the hell did you filter it?" He ask and Percy grins

"Okay so my Godly parent is Poseidon and I have the ability to control water and much more. So with the water I.."

He rambles on for a bit but I kinda ignore him as I think about what happened

...does Katsuki saying that means he likes me?

I mean I like him but doe she like me?

And if he does what are we gonna do? I'm not from this world..

But...I do like it here...

I don't know what to do. Then there's my dreams

I so hate my life

Yay! Another chapter updated!

What's going on with Nico dreams?

Will Percy and Hazel be able to help him?

Will him and Katsuki become a couple? Or will things go differently?

Thank you so much for reading love Y'all!


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