The Dreaded Talk

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When Rita heard her husband say that he wanted to talk...she knew that it would make or break this family in ways that she couldn't imagine. There was only one event that changed this family...the Bad Luck incident where she and her husband went to far in alienating her son which cost the family Lincoln and Lily. One for all the abuse and neglect that he suffered at their hands for the incident and the other that was taken in fear that she would pick up some bad habits.

"Talk? About what Lynn?" Rita asked.

"About this family. Rita...Ever since Lincoln and Lily were taken away..Our family started to change for the worst." Lynn Sr. Said.

"It's not that bad Lynn." Rita Said.

"Not that bad? Not that bad?! Rita, if you haven't noticed our daughters are fighting with each other and us Remember how Luna used to treat you with respect and hardly cursed at you, but when Lincoln and Lily were taken...Luna started to yell at you and curse at you." Lynn Sr. Said.

"But.." Rita started, but stopped once Lynn held his hand up.

"I'm not finished. Over the last couple of days...We had to take a couple of our daughters to the hospital. The first time was Lori and Lynn. The second was Lori, Lynn and Luna. That last fight even had them using a knife against each other." Lynn Sr. Stated.

"A knife? Are they okay?" Rita asked.

"They're fine. We should really count each other lucky that the hospital hasn't called CPS on us." Lynn Sr. Said.

"Thank goodness." Rita Said.

"Rita...I'm sorry to say this, but...I don't think that Lincoln and Lily should be brought back." Lynn Said.

"What? Are you crazy Lynn? Of course my babies should be brought back to us." Rita argued.

"Rita..Listen to me..We haven't been good parents or role models to our children." Lynn Said.

"What? But..." Rita Said when she was interrupted.

"Think about Rita...Lana eats out of a Trash Can, Leni can hardly focus on anything besides Fashion, Luan pranks people with devastating results, Lola is spoiled and blackmails people, Lisa experiments always explode and she experiments on her siblings, Lucy is eight and already a goth, Lori is bossy and spends time with her now ex boyfriend Bobby, Luna speaks with a British accent and plays loudly and Lynn beats people up and takes superstitions too far." Lynn Said.

"We can easily fix those Lynn. Besides that doesn't mean that..." Rita stated.

"NO RITA. Look...We could've easily fixed them a long time ago, but we didn't. Instead we let them walk all over us and we hardly punished them. And we could've stopped this from going too far, but we didn't." Lynn Said.

"But if we can't keep my babies then who will? They could be taken to abusers who were never reported or even be taken out of state." Rita said.

"I already know the perfect people for Lincoln and Lily...Only question is...If they would be willing to listen to what I say." Lynn Sr. Said.

"B..But who?" Rita asked.

"I'll handle it Honey. J...Just don't get mad at me for what I'm about to do." Lynn Sr. Said as he exited the room leaving Rita alone.

As he left, Rita started to sob. Her family...will never be whole again and the worse was all  the result of bad decisions that she made in the household.

And now...Her babies are going to a new family...Only question is who will take care of them?

At the same time, Lynn went to the house phone and dialed up a number. As the phone rang, he considered hanging up the phone and trying to regain custody of Lincoln and Lily. However...He knew that his efforts were pointless since his kids were at each other's throats. 

Eventually someone answered and Lynn Sr. knew that this will tear his family apart. 

Why did you call? If this is to seek some sympathy...then you have another thing coming.

W..Wait don't hang up...We need to talk about Lincoln and Lily.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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