Dinner Tension

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* Curse words are in this. Just warning you just in case. This chapter was fun to write since it shows the inner tension in the Loud House at the moment.

When Lynn came down for dinner, she noticed that nobody was speaking. She knew that it was an expected outcome of losing two of their family members. She also noticed that Lori was silently glaring at her along with Luan and Luna. She didn't mind it and just started eating her food.

After a couple of minutes of awkward silence, she decided to make some small talk.

"This meal is delicious Dad." Lynn Said.

"Thank you, Lynn." Lynn Sr. Said. After the conversation, the awkward silence continued which made Lynn uneasy. Luna looked like she was going to explode with rage and it won't be pretty.

Suddenly Luna banged her hands on the table with rage startling everyone. When the sisters looked over, they noticed that her face was red and that she had unshed tears in her eyes.

"Why? Why are we acting like nothings wrong? We should be researching for the orphanage and visiting Lincoln and Lily...Not eating this food like it's an ordinary day." Luna yelled. 

"Sweetie, It May take hours for us to find the orphanage and we don't have that kind of time. So why don't you sit down and keep eating. We can go to the orphanage tomorrow to them just be patient." Rita Said.

"No!! I can't just eat while Lincoln and Lily are far away from us. We need to find them and bring them home now!!" Luna Said.

"Luna, Calm down. Yelling at us won't get Lincoln and Lily back any sooner" Lori Said. Luna turned to glare at Lori with anger.

"Calm Down? Calm Down?! If you treated Lincoln better than he would still be here with us. However all you care about is your precious Bobby Boo Boo Bear who would probably dumb your ass after this incident gets out." Luna Said.

"How Dare you say that to me? The same could be said about you and Sam once she knows your role in this incident. Besides yelling at us won't let us see Lincoln and Lily anytime soon."Lori Said.

"You take that back..you bitch!! All you do is boss us around and use your older sister status  to everything handed to you." Luna roared. The family gasped in shock due to the fact that Luna cursed in front of her younger siblings. Meanwhile Lori started to turn red with rage.

"Bitch?! How dare you call me that? I deserve respect for looking after all of you while Mom and Dad go on date night." Lori stated.

"Respect? Respect?! You don't deserve our respect. All you do is talk on your phone and boss us around for a thrill. You're just as bad as Lola who blackmails all of us just to get something that she wants." Luna Said.

"What did you say about me?" Lola yelled.

"You heard me...You're a selfish brat who only cares about herself." Luna Said.

"Hey!! Leave Lola alone!! Sure she's selfish, but that doesn't mean that you can talk to her like that." Lana said.

"Oh Look..The girl who eats everything is talking to us about leaving her brat of a sister alone. Why don't you do us all a favor and take a shower for once? You're disgusting Lana and everyone knows it." Luna Said.

"Luna.Calm Down. This won't help us get Lincoln and Lily back in our lives. It will only make things worse." Luan Said.

"Shut Up Luan. Your pranks are harmful to this family and you don't care. And don't get me started on those horrible puns that cause everyone to groan." Luna Said.

"Luna...Stop it. Yelling at us won't do any good right now." Lynn stated.

"Shut up Lynn. You started this whole thing and I wish you weren't ever my sister." Luna Said.


"Oh..Are you going to ground me by locking me outside? What kind of parenting is that? In fact, You're the worst mother ever." Luna yelled. Rita was stunned and felt tears come to her eyes and quickly ran to her room. Meanwhile Leni got up and slapped Luna across the face.

"LUNA...WHY ARE YOU PICKING FIGHTS WITH EVERYONE? WE NEED TO BAND TOGETHER TO GET LINKY AND LILY BACK YET YOU'RE YELLING AT US INSTEAD." Leni Shouted. Luna didn't say anything and just went to her room. Meanwhile the rest of the family silently finished eating and went upstairs to their room. Luan had to bunk with Lori and Leni because Luna Locked the door to her room. While the rest of the Louds, slept Lynn felt that something bad was going to happen and whatever it is..it won't be good for her family.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions? Questions?

Bye 👋 

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