Fight #1

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*This will have curse words and violence.

Anger. Anger can make a person do or say things that most would regret. Such as the case showing in front of all of the Loud sisters. Sisters who have endured endless hardships ever since  their only brother and youngest sister were taken away. Everyone knew that Lynn started this thing so it was a matter of time before one of the sisters snapped. 

"My fault? MY FAULT?! It's Lincoln's fault that this happened. If he wasn't a bitch about being kicked out of the house then everything would be fine and we would all be happy." Lynn yelled.

"Oh..Everyone will be happy? Are you that delusional? Lincoln could have been kidnapped or killed because of you. We should've never listened to you...When you claimed that Lincoln was bad luck since you were a sore loser about things." Lori Said.

"You take that bitch. I'm not a sore loser." Lynn argued.

"Actually..She's right. You are a sore loser and a sore winner. We should have known that you would blame Lincoln for losing your game when you can't even handle losing a board game during game night." Luan Said.

"Hey!! Blame Lincoln not me. I'm the victim here." Lynn Said.

"Funny you should say that Lynn. Since you threatened Lincoln to come to the game by using your baseball bat before the game started. Before you argue..I have the whole thing on video." Lisa Said.

"You threatened Lincoln with a baseball bat before that game?! Are you nuts? Are you seriously that delusional that you'll blame Lincoln for losing your game when you threatened him with a baseball bat?" Luna Said.

"The spirits are most upset with that news Lynn. May you have mercy on your soul." Lucy Said.

"So I threatened Lincoln. So what? There was no harm done." Lynn Said. The girls looked at her with rage on their faces.

"No harm done? NO HARM DONE?! Lynn everyone in Royal Woods hates us. We lost all of our rewards, our lovers and some of us even got banned from our activities because of this." Lori Shouted.

"Oh I'll show you hardships..Bitch." Lynn Said before she punched Lori on the right eye. Leaving her right eye swollen and with a black eye. Lori slowly touched the area and hissed in pain before glaring at Lynn with massive rage. 

"Did you seriously punch me..Lynn? Because if you did then it's on." Lori Said.

"I did punch you Lori...Since you're such a bitch to everyone in the household." Lynn Said.

Lori punched Lynn in her stomach making her cough up some blood and doubling over in pain. Then Lori kicked her across her left cheek leaving behind a bruise. Which started a brutal brawl between the two. Eventually...The Loud parents came home and looked on in horror at the sight.

"LYNN..LORI...DINING ROOM NOW." Lynn Sr. Shouted. The other girls looked at each other and knew that Lori and Lynn were in big trouble. Question is...Is that the last fight in the household or is it the start of something unimaginable?

Either way...Many of the sisters knew that the Loud House will change. For better or worse.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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