Chapter 1

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Link's POV
I awoke in a cold sweat, my heart beating out of my chest, my breath coming and going in short gasps. That same nightmare always haunts my once pleasant dreams. All I see is that... that monster. He stalks me like a wolf does its prey, always waiting for the right moment to strike. I moved my dark blonde hair out of the way of my electric blue eyes, that were now scanning my dimly lit room for any signs of trouble. I groaned as I pulled myself from the warmth of my bed, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I walked over to the left side of my room to my dresser to grab my Hero's clothing. The sun would be fully out soon, so no need to procrastinate; a hero needs to be on guard all the time. As I grabbed my sword from its stand, my stomach growled, making my mind immediately wander towards food. I let out a sigh as I put my sword in its holster and wandered down to Hyrule Castle's kitchen, where I unexpectedly saw the love of my life waiting for me.

"Good morning, my love. You're up early.", Zelda said, walking towards me. I smirked at her saying, "I could say the same about you." She giggled, causing her pale pink lips to part into a pearly smile and her head to lean forward some, making some of her silky bronze strands of hair fall in front of her sapphire eyes. I took a few steps towards her, asking "Is there a reason for you being up so early?" She shook her head no while replying "Not really. I guess I just woke up earlier than usual. What about you? Link, you would sleep until two in the afternoon if you could. I can see in your eyes that you did not sleep with ease," she stepped forward until she grabbed my hands and quietly asked, "Please tell me."

I sighed as I reluctantly nodded and told her, "I have had trouble sleeping, to be honest. Every time I dream, my dreams are plagued with awful nightmares of... him." Zelda flinched at the mention of the monster I spoke of, yet she quickly shook it off. "Link, I'm sure it was nothing." She brought my fingertips to her lips and lightly kissed them, then looked up into my eyes. "How about I take you out riding with me this morning to get your mind off of it. Sound good?" I couldn't help but flash a smile and nod at her plea. She smiled her bright smile and led me outside to the stables, her ankle length purple dress flowed out behind her as she walked in front of me. When we got there, I lifted her onto Epona, despite her protests of her wanting to ride her own steed. Zelda reluctantly sighed, knowing I would not let her get down. After I climbed up onto my beautiful rust - colored mare, I flicked the reigns and we were off to Faron Spring.

It was about a 15 minute ride at the sprinting speed we were going. Zelda's arms were looped around my torso, not wanting to let go for fear of flying off. We made small talk, giggling every once in awhile. When we finally arrived, I helper her off of Epona and gave my mare a chance to rest. I pet her soft muzzle, telling her it was ok to relax since we are at our destination. I turn around to see Zelda dip her feet into the soothing waters of the spring. The light bounced off the water, making it shine onto her. She looked like some sort of goddess as she turned to me and smiled, silently beckoning me to join her. I do without a second thought and I stand next to her, my eyes closed. As I take a deep breath, I am met with a splash of water and a giggling Zelda. I smirked at her and whispered, "Alright, Princess. You asked for it!"

I splashed her back and she let out a small scream, followed by more laughing and another splash of water. Soon enough, we were in an all out battle, seeing who would give up first. Eventually I picked her up over my shoulder and took her out of the water and put her down in the soft green grass. We were both breathless from the battle, so I lay down on the grass, Zelda immediately following. As we just lay there and talked, my exhaustion finally set in. Zelda took notice and said "Sleep my love. You need it. Don't worry, I will be right here when you awaken." I nodded as she snuggled up to my chest and I held her tight as I drifted to sleep.

I opened my eyes, but I was not in Faron Spring. I was at the Bridge of Eldin. Startled, I looked around, curious at what was going on. Then I heard a dark chuckle say, "Hello, Brother." I turned around, wondering who was speaking. Little did I know I would come face to face with my worst nightmare come true. The corners of his pale lips turned upward into a sly smirk and his glowing blood red eyes stared into my soul. His voice similar, yet darker than mine, said, "Good to see you again, brother." I could feel the sarcasm burning through his words as he spoke. I narrowed my blue eyes and spat back, "I am nothing like you!" He chuckled darkly and started slowly walking towards me.

"But we truly are. We look similar, we talk similar, we fight the same," I hated to admit it, but he was right. But in the middle of my thoughts, I heard my love's voice. No no no, she shouldn't be here! "Link?" She called. I turned around, but that monster became one with the shadows and appeared behind Zelda. He snaked his arms around her waist and seductively said, "Hello, my dear." I didn't know what to do; if I tried anything, she might not come out of this alive. My heart was wrenching at her frightened expression, yet she tried to stay strong. "Get off of me!" She shouted, trying to push him away.

Then something inside me snapped as his pale hands started to wander. I couldn't take it anymore. "Don't you dare touch her!" I ran at him full speed, and I would have stabbed him if the Bastard did not teleport behind me. "My my, we even love the same girl!", he chuckled darkly. I shouted through clenched teeth, my sword now in hand, "Shut up!" He pulled out his sword, spinning it around. "But I am only speaking the truth," He said, "She will make a perfect queen." He smirked as the last part of that sentence left his lips. I lunged at him, yelling, "I said SHUT UP!"

My dark clone and I were locked in an intense sword fight, carefully watching each others next move. I was starting to get tired, my sword heavy in my left hand, but I kept going; Zelda's safety was on the line. I couldn't- no, I wouldn't let him take her. If he did... I can't even imagine what he would do to her. As my mind started to wander, he caught me off guard, stabbing me in the right side of my waist. I fell to the ground in pain, clutching my wound trying to stop the bleeding. That monster walked towards me, bent down, and whispered, "The time is near, Brother. She will be mine, and you, Hyrule, and your precious Goddesses will fall." Then he stood up and brought his sword down, making my world go dark.


I jumped awake, my breath heavy. Zelda looked at me, worry filling her beautiful blue eyes. "Link?", she asked, "Are you alright?" I sighed in relief knowing my love was safe, for now anyway. I held her closer, and she accepted it, but asked once again, "Are you ok? You can tell me anything." Knowing she was right, I nodded, and told her everything from the dream.


Heeyyy my Strangers. I randomly came up with this idea, and in my opinion, it is one of the better stories I have written. This is before my one shot Zelda is Haunted by Dark Link ( song fiction ) and I really hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter. Anyway, that's all for now. I love you all! Stay Strange!!!

♡- Em

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