Chapter 11

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Play the song while reading Link's POV! It works perfectly!

Link's POV

Her words echoed through my mind, and her face haunts me, no matter what I do. I know her actions were to save me, but that doesn't mean this hurts any less...

"Link... I'm sorry..."

"I will marry you"

She is marrying Dark Link against her will, only to save me and her people. Its... admirable... But painful to watch happen. I am sorry, Zelda. I've failed you... But I can't let you marry him.

I slowly opened my eyes, and found I wasn't in Castle Town like I was when I fought Dark Link. I was on the edge of Hyrule Field, close to the Faron Province. There's no way I could have gotten myself all the way over here. Someone had to have moved me, but who? I guess I will find out eventually, but the curiosity of who would help me at a time like this kept picking at my thoughts.

I started to sit up when a sharp pain pierced through me. I gasped out in pain and brought my hand up to my chest then looked down to see a wound that would have surely killed me. Whoever moved me must've healed me somehow, but even then, I would still be in awful condition... unless... Renado! He's the best shamen in all of Hyrule.  He's the only one who could have healed me so quickly.
I owe him greatly, and I will repay my debt to him... If he is still alive after what he's done...

I slowly stood, trying to lessen the pain from my wound. The pain from my injury was close to unbearable. It burned the damaged flesh around the scar, and stung whenever I moved in the slightest. Then the realization hit me; Dark Link has pierced me with the Dark Master Sword, and now I will bear the scar forever.

"Find the Hero!"

I whipped my head around to face the dark voice that gave the command. "Find the Hero of Hyrule!", it shouted once again. Uh oh. I had to get out of here before I was spotted. I ran up a large hill, not caring about the pain in my chest, adrenaline pumping through my veins. "Get the Hero!", I heard it shout. There was a thundering sound in the distance that was getting louder each second. I won't get far if I continue like this...

I pulled out a small silver whistle and played Epona's favorite melody, hoping she heard it. I kept sprinting as fast as I could, yet the beasts hunting me were gaining. My only hope now is Epona.

I looked up towards the top of the hill to see that the melody worked.Epona sped towards me; she pulled up beside me and I jumped on her back swiftly, urging my mare to go faster. One of the monsters let out an enraged roar as the others started firing arrows towards me.

"Come back and fight, you coward!", one of the beasts shouted. The one I can assume is the leader rode up beside me, swinging it's longsword at me. I ducked out of the way and quickly unsheathed my sword, swinging it at the monstrous being. My sword skimmed his shoulder armor, sending the metal cover flying off.

He screeched in rage and slowed down slightly. With his outraged cry, his minions started firing more arrows towards me and Epona. One skimmed the side of my cheek, causing some small streaks of blood to fall down my face. I hissed as I felt a stinging sensation from the cut.

The mob's leader rode up beside me once again, trying to knock me off of my mare. "Kill the Hero!", he shouted as he swung his sword at me a second time. I ducked and thrust the Master Sword into his side, causing black liquid to ooze out of the wound. The beast roared, bucking his head around.

He veered towards the Bridge of Eldin, with me right on his tail. I song the Master Sword one last time, hitting the leader in the side of his chest, knocking him off the bridge.

Epona reared back on her hind legs as I raised my sword in the air, shouting, "Come and face me!" I heard the rest of the mob start dashing away, ordering multiple retreats. With a smirk, I looked toward the darkened castle.

I'm coming, Zelda. I promise.


Zelda's POV

I looked out upon Hyrule Field for what feels like the thousandth time since my imprisonment. The blackened land was disturbed by some sort of search or rebellion, for there was a small group of what could only be Dark Link's minions chasing something. It was more than likely another innocent Hylian disagreeing with his cruel ways. However, as time passed, the battle between the supposed Hylian and Dark Link's search party grew more intriguing. The one being chased would not go down without a fight. Eventually, the mob seemed to retreat and the person on their horse reared back and held a blade in the air. Only then, I got a good look at the familiar shape. My breath caught in my throat.

Was that... Link?

I was dumbfounded. That wound would have surely killed him. But yet, there he was. I tried to shake my thoughts of such foolishness away. He couldn't be alive. I saw that wound. But, if my some miracle he survived, that wound will be nothing compared to his heartbreaking once he learns of my fate. 

I can't do this to him; I can't break his heart. I need him. I love him. A world without him... it's not a world worth living. Whenever I am in his arms, it's as if time stops completely and I feel safe. With him, I no longer feel cold and alone.

But in three days, I will never feel that way ever again. This thought brought tears to my eyes.

"Link...", I whispered as a tear slid silently down my cheek. 

"Don't tell me you're still crying over Link," Dark Link growled, making me jump, "I grow tired of your petty weeping for that Hero!"

"I can cry for him if I wish," I responded monotonously.

"Ah, but you forget, my beauty, that in three days time you can't. You seem to forget that I will be king of this land, and that you shall rule by my side as my lovely queen. And you also seem to forget that you and I will rule a blackened Hyrule together, my love." He snaked an arm around my waist and moved my hair behind my shoulders, his icy hands making me shiver as they brushed across my neck. Dark Link brought his lips to my skin, kissing my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my teeth to keep from whimpering as he bit the sensitive area. 

"Get off me," I said, failing at keeping my voice from trembling.

Dark Link chuckled as he lifted his face from my neck and brought it to my ear. "You belong to me," he whispered, his icy breath sending chills down my spine. "But, because you are being uncooperative," he said, gripping my shoulders and turning me to face his burning red eyes, "For the next three days, I will make you suffer for your disloyalty."



I am so sorry for the gap in updates! Summer was extremely busy and then school started and it has just been a mess. I am sure I lost a TON of readers because of this, but yeah. I have no excuse and I am SUPER sorry for this. But hey, at least now there is an update. I really hope that you all like this chapter and understand why there has been a lack of updates for Dark Link's Return. Again, I am so sorry and I hope y'all will continue reading, even if updates have been sucky lately. Anyway, that's all for now. I love you all! Stay Strange!

Love ~ Em

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