Tension Part 2

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*This will have curse words and violence.

When Lynn Jr. came down to eat some food..She noticed how every sister seemed to glare at her. Lynn also noticed how her mother was staring down at the ground with a sad expression on her face. However before she could question her... Rita stood up and left the room probably to cry or something. The act was strange mainly because her sister's never bothered to glance at their mother or say anything comforting to her. They just let her go without taking their eyes off her.

"Hey guys...Hello Lori. What's for breakfast?" Lynn Asked. The others didn't answer which didn't surprise her since she thought that they were still dealing with the fight between her and Lori.

"Oh..I get it. You guys are still dealing with the fallout between Lori and I. Well..it should be fine..Lori and I will become best sister pals again..eventually." Lynn Said before she sat down. Suddenly Luna banged her hands on the table and slowly started to walk towards Lynn while Lori went to the opposite side.

"That's not why we're angry bro. We're angry because our lives have gone to hell ever since you claimed that Lincoln was badluck." Luna Said.

"Why are you guys still on that? All we need to do is..."Lynn started before Lori cut her off.

"There is no we here Lynn. Only you. Because of you..All of our friends ditched us..Because of you...Our boyfriends along with Luna's girlfriend don't want us around...and because of you...our sibling bonds have gone to hell. All of our problems started with YOU." Lori Said with Fire burning behind her eyes.

"Hey don't blame me. It's all..." Lynn started before Lola interrupted her.

"Let me guess...You're going to blame Lincoln for this mess. Why don't you own up to your mistake and say that this is all your fault? Besides Lincoln isn't even here to spread his supposed badluck on us like you always wanted." Lola Said.

"She's right. Lincoln isn't here along with Lily. Why can't you own up to your mistakes and stop dragging us down with you?" Luan Said.

"B..But." Lynn shuttered.

"Listen here..You bitch. Because of your stupid superstitions..We lost everything and are about to lose each other. So why don't you grow a brain and just tell us that you messed up." Luna Said.

"No." Lynn Said.

"Excuse me? You can't admit that this whole thing was just an excuse for you to justify why you lost your game. So why don't you stick your head out of your ass and say sorry to us about what you put us and Lincoln through." Lori Said.

"I don't need to apologize because this isn't my fault. This is all that badluck's fault and if you think threatening me will make me apologize then you have another thing coming." Lynn Said before her head twisted a hard right. 

"Oh please...We all know that this is your fault. If we never listened to you then none of this would be happening. We would still have our activities, people wouldn't gossip about us and glare at us, we wouldn't be kicked out of our favorite stores, we would still have our friends and lovers ones and most importantly..We would still have Lincoln and Lily in the house." Luna yelled.

Before Lynn could say anything else..Lori punched her hard on her left eye. Lynn slowly got up and tried to rush Lori, but Luna pulled her pony tail to throw her onto the ground. Then Luna used her left foot to stomp on her stomach making her cough up blood. Lynn grabbed Luna's leg and pulled her down and twisted it hard making her squeal in pain before Lori stomped on her right leg. 

Squealing...Lynn used the table to get some leverage so she can punch Lori in her stomach. While Lori was holding her stomach..Lynn punched her in her right eye. Luna used that time to hit Lynn in the back of her neck and threw her against the left wall. Groaning..Lynn slumped row to the floor and found a forgotten knife on the floor. A knife that she used to stab Luna in her right leg. 

Grunting..Luna took the knife out and used it to stab Lynn in her left arm. Then she pulled it out and slapped Lynn again. Before the violence can esculate further...The sound of a pot hitting the floor was heard and when the trio turned around..They saw a shocked Lynn Sr. who dropped a pan full of legs on the ground.

Eventually that shocked look on his face disappeared into rage. Rage that scared the girls and made them look only at their hands. Lynn Sr. grinded his teeth and slowly managed to say...


Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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