A Kind Of A Friend

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It's been unaware abouts after Dark was picked by an unknown stranger for several days. Link didn't trace anything where Dark is and has no clue what happened to him "I hope it wasn't my fault for making this to happen.." He sighs and keeps looking for Dark.

Dark wakes up strangely in a room that was normal and ended up with some stitches all over him "That's odd, no one even knows I can heal easily even if I had a bad injury." The stranger with a cloak covering his face opens the door and comes in "Oh so your awake already. Is your wounds okay?" The stranger asked. Dark nods as he slowly heals them "They're okay now. Why do you need to stitch them up?" "Most of your wounds have a long cut, so I gave some stitches for them to heal." "It's not like I'm gonna ended up having scars forever.." Dark sits up the bed "Why did you brought me here if I may be asking?" He looks around for a second, and remembered where he was "No..way." "You finally realize where you are Dark." Dark slightly stands up, going downstairs to see the area "This is my place.." The cloaked person went downstairs "And you think it wasn't. You used to live here until you leave because of your violent manners, satisfying of your own dark powers, willing to murder people behind the shadows." Dark penetrates him "You know about me too well.. I'm suggesting I already know you too." The stranger shakes his head "Not yet Dark. But soon time will come for you to see behind my cloak and you will remember me." "If you say so, but what about Link? Do you think he's looking for me?" "Link? You mean the hero of time who you like so much? I don't know if he is." Dark perks his ears "What did you say again?" The stranger feels teasingly to Dark "Nothing~ You never changed a bit whether you like somebody who's close to you." "Stop saying that.. But I should look for him first." "Why not go back to the old times you have been doing?" "Old times?" The stranger chuckles "How you always murder people in the past." Dark nods, he did have fun from his spree before "If you want me to.. How will I know if it's okay with me? I do kill people before but not some Links.." "That's the point, you don't like to kill Link. But you do like to spree on people. Give it a try." He gives Dark a knife, he wasn't exactly expecting to have it but he takes it and hides it in his lower leg "Fine.. But let me do this tonight." "Okay." And by going a spree, it meant literally. In the meantime, Link searches for Dark to say about the truth.

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