Royal Woods (Part Two of Four)

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This is what Lincoln looks like from now on.  I also don't own any of the pictures used..they belong to their creators.

It's been a couple days since Maria, Ronnie Anne, Carlota and Carlino started to drive to Royal Woods and they finally arrived. It seemed like a perfectly ordinary day, but you can tell that there was tension in the air. 

"So this is where you lived?"Carlota said.

"Yeah. I wanted to come back some day, but I never imagined that it would be under these circumstances." Ronnie Anne said.

"Me neither Ronalda. Now, we have to check into the hotel and head over to the Child Protective Office so we can adopt Lincoln and Lily." Maria said. As she quickly parked near the hotel, she hoped that the adoption goes smoothly. 

"Wow. This place is amazing." Carlota said.

"I know. Thanks to the killer going around...most businesses are cutting down prices of their items." Maria said as the group walked in and went to their hotel room.

"Listen..I know that some of you want to go explore, but you should always stay together and keep a look out." Maria said.

"Don't worry aunt Maria...I'll keep an eye on them." Carlino said making Ronnie Anne and Carlota roll their eyes. As this was going on...Lynn Sr. was informing the child protective services of his decision to give Lincoln and Lily to the Santiago's.

Are you sure Mr. Loud? Once you do can't take it back.

I'm sure. They deserve much better than being back at the house. Especially since my children keep fighting with each other.

Alright. Do you want to arrange one last meeting with your son and daughter.

Yes. I think that will be for the best.

Okay. Then we will meet with Maria Santiago and have her sign the papers. Good day Mr. Loud.

After the phone call ended, Lynn Senior sat down and looked at the blank side of the bed. His wife was still unconscious and seemed to be slowly losing the will to live. Not to mention that his daughters were still divided and were avoiding Lynn Junior.

"I hope that your new home will be better than ours Lincoln." He said. As his two children were just receiving the news about his decision. 

"So...he's giving us away?" Lincoln said sadly. He had hoped that his family would turn a new leaf and change, but it seems like they changed for the worst. Some part of him understood his father's reasons, was still hard to disgust.

"He had no choice. Your sisters were tearing each other apart, your mother started to become depressed and with the recent fight...your father just couldn't take anymore. Not to mention the murderer still walking around."The CPS worker said.

"At least I know which family adopted my sister and I. I just wish that things didn't have to end this way." Lincoln said.

"I know. But look at the bright and your sister still get a chance to start over." The CPS worker said as she left the room leaving Lincoln and Lily alone.

"Lily. I'm sorry to say this, but we're not Louds anymore." Lincoln said.

"Poo Poo." Lily said as she reached her hands up towards him and he gave her a hug. It was scary to think that they were leaving their birth family behind, but they didn't have a choice. At the same time..Maria was getting ready for the meeting coming later the same day while Carlino, Ronnie Anne and Carlota were heading to the mall.

"I can't wait to see all of the sells going on." Carlota said as Ronnie Anne tried not to roll her eyes. When she heard someone yelling her name...turning around she came face to face with Clyde McBride who was running towards her.

"Ronnie Anne! What are you doing here?" Clyde asked when she came close to her.

"My mom is going to adopt Lincoln and Lily at the request of Lynn Senior." Ronnie Anne said.

"To be honest, that is the single great decision that he made given the recent murders and  the numerous fights that were going on in the house." Clyde said.

"We only heard about the last one...where one of them used a knife." Ronnie Anne said.

"I heard about that. The family has been tearing itself apart due to the removal of Lincoln and Lily. And it's safe to say that they are better off with you since you're further away from Royal Woods." Clyde said.

"Were they really that bad?" Ronnie Anne said.

"Yes. The house is always silent, but sometimes we can hear fighting going on which ranged from Lincoln's sister fighting among each other and being disrespectful to their parents. In fact my parents are even talking about moving from here and going somewhere else." Clyde said.

"I wish you luck on that." Ronnie Anne said as Clyde started to walk away from her. As she went to join her cousins inside the mall, Maria Santiago was driving to the CPS office ready to get Lincoln and Lily away from here.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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