❝ eight : flashback and dread ❞

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music recommended - gumi's crystalline [ piano synthesia version by xpassionangelx ]

"hey guys, what's up?"

shu approached the beyclub while reaching for launcher and bey. they looked amongst each other as if deciding what to say. rantaro glanced at valt, who appearred like a deer caught in headlights. he sighed and said, "nothing much," while leaning back against the fence. "i get lazy, unlike crazy." he gestured towards the blue haired male.

valt snapped out of it and opened his mouth to protest, but diago glared at him. hurry it up, he mouthed. he could tell either way that the black haired male said this based on the look on his face.


shu was just about to bend down to begin practice, but he asked, "what's going on? valt?"

ken flashed a slight thumbs up and quietly said, "valt needs to tell you something important. isn't that right?" the blue haired male bit his lip but nodded.

shu was slightly stunned by what was before him. his best friend being bashful and ken no longer using keru and besu to communicate. he sweatdropped, assuming whatever must be said is serious. he blinked and asked, "okay.. what is it?"

the blue haired blader made his move. he reached for shu's hand and tried his best to not turn red while dragging the albino to the other side of the rooftop. he faintly heard wakiya sigh in dissappointment and say, "so much for watching the show."

this is it, boy.

valt flinched. the voice had made it's return just as he was about to see what his memory was going to show him happened between him and shu.

he levitated behind fake valt to pay close attention.

shu smiled slightly, tilting his head waiting for a response and letting a few strands of hair let loose from behind his ear. unfortunately for the albino, he was pacing back and forth, whispering at a rapid speed that could rival that of izuku midoriya's. though they have no idea who that is.


the blue haired male stopped in his tracks. he looked up at shu, whom impatiently awaited an explanation of some sort. with one long breath, he shut his eyes tightly and stammered, "lookshuwe'veknowneachothersincechildhoodbutireallylikeyouandwantedtoaskifyou'dmaybewant

he gasped for air. shu's smile remained unfaltered as he slowly but surely interpreted his friends words. by the time he finished thinking, his eyes widened and lips parted slightly in surprise. "wait, so you.. you like me?"

valt whined but nodded, fumbling his fingers and clasping his hands together nervously. "i know we've been really close since we were little, but i always just felt safe in your presence. i'm not even sure when i grew feelings for the great shu kurenai but.. there you have it.."

the albino blader was struck with guilt. "look, valt.. i, uh, i like you too! ..just not in that way, i'm sorry.."

valt felt the tears in his eyes, alright. but he was determined to keep it together. he should've known this would happen.

poor little valt aoi, love just isn't for you is it?

"o-oh.. okay."

shu struggled to smile and hugged valt. "please don't let this ruin what we already have, 'kay?"

valt nodded, slapping on a fake smile for the sake of their friendship. he choked back a sob and quickly said, "y-yeah, okay! see you later, shu!" and he took off, leaving a slightly worried albino and confused beyclub attempting to run towards him.

『 later 』

shu returned with a first aid kit found in the cabinet's of the restroom. he entered just in time to see valt was only slightly conscious, squirming as if having a dream- or worse, a nightmare. "oh valt.."

xander nodded at him to begin healing up valt whilst he explained to the beyclub members. although a certain blond cut him off before he could open his mouth.

"but.. why wouldn't he tell us?" rantaro mumbled, voice barely above a whisper but audible in the silence. xander looked at him sympathetically.

diago shook slightly, pulling down his bandana to cover his tearful eyes. valt wouldn't do this.., right? he thought. he biting his lip and yelled, "valt's not the kind of person to do this!" ken patted his back, resulting in the slightest of comfort. the taller male himself wore a neutral face and remained silent as always. he felt guilty, and that emotion just shut him up.

xander planted a hand on his hip and used the other to run it through his hair. "oh boy, how do i explain this?"

"well you better, i don't care how you do it!" xander was as shocked when he heard wakiya, out of all people, raise his voice for caring matter. the blonde clenched his fist and sent a glaring stare at him. "there's no way in hell i'm letting this idiot off the hook without an explanation!"

the red head sighed. he stood up and rubbed the nape of his neck, starting off. "you see.. as of recently he mentioned more and more people are commenting on his 'abilities' to eat a lot of beybread, as well as him being a loser."

shu wrapped the gauze around the sleeping male's arm after disinfecting the cuts. "then.. well, he started harming himself. he fully rolled up the sleeves. everyone gasped silently, but the albino knew they were on the borderline of sobbing. he heard the thuds of running footsteps and looked up in time to see ken tun to the bathroom and vomit, not knowing how to process everything.

wakiya fumed, crossing his arms. "who in their right mind would call him a loser? he's the main character, for fafnir's sake! though i have no idea what that is."

valt suddenly groaned, his eyes starting to flutter open as he sat upwards and yawned. "w.. what happened.. guys?"

no one even got a chance to open their mouth as wakiya exlaimed, "valt!" he stood before him, making the blue haired male wince. "how dare you not tell us!"

valt's eyes widened. he quickly took his hands back from shu, who was for some reason holding them, and strategically shoved them under his blanket. "uh.. tell you what?"

the blonde was beyond furious. "that you c-"

"couldn't tell us about kakegurui on netflix?"

the blue haired male blinked twice, tilting his head in confusion. rantaro strolled over and slapped a hand over the other blond's mouth.  "anyways, wanna go watch it, buddy?"

valt nodded. he smiled and began to collect himself from the position he was in.

they looked at each other and nodded. "we'll be leaving now, valt. take care." diago mumbled. they shuffled into the hallway and began down the stairs, just in time for ken to rejoin them.

as soon as valt heard the door close, he made a beeline for the restroom before shu or xander could stop him. the albino lightly banged on the door and inquired if the other male was alright. valt sat on the toilet with a arm holding up his knees. he wasn't crying, but replied in a monotone voice, "it's.. just a feeling of dread, shu. i-i'm alright."

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